import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { Leaderboard } from 'web/components/leaderboard' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { getTopCreators, getTopTraders, getTopFollowed, Period, User, } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' import { Tabs } from 'web/components/layout/tabs' import { useTracking } from 'web/hooks/use-tracking' import { SEO } from 'web/components/SEO' export async function getStaticProps() { const props = await fetchProps() return { props, revalidate: 60, // regenerate after a minute } } const fetchProps = async () => { const [allTime, monthly, weekly, daily] = await Promise.all([ queryLeaderboardUsers('allTime'), queryLeaderboardUsers('monthly'), queryLeaderboardUsers('weekly'), queryLeaderboardUsers('daily'), ]) const topFollowed = await getTopFollowed() return { allTime, monthly, weekly, daily, topFollowed, } } const queryLeaderboardUsers = async (period: Period) => { const [topTraders, topCreators] = await Promise.all([ getTopTraders(period), getTopCreators(period), ]) return { topTraders, topCreators, } } type leaderboard = { topTraders: User[] topCreators: User[] } export default function Leaderboards(_props: { allTime: leaderboard monthly: leaderboard weekly: leaderboard daily: leaderboard topFollowed: User[] }) { const [props, setProps] = useState<Parameters<typeof Leaderboards>[0]>(_props) useEffect(() => { fetchProps().then((props) => setProps(props)) }, []) const { topFollowed } = props const LeaderboardWithPeriod = (period: Period) => { const { topTraders, topCreators } = props[period] return ( <> <Col className="mx-4 items-center gap-10 lg:flex-row"> <Leaderboard title="🏅 Top traders" users={topTraders} columns={[ { header: 'Total profit', renderCell: (user) => formatMoney(user.profitCached[period]), }, ]} /> <Leaderboard title="🏅 Top creators" users={topCreators} columns={[ { header: 'Total bet', renderCell: (user) => formatMoney(user.creatorVolumeCached[period]), }, ]} /> </Col> {period === 'allTime' ? ( <Col className="mx-4 my-10 items-center gap-10 lg:mx-0 lg:w-1/2 lg:flex-row"> <Leaderboard title="🏅 Top followed" users={topFollowed} columns={[ { header: 'Total followers', renderCell: (user) => user.followerCountCached, }, ]} /> </Col> ) : ( <></> )} </> ) } useTracking('view leaderboards') return ( <Page> <SEO title="Leaderboards" description="Manifold's leaderboards show the top traders and market creators." url="/leaderboards" /> <Title text={'Leaderboards'} className={'hidden md:block'} /> <Tabs currentPageForAnalytics={'leaderboards'} defaultIndex={1} tabs={[ { title: 'Daily', content: LeaderboardWithPeriod('daily'), }, { title: 'Weekly', content: LeaderboardWithPeriod('weekly'), }, { title: 'Monthly', content: LeaderboardWithPeriod('monthly'), }, { title: 'All Time', content: LeaderboardWithPeriod('allTime'), }, ]} /> </Page> ) }