import { SparklesIcon, XIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import { Avatar } from './avatar' import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { Spacer } from './layout/spacer' import { NewContract } from '../pages/create' import { firebaseLogin, User } from '../lib/firebase/users' import { ContractsGrid } from './contract/contracts-list' import { Contract, MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH } from 'common/contract' import { Col } from './layout/col' import clsx from 'clsx' import { Row } from './layout/row' import { ENV_CONFIG } from 'common/envs/constants' import _ from 'lodash' import { SiteLink } from './site-link' export function FeedPromo(props: { hotContracts: Contract[] }) { const { hotContracts } = props return ( <>

A market for
every question

Bet on any topic imaginable. Or create your own market!
Sign up and get M$1,000 - worth $10 to your{' '} favorite charity.
{' '} ) } export default function FeedCreate(props: { user?: User tag?: string placeholder?: string className?: string }) { const { user, tag, className } = props const [question, setQuestion] = useState('') const [isExpanded, setIsExpanded] = useState(false) const inputRef = useRef() // Rotate through a new placeholder each day // Easter egg idea: click your own name to shuffle the placeholder // const daysSinceEpoch = Math.floor( / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) // Take care not to produce a different placeholder on the server and client const [defaultPlaceholder, setDefaultPlaceholder] = useState('') useEffect(() => { setDefaultPlaceholder( `e.g. ${_.sample(ENV_CONFIG.newQuestionPlaceholders)}` ) }, []) const placeholder = props.placeholder ?? defaultPlaceholder return (
{ !isExpanded && inputRef.current?.focus() }} >

Ask a question...

{isExpanded && ( )}