import * as functions from 'firebase-functions' import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' import { Contract, CPMMContract } from '../../common/contract' import { getAllPrivateUsers, getPrivateUser, getUser, getValue, getValues, isProd, log, } from './utils' import { filterDefined } from '../../common/util/array' import { DAY_MS } from '../../common/util/time' import { partition, sortBy, sum, uniq } from 'lodash' import { Bet } from '../../common/bet' import { computeInvestmentValueCustomProb } from '../../common/calculate-metrics' import { sendWeeklyPortfolioUpdateEmail } from './emails' import { contractUrl } from './utils' import { Txn } from '../../common/txn' import { formatMoney } from '../../common/util/format' // TODO: reset weeklyPortfolioUpdateEmailSent to false for all users at the start of each week export const weeklyPortfolioUpdateEmails = functions .runWith({ secrets: ['MAILGUN_KEY'], memory: '4GB' }) // every minute on Friday for an hour at 12pm PT (UTC -07:00) .pubsub.schedule('* 19 * * 5') .timeZone('Etc/UTC') .onRun(async () => { await sendPortfolioUpdateEmailsToAllUsers() }) const firestore = admin.firestore() export async function sendPortfolioUpdateEmailsToAllUsers() { const privateUsers = isProd() ? // ian & stephen's ids // ? filterDefined([ // await getPrivateUser('AJwLWoo3xue32XIiAVrL5SyR1WB2'), // await getPrivateUser('tlmGNz9kjXc2EteizMORes4qvWl2'), // ]) await getAllPrivateUsers() : filterDefined([await getPrivateUser('6hHpzvRG0pMq8PNJs7RZj2qlZGn2')]) // get all users that haven't unsubscribed from weekly emails const privateUsersToSendEmailsTo = privateUsers .filter((user) => { return isProd() ? user.notificationPreferences.profit_loss_updates.includes('email') && !user.weeklyPortfolioUpdateEmailSent : true }) // Send emails in batches .slice(0, 200) log( 'Sending weekly portfolio emails to', privateUsersToSendEmailsTo.length, 'users' ) const usersBets: { [userId: string]: Bet[] } = {} // get all bets made by each user await Promise.all( (user) => { return getValues( firestore.collectionGroup('bets').where('userId', '==', ).then((bets) => { usersBets[] = bets }) }) ) const usersToContractsCreated: { [userId: string]: Contract[] } = {} // Get all contracts created by each user await Promise.all( (user) => { return getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .where('creatorId', '==', .where('createdTime', '>', - 7 * DAY_MS) ).then((contracts) => { usersToContractsCreated[] = contracts }) }) ) // Get all txns the users received over the past week const usersToTxnsReceived: { [userId: string]: Txn[] } = {} await Promise.all( (user) => { return getValues( firestore .collection(`txns`) .where('toId', '==', .where('createdTime', '>', - 7 * DAY_MS) ).then((txn) => { usersToTxnsReceived[] = txn }) }) ) // Get a flat map of all the bets that users made to get the contracts they bet on const contractsUsersBetOn = filterDefined( await Promise.all( uniq( Object.values(usersBets).flatMap((bets) => => bet.contractId) ) ).map((contractId) => getValue(firestore.collection('contracts').doc(contractId)) ) ) ) log('Found', contractsUsersBetOn.length, 'contracts') let count = 0 await Promise.all( (privateUser) => { const user = await getUser( if (!user) return const userBets = usersBets[] as Bet[] const contractsUserBetOn = contractsUsersBetOn.filter((contract) => userBets.some((bet) => bet.contractId === ) const contractsBetOnInLastWeek = uniq( userBets .filter((bet) => bet.createdTime > - 7 * DAY_MS) .map((bet) => bet.contractId) ) const totalTips = sum( usersToTxnsReceived[] .filter((txn) => txn.category === 'TIP') .map((txn) => txn.amount) ) const greenBg = 'rgba(0,160,0,0.2)' const redBg = 'rgba(160,0,0,0.2)' const clearBg = 'rgba(255,255,255,0)' const roundedProfit = Math.round(user.profitCached.weekly) === 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(user.profitCached.weekly) const performanceData = { profit: formatMoney(user.profitCached.weekly), profit_style: `background-color: ${ roundedProfit > 0 ? greenBg : roundedProfit === 0 ? clearBg : redBg }`, markets_created: usersToContractsCreated[].length.toString(), tips_received: formatMoney(totalTips), unique_bettors: usersToTxnsReceived[] .filter((txn) => txn.category === 'UNIQUE_BETTOR_BONUS') .length.toString(), markets_traded: contractsBetOnInLastWeek.length.toString(), prediction_streak: (user.currentBettingStreak?.toString() ?? '0') + ' days', // More options: bonuses, tips given, } as OverallPerformanceData const investmentValueDifferences = sortBy( filterDefined( => { const cpmmContract = contract as CPMMContract if (cpmmContract === undefined || cpmmContract.prob === undefined) return const bets = userBets.filter( (bet) => bet.contractId === ) const marketProbabilityAWeekAgo = cpmmContract.prob - cpmmContract.probChanges.week const currentMarketProbability = cpmmContract.resolutionProbability ? cpmmContract.resolutionProbability : cpmmContract.prob const betsValueAWeekAgo = computeInvestmentValueCustomProb( bets.filter((b) => b.createdTime < - 7 * DAY_MS), contract, marketProbabilityAWeekAgo ) const currentBetsValue = computeInvestmentValueCustomProb( bets, contract, currentMarketProbability ) const marketChange = currentMarketProbability - marketProbabilityAWeekAgo return { currentValue: currentBetsValue, pastValue: betsValueAWeekAgo, difference: currentBetsValue - betsValueAWeekAgo, contractSlug: contract.slug, marketProbAWeekAgo: marketProbabilityAWeekAgo, questionTitle: contract.question, questionUrl: contractUrl(contract), questionProb: cpmmContract.resolution ? cpmmContract.resolution : Math.round(cpmmContract.prob * 100) + '%', questionChange: (marketChange > 0 ? '+' : '') + Math.round(marketChange * 100) + '%', questionChangeStyle: `color: ${ currentMarketProbability > marketProbabilityAWeekAgo ? 'rgba(0,160,0,1)' : '#a80000' };`, } as PerContractInvestmentsData }) ), (differences) => Math.abs(differences.difference) ).reverse() log( 'Found', investmentValueDifferences.length, 'investment differences for user', ) const [winningInvestments, losingInvestments] = partition( investmentValueDifferences.filter( (diff) => diff.pastValue > 0.01 && Math.abs(diff.difference / diff.pastValue) > 0.01 // difference is greater than 1% ), (investmentsData: PerContractInvestmentsData) => { return investmentsData.difference > 0 } ) // pick 3 winning investments and 3 losing investments const topInvestments = winningInvestments.slice(0, 2) const worstInvestments = losingInvestments.slice(0, 2) // if no bets in the last week ANd no market movers AND no markets created, don't send email if ( contractsBetOnInLastWeek.length === 0 && topInvestments.length === 0 && worstInvestments.length === 0 && usersToContractsCreated[].length === 0 ) { log('No bets in last week, no market movers, no markets created') await firestore.collection('private-users').doc({ weeklyPortfolioUpdateEmailSent: true, }) return } await sendWeeklyPortfolioUpdateEmail( user, privateUser, topInvestments.concat(worstInvestments) as PerContractInvestmentsData[], performanceData ) await firestore.collection('private-users').doc({ weeklyPortfolioUpdateEmailSent: true, }) log('Sent weekly portfolio update email to', count++ log('sent out emails to user count:', count) }) ) } export type PerContractInvestmentsData = { questionTitle: string questionUrl: string questionProb: string questionChange: string questionChangeStyle: string currentValue: number pastValue: number difference: number } export type OverallPerformanceData = { profit: string prediction_streak: string markets_traded: string profit_style: string tips_received: string markets_created: string unique_bettors: string }