import { Bet } from 'common/bet' import { Comment } from 'common/comment' import { User } from 'common/user' import { Contract } from 'common/contract' import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { minBy, maxBy, groupBy, partition, sumBy } from 'lodash' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import clsx from 'clsx' import { Avatar } from 'web/components/avatar' import { UserLink } from 'web/components/user-page' import { OutcomeLabel } from 'web/components/outcome-label' import { CopyLinkDateTimeComponent } from 'web/components/feed/copy-link-date-time' import { contractPath } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts' import { firebaseLogin } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { createComment, MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH } from 'web/lib/firebase/comments' import Textarea from 'react-expanding-textarea' import { Linkify } from 'web/components/linkify' import { SiteLink } from 'web/components/site-link' import { BetStatusText } from 'web/components/feed/feed-bets' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { getProbability } from 'common/calculate' import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator' import { PaperAirplaneIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' export function FeedCommentThread(props: { contract: Contract comments: Comment[] parentComment: Comment bets: Bet[] truncate?: boolean smallAvatar?: boolean }) { const { contract, comments, bets, truncate, smallAvatar, parentComment } = props const [showReply, setShowReply] = useState(false) const [replyToUsername, setReplyToUsername] = useState('') const betsByUserId = groupBy(bets, (bet) => bet.userId) const user = useUser() const commentsList = comments.filter( (comment) => && comment.replyToCommentId === ) commentsList.unshift(parentComment) const [inputRef, setInputRef] = useState<HTMLTextAreaElement | null>(null) function scrollAndOpenReplyInput(comment: Comment) { setReplyToUsername(comment.userUsername) setShowReply(true) inputRef?.focus() } useEffect(() => { if (showReply && inputRef) inputRef.focus() }, [inputRef, showReply]) return ( <div className={'flex-col pr-1'}> {, commentIdx) => ( <div key={} id={} className={clsx('relative', commentIdx === 0 ? '' : 'mt-3 ml-6')} > {/*draw a gray line from the comment to the left:*/} {commentIdx != 0 && ( <span className="absolute -ml-[1px] mt-[0.8rem] h-2 w-0.5 rotate-90 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> )} <FeedComment contract={contract} comment={comment} betsBySameUser={betsByUserId[comment.userId] ?? []} onReplyClick={scrollAndOpenReplyInput} probAtCreatedTime={ contract.outcomeType === 'BINARY' ? minBy(bets, (bet) => { return bet.createdTime < comment.createdTime ? comment.createdTime - bet.createdTime : comment.createdTime })?.probAfter : undefined } smallAvatar={smallAvatar} truncate={truncate} /> </div> ))} {showReply && ( <div className={'-pb-2 ml-6 flex flex-col pt-5'}> <span className="absolute -ml-[1px] mt-[0.8rem] h-2 w-0.5 rotate-90 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> <CommentInput contract={contract} betsByCurrentUser={(user && betsByUserId[]) ?? []} commentsByCurrentUser={comments} parentComment={parentComment} replyToUsername={replyToUsername} answerOutcome={comments[0].answerOutcome} setRef={setInputRef} /> </div> )} </div> ) } export function FeedComment(props: { contract: Contract comment: Comment betsBySameUser: Bet[] probAtCreatedTime?: number truncate?: boolean smallAvatar?: boolean onReplyClick?: (comment: Comment) => void }) { const { contract, comment, betsBySameUser, probAtCreatedTime, truncate, onReplyClick, } = props const { text, userUsername, userName, userAvatarUrl, createdTime } = comment let betOutcome: string | undefined, bought: string | undefined, money: string | undefined const matchedBet = betsBySameUser.find((bet) => === comment.betId) if (matchedBet) { betOutcome = matchedBet.outcome bought = matchedBet.amount >= 0 ? 'bought' : 'sold' money = formatMoney(Math.abs(matchedBet.amount)) } const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = useState(false) const router = useRouter() useEffect(() => { if (router.asPath.endsWith(`#${}`)) { setHighlighted(true) } }, [, router.asPath]) // Only calculated if they don't have a matching bet const { userPosition, outcome } = getBettorsLargestPositionBeforeTime( contract, comment.createdTime, matchedBet ? [] : betsBySameUser ) return ( <Row className={clsx( 'flex space-x-1.5 transition-all duration-1000 sm:space-x-3', highlighted ? `-m-1 rounded bg-indigo-500/[0.2] p-2` : '' )} > <Avatar className={'ml-1'} size={'sm'} username={userUsername} avatarUrl={userAvatarUrl} /> <div className="min-w-0 flex-1"> <div className="mt-0.5 pl-0.5 text-sm text-gray-500"> <UserLink className="text-gray-500" username={userUsername} name={userName} />{' '} {!matchedBet && userPosition > 0 && contract.outcomeType !== 'NUMERIC' && ( <> {'is '} <CommentStatus prob={probAtCreatedTime} outcome={outcome} contract={contract} /> </> )} <> {bought} {money} {contract.outcomeType !== 'FREE_RESPONSE' && betOutcome && ( <> {' '} of{' '} <OutcomeLabel outcome={betOutcome ? betOutcome : ''} value={(matchedBet as any).value} contract={contract} truncate="short" /> </> )} </> <CopyLinkDateTimeComponent contract={contract} createdTime={createdTime} elementId={} /> </div> <TruncatedComment comment={text} moreHref={contractPath(contract)} shouldTruncate={truncate} /> {onReplyClick && ( <button className={'text-xs font-bold text-gray-500 hover:underline'} onClick={() => onReplyClick(comment)} > Reply </button> )} </div> </Row> ) } export function getMostRecentCommentableBet( betsByCurrentUser: Bet[], commentsByCurrentUser: Comment[], user?: User | null, answerOutcome?: string ) { return betsByCurrentUser .filter((bet) => { if ( canCommentOnBet(bet, user) && !commentsByCurrentUser.some( (comment) => comment.createdTime > bet.createdTime ) ) { if (!answerOutcome) return true // If we're in free response, don't allow commenting on ante bet return answerOutcome === bet.outcome } return false }) .sort((b1, b2) => b1.createdTime - b2.createdTime) .pop() } function CommentStatus(props: { contract: Contract outcome: string prob?: number }) { const { contract, outcome, prob } = props return ( <> {' betting '} <OutcomeLabel outcome={outcome} contract={contract} truncate="short" /> {prob && ' at ' + Math.round(prob * 100) + '%'} </> ) } export function CommentInput(props: { contract: Contract betsByCurrentUser: Bet[] commentsByCurrentUser: Comment[] // Tie a comment to an free response answer outcome answerOutcome?: string // Tie a comment to another comment parentComment?: Comment replyToUsername?: string setRef?: (ref: HTMLTextAreaElement) => void }) { const { contract, betsByCurrentUser, commentsByCurrentUser, answerOutcome, parentComment, replyToUsername, setRef, } = props const user = useUser() const [comment, setComment] = useState('') const [focused, setFocused] = useState(false) const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const mostRecentCommentableBet = getMostRecentCommentableBet( betsByCurrentUser, commentsByCurrentUser, user, answerOutcome ) const { id } = mostRecentCommentableBet || { id: undefined } useEffect(() => { if (!replyToUsername || !user || replyToUsername === user.username) return const replacement = `@${replyToUsername} ` setComment((comment) => replacement + comment.replace(replacement, '')) }, [user, replyToUsername]) async function submitComment(betId: string | undefined) { if (!user) { return await firebaseLogin() } if (!comment || isSubmitting) return setIsSubmitting(true) await createComment(, comment, user, betId, answerOutcome, parentComment?.id ) setComment('') setFocused(false) setIsSubmitting(false) } const { userPosition, outcome } = getBettorsLargestPositionBeforeTime( contract,, betsByCurrentUser ) const shouldCollapseAfterClickOutside = false const isNumeric = contract.outcomeType === 'NUMERIC' return ( <> <Row className={'mb-2 gap-1 sm:gap-2'}> <div className={''}> <Avatar avatarUrl={user?.avatarUrl} username={user?.username} size={'sm'} className={'ml-1'} /> </div> <div className={'min-w-0 flex-1'}> <div className="pl-0.5 text-sm text-gray-500"> <div className={'mb-1'}> {mostRecentCommentableBet && ( <BetStatusText contract={contract} bet={mostRecentCommentableBet} isSelf={true} hideOutcome={ isNumeric || contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' } /> )} {!mostRecentCommentableBet && user && userPosition > 0 && !isNumeric && ( <> {"You're"} <CommentStatus outcome={outcome} contract={contract} prob={ contract.outcomeType === 'BINARY' ? getProbability(contract) : undefined } /> </> )} </div> <Row className="grid grid-cols-8 gap-1.5 text-gray-700"> <Col className={clsx( 'col-span-8 sm:col-span-6', !user && 'col-span-8' )} > <Textarea ref={setRef} value={comment} onChange={(e) => setComment(} className={clsx('textarea textarea-bordered resize-none')} placeholder={ parentComment || answerOutcome ? 'Write a reply... ' : 'Write a comment...' } autoFocus={focused} rows={focused ? 3 : 1} onFocus={() => setFocused(true)} onBlur={() => shouldCollapseAfterClickOutside && setFocused(false) } maxLength={MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH} disabled={isSubmitting} onKeyDown={(e) => { if (e.key === 'Enter' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault() submitComment(id) e.currentTarget.blur() } }} /> </Col> {!user && ( <Col className={clsx( 'col-span-8 sm:col-span-2', focused ? 'justify-end' : 'justify-center' )} > <button className={ 'btn btn-outline btn-sm text-transform: capitalize' } onClick={() => submitComment(id)} > Sign in to Comment </button> </Col> )} <Col className={clsx( 'col-span-1 sm:col-span-2', focused ? 'justify-end' : 'justify-center' )} > {user && !isSubmitting && ( <button className={clsx( 'btn btn-ghost btn-sm block flex flex-row capitalize', 'absolute bottom-4 right-1 col-span-1', parentComment ? ' bottom-6 right-2.5' : '', 'sm:relative sm:bottom-0 sm:right-0 sm:col-span-2', focused && comment ? 'sm:btn-outline' : 'pointer-events-none text-gray-500' )} onClick={() => { if (!focused) return else { submitComment(id) } }} > <span className={'hidden sm:block'}> {parentComment || answerOutcome ? 'Reply' : 'Comment'} </span> {focused && ( <PaperAirplaneIcon className={'m-0 min-w-[22px] rotate-90 p-0 sm:hidden'} height={25} /> )} </button> )} {isSubmitting && ( <LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName={'border-gray-500'} /> )} </Col> </Row> </div> </div> </Row> </> ) } export function TruncatedComment(props: { comment: string moreHref: string shouldTruncate?: boolean }) { const { comment, moreHref, shouldTruncate } = props let truncated = comment // Keep descriptions to at most 400 characters const MAX_CHARS = 400 if (shouldTruncate && truncated.length > MAX_CHARS) { truncated = truncated.slice(0, MAX_CHARS) // Make sure to end on a space const i = truncated.lastIndexOf(' ') truncated = truncated.slice(0, i) } return ( <div className="mt-2 whitespace-pre-line break-words text-gray-700" style={{ fontSize: 15 }} > <Linkify text={truncated} /> {truncated != comment && ( <SiteLink href={moreHref} className="text-indigo-700"> ... (show more) </SiteLink> )} </div> ) } function getBettorsLargestPositionBeforeTime( contract: Contract, createdTime: number, bets: Bet[] ) { let yesFloorShares = 0, yesShares = 0, noShares = 0, noFloorShares = 0 const emptyReturn = { userPosition: 0, outcome: '', } const previousBets = bets.filter( (prevBet) => prevBet.createdTime < createdTime && !prevBet.isAnte ) if (contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE') { const answerCounts: { [outcome: string]: number } = {} for (const bet of previousBets) { if (bet.outcome) { if (!answerCounts[bet.outcome]) { answerCounts[bet.outcome] = bet.amount } else { answerCounts[bet.outcome] += bet.amount } } } const majorityAnswer = maxBy(Object.keys(answerCounts), (outcome) => answerCounts[outcome]) ?? '' return { userPosition: answerCounts[majorityAnswer] || 0, outcome: majorityAnswer, } } if (bets.length === 0) { return emptyReturn } const [yesBets, noBets] = partition( previousBets ?? [], (bet) => bet.outcome === 'YES' ) yesShares = sumBy(yesBets, (bet) => bet.shares) noShares = sumBy(noBets, (bet) => bet.shares) yesFloorShares = Math.floor(yesShares) noFloorShares = Math.floor(noShares) const userPosition = yesFloorShares || noFloorShares const outcome = yesFloorShares > noFloorShares ? 'YES' : 'NO' return { userPosition, outcome } } function canCommentOnBet(bet: Bet, user?: User | null) { const { userId, createdTime, isRedemption } = bet const isSelf = user?.id === userId // You can comment if your bet was posted in the last hour return !isRedemption && isSelf && - createdTime < 60 * 60 * 1000 }