import * as functions from 'firebase-functions' import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' import { Contract } from '../../common/contract' import { getAllPrivateUsers, getUser, getValues, log } from './utils' import { sendInterestingMarketsEmail } from './emails' import { createRNG, shuffle } from '../../common/util/random' import { DAY_MS } from '../../common/util/time' export const weeklyMarketsEmails = functions .runWith({ secrets: ['MAILGUN_KEY'] }) // every Monday at 12pm PT (UTC -07:00) .pubsub.schedule('0 19 * * 1') .timeZone('utc') .onRun(async () => { await sendTrendingMarketsEmailsToAllUsers() }) const firestore = admin.firestore() export async function getTrendingContracts() { return await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .where('isResolved', '==', false) .where('visibility', '==', 'public') // can't use multiple inequality (/orderBy) operators on different fields, // so have to filter for closed contracts separately .orderBy('popularityScore', 'desc') // might as well go big and do a quick filter for closed ones later .limit(500) ) } async function sendTrendingMarketsEmailsToAllUsers() { const numContractsToSend = 6 const privateUsers = await getAllPrivateUsers() // get all users that haven't unsubscribed from weekly emails const privateUsersToSendEmailsTo = privateUsers.filter((user) => { return !user.unsubscribedFromWeeklyTrendingEmails }) const trendingContracts = (await getTrendingContracts()) .filter( (contract) => !( contract.question.toLowerCase().includes('trump') && contract.question.toLowerCase().includes('president') ) && (contract?.closeTime ?? 0) > + DAY_MS ) .slice(0, 20) for (const privateUser of privateUsersToSendEmailsTo) { if (! { log(`No email for ${privateUser.username}`) continue } const contractsAvailableToSend = trendingContracts.filter((contract) => { return !contract.uniqueBettorIds?.includes( }) if (contractsAvailableToSend.length < numContractsToSend) { log('not enough new, unbet-on contracts to send to user', continue } // choose random subset of contracts to send to user const contractsToSend = chooseRandomSubset( contractsAvailableToSend, numContractsToSend ) const user = await getUser( if (!user) continue await sendInterestingMarketsEmail(user, privateUser, contractsToSend) } } function chooseRandomSubset(contracts: Contract[], count: number) { const fiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000 const seed = Math.round( / fiveMinutes).toString() shuffle(contracts, createRNG(seed)) return contracts.slice(0, count) }