import router from 'next/router' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import clsx from 'clsx' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { CreatorContractsList } from '../components/contracts-list' import { Spacer } from '../components/layout/spacer' import { Title } from '../components/title' import { useUser } from '../hooks/use-user' import { Contract, path } from '../lib/firebase/contracts' import { Page } from '../components/page' import { formatMoney } from '../lib/util/format' import { AdvancedPanel } from '../components/advanced-panel' import { createContract } from '../lib/firebase/api-call' // Allow user to create a new contract export default function NewContract() { const creator = useUser() useEffect(() => { if (creator === null) router.push('/') }, [creator]) useEffect(() => { // warm up function createContract({}).catch() }, []) const [initialProb, setInitialProb] = useState(50) const [question, setQuestion] = useState('') const [description, setDescription] = useState('') const [ante, setAnte] = useState(0) const [anteError, setAnteError] = useState('') const [closeDate, setCloseDate] = useState('') const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const closeTime = dateToMillis(closeDate) || undefined // We'd like this to look like "Apr 2, 2022, 23:59:59 PM PT" but timezones are hard with dayjs const formattedCloseTime = closeTime ? new Date(closeTime).toString() : '' const user = useUser() const remainingBalance = (user?.balance || 0) - (ante || 0) const isValid = initialProb > 0 && initialProb < 100 && question.length > 0 && (ante === undefined || (ante >= 0 && ante <= remainingBalance)) && // If set, closeTime must be in the future (!closeTime || closeTime > async function submit() { // TODO: Tell users why their contract is invalid if (!creator || !isValid) return setIsSubmitting(true) const result: any = await createContract({ question, description, initialProb, ante, closeTime: closeTime || undefined, }).then((r) => || {}) if (result.status !== 'success') { console.log('error creating contract', result) return } await router.push(path(result.contract as Contract)) } function onAnteChange(str: string) { const amount = parseInt(str) if (str && isNaN(amount)) return setAnte(str ? amount : undefined) if (user && user.balance < amount) setAnteError('Insufficient balance') else setAnteError('') } const descriptionPlaceholder = `e.g. This market will resolve to “Yes” if, by June 2, 2021, 11:59:59 PM ET, Paxlovid (also known under PF-07321332)...` if (!creator) return <> return ( <div className="w-full bg-gray-100 rounded-lg shadow-md px-6 py-4"> {/* Create a Tailwind form that takes in all the fields needed for a new contract */} {/* When the form is submitted, create a new contract in the database */} <form> <div className="form-control w-full"> <label className="label"> <span className="label-text">Question</span> </label> <input type="text" placeholder="e.g. Will the FDA will approve Paxlovid before Jun 2nd, 2022?" className="input input-bordered" disabled={isSubmitting} value={question} onChange={(e) => setQuestion( || '')} /> </div> <Spacer h={4} /> <div className="form-control"> <label className="label"> <span className="label-text">Initial probability</span> </label> <label className="input-group input-group-md w-fit"> <input type="number" value={initialProb} className="input input-bordered input-md" disabled={isSubmitting} min={1} max={99} onChange={(e) => setInitialProb(parseInt(, 2))) } /> <span>%</span> </label> </div> <Spacer h={4} /> <div className="form-control"> <label className="label"> <span className="label-text">Description</span> </label> <textarea className="textarea w-full h-24 textarea-bordered" placeholder={descriptionPlaceholder} value={description} disabled={isSubmitting} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setDescription( || '')} /> </div> <AdvancedPanel> <div className="form-control mb-1"> <label className="label"> <span className="label-text">Subsidize your market</span> </label> <label className="input-group"> <span className="text-sm bg-gray-200">M$</span> <input className={clsx( 'input input-bordered', anteError && 'input-error' )} type="text" placeholder="0" maxLength={9} value={ante ?? ''} disabled={isSubmitting} onChange={(e) => onAnteChange(} /> </label> <div className="mt-3 mb-1 text-sm text-gray-400"> Remaining balance </div> <div> {formatMoney(remainingBalance > 0 ? remainingBalance : 0)} </div> </div> <Spacer h={4} /> <div className="form-control"> <label className="label"> <span className="label-text">Close date (optional)</span> </label> <input type="date" className="input input-bordered" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setCloseDate( || '')} min={new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]} disabled={isSubmitting} value={closeDate} /> </div> <label> <span className="label-text text-gray-400 ml-2"> No new trades will be allowed after{' '} {closeDate ? formattedCloseTime : 'this time'} </span> </label> </AdvancedPanel> <Spacer h={4} /> <div className="flex justify-end my-4"> <button type="submit" className={clsx( 'btn btn-primary', isSubmitting && 'loading disabled' )} disabled={isSubmitting || !isValid} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault() submit() }} > {isSubmitting ? 'Creating...' : 'Create market'} </button> </div> </form> </div> <Spacer h={10} /> <Title text="Your markets" /> {creator && <CreatorContractsList creator={creator} />} </Page> ) } // Given a date string like '2022-04-02', // return the time just before midnight on that date (in the user's local time), as millis since epoch function dateToMillis(date: string) { return dayjs(date) .set('hour', 23) .set('minute', 59) .set('second', 59) .valueOf() }