export type EnvConfig = {
  domain: string
  firebaseConfig: FirebaseConfig

  // Access controls
  adminEmails: string[]
  whitelistEmail?: string // e.g. '@theoremone.co'. If not provided, all emails are whitelisted
  visibility: 'PRIVATE' | 'PUBLIC'

  // Branding
  moneyMoniker: string // e.g. 'M$'
  faviconPath?: string // Should be a file in /public
  navbarLogoPath?: string
  newQuestionPlaceholders: string[]

type FirebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: string
  authDomain: string
  projectId: string
  storageBucket: string
  messagingSenderId: string
  appId: string
  measurementId: string

export const PROD_CONFIG: EnvConfig = {
  domain: 'manifold.markets',
  firebaseConfig: {
    apiKey: 'AIzaSyDp3J57vLeAZCzxLD-vcPaGIkAmBoGOSYw',
    authDomain: 'mantic-markets.firebaseapp.com',
    projectId: 'mantic-markets',
    storageBucket: 'mantic-markets.appspot.com',
    messagingSenderId: '128925704902',
    appId: '1:128925704902:web:f61f86944d8ffa2a642dc7',
    measurementId: 'G-SSFK1Q138D',
  adminEmails: [
    'akrolsmir@gmail.com', // Austin
    'jahooma@gmail.com', // James
    'taowell@gmail.com', // Stephen
    'manticmarkets@gmail.com', // Manifold
  visibility: 'PUBLIC',

  moneyMoniker: 'M$',
  navbarLogoPath: '',
  faviconPath: '/favicon.ico',
  newQuestionPlaceholders: [
    'Will anyone I know get engaged this year?',
    'Will humans set foot on Mars by the end of 2030?',
    'Will any cryptocurrency eclipse Bitcoin by market cap this year?',
    'Will the Democrats win the 2024 presidential election?',