import { getFirestore, doc, setDoc, getDoc, onSnapshot, collection, query, where, limit, getDocs, orderBy, } from 'firebase/firestore' import { getAuth } from 'firebase/auth' import { ref, getStorage, uploadBytes, getDownloadURL } from 'firebase/storage' import { onAuthStateChanged, GoogleAuthProvider, signInWithPopup, } from 'firebase/auth' import { app } from './init' import { PrivateUser, User } from '../../../common/user' import { createUser } from './api-call' import { getValues, listenForValues } from './utils' export type { User } const db = getFirestore(app) export const auth = getAuth(app) export async function getUser(userId: string) { const docSnap = await getDoc(doc(db, 'users', userId)) return as User } export async function getUserByUsername(username: string) { // Find a user whose username matches the given username, or null if no such user exists. const userCollection = collection(db, 'users') const q = query(userCollection, where('username', '==', username), limit(1)) const docs = await getDocs(q) const users = => as User) return users[0] || null } export async function setUser(userId: string, user: User) { await setDoc(doc(db, 'users', userId), user) } export function listenForUser(userId: string, setUser: (user: User) => void) { const userRef = doc(db, 'users', userId) return onSnapshot(userRef, (userSnap) => { setUser( as User) }) } const CACHED_USER_KEY = 'CACHED_USER_KEY' // used to avoid weird race condition let createUserPromise: Promise<User | null> | undefined = undefined export function listenForLogin(onUser: (user: User | null) => void) { const cachedUser = localStorage.getItem(CACHED_USER_KEY) onUser(cachedUser ? JSON.parse(cachedUser) : null) if (!cachedUser) createUser() // warm up cloud function return onAuthStateChanged(auth, async (fbUser) => { if (fbUser) { let user: User | null = await getUser(fbUser.uid) if (!user) { if (!createUserPromise) { createUserPromise = createUser() } user = (await createUserPromise) || null } onUser(user) // Persist to local storage, to reduce login blink next time. // Note: Cap on localStorage size is ~5mb localStorage.setItem(CACHED_USER_KEY, JSON.stringify(user)) } else { // User logged out; reset to null onUser(null) localStorage.removeItem(CACHED_USER_KEY) createUserPromise = undefined } }) } export async function firebaseLogin() { const provider = new GoogleAuthProvider() signInWithPopup(auth, provider) } export async function firebaseLogout() { auth.signOut() } const storage = getStorage(app) // Example: uploadData('avatars/ajfi8iejsf.png', data) export async function uploadData( path: string, data: ArrayBuffer | Blob | Uint8Array ) { const uploadRef = ref(storage, path) // Uploaded files should be cached for 1 day, then revalidated // See const metadata = { cacheControl: 'public, max-age=86400, must-revalidate' } await uploadBytes(uploadRef, data, metadata) return await getDownloadURL(uploadRef) } export async function listAllUsers() { const userCollection = collection(db, 'users') const q = query(userCollection) const docs = await getDocs(q) return => as User) } export function listenForAllUsers(setUsers: (users: User[]) => void) { const userCollection = collection(db, 'users') const q = query(userCollection) listenForValues(q, setUsers) } export function listenForPrivateUsers( setUsers: (users: PrivateUser[]) => void ) { const userCollection = collection(db, 'private-users') const q = query(userCollection) listenForValues(q, setUsers) } const topTradersQuery = query( collection(db, 'users'), orderBy('totalPnLCached', 'desc'), limit(21) ) export async function getTopTraders() { const users = await getValues<User>(topTradersQuery) return users.filter((user) => user.username !== 'SG').slice(0, 20) } const topCreatorsQuery = query( collection(db, 'users'), orderBy('creatorVolumeCached', 'desc'), limit(20) ) export function getTopCreators() { return getValues<User>(topCreatorsQuery) }