import clsx from 'clsx' import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from 'react-beautiful-dnd' import { MenuIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import { Subtitle } from 'web/components/subtitle' import { useMemberGroups } from 'web/hooks/use-group' import { filterDefined } from 'common/util/array' import { keyBy } from 'lodash' import { User } from 'common/user' import { Group } from 'common/group' export function ArrangeHome(props: { user: User | null homeSections: { visible: string[]; hidden: string[] } setHomeSections: (homeSections: { visible: string[] hidden: string[] }) => void }) { const { user, homeSections, setHomeSections } = props const groups = useMemberGroups(user?.id) ?? [] const { itemsById, visibleItems, hiddenItems } = getHomeItems( groups, homeSections ) return ( <DragDropContext onDragEnd={(e) => { console.log('drag end', e) const { destination, source, draggableId } = e if (!destination) return const item = itemsById[draggableId] const newHomeSections = { visible: =>, hidden: =>, } const sourceSection = source.droppableId as 'visible' | 'hidden' newHomeSections[sourceSection].splice(source.index, 1) const destSection = destination.droppableId as 'visible' | 'hidden' newHomeSections[destSection].splice(destination.index, 0, setHomeSections(newHomeSections) }} > <Row className="relative max-w-lg gap-4"> <DraggableList items={visibleItems} title="Visible" /> <DraggableList items={hiddenItems} title="Hidden" /> </Row> </DragDropContext> ) } function DraggableList(props: { title: string items: { id: string; label: string }[] }) { const { title, items } = props return ( <Droppable droppableId={title.toLowerCase()}> {(provided, snapshot) => ( <Col {...provided.droppableProps} ref={provided.innerRef} className={clsx( 'width-[220px] flex-1 items-start rounded bg-gray-50 p-2', snapshot.isDraggingOver && 'bg-gray-100' )} > <Subtitle text={title} className="mx-2 !my-2" /> {, index) => ( <Draggable key={} draggableId={} index={index}> {(provided, snapshot) => ( <div ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps} style={} className={clsx( 'flex flex-row items-center gap-4 rounded bg-gray-50 p-2', snapshot.isDragging && 'z-[9000] bg-gray-300' )} > <MenuIcon className="h-5 w-5 flex-shrink-0 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />{' '} {item.label} </div> )} </Draggable> ))} {provided.placeholder} </Col> )} </Droppable> ) } export const getHomeItems = ( groups: Group[], homeSections: { visible: string[]; hidden: string[] } ) => { const items = [ { label: 'Trending', id: 'score' }, { label: 'Newest', id: 'newest' }, { label: 'Close date', id: 'close-date' }, { label: 'Your trades', id: 'your-bets' }, => ({ label:, id:, })), ] const itemsById = keyBy(items, 'id') const { visible, hidden } = homeSections const [visibleItems, hiddenItems] = [ filterDefined( => itemsById[id])), filterDefined( => itemsById[id])), ] // Add unmentioned items to the visible list. visibleItems.push( ...items.filter( (item) => !visibleItems.includes(item) && !hiddenItems.includes(item) ) ) return { visibleItems, hiddenItems, itemsById, } }