import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { notification_subscribe_types, PrivateUser } from 'common/user' import { listenForPrivateUser, updatePrivateUser } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import toast from 'react-hot-toast' import { track } from '@amplitude/analytics-browser' import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import clsx from 'clsx' import { CheckIcon, XIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import { ChoicesToggleGroup } from 'web/components/choices-toggle-group' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { FollowMarketModal } from 'web/components/contract/follow-market-modal' export function NotificationSettings() { const user = useUser() const [notificationSettings, setNotificationSettings] = useState<notification_subscribe_types>('all') const [emailNotificationSettings, setEmailNotificationSettings] = useState<notification_subscribe_types>('all') const [privateUser, setPrivateUser] = useState<PrivateUser | null>(null) const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { if (user) listenForPrivateUser(, setPrivateUser) }, [user]) useEffect(() => { if (!privateUser) return if (privateUser.notificationPreferences) { setNotificationSettings(privateUser.notificationPreferences) } if ( privateUser.unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails && privateUser.unsubscribedFromCommentEmails && privateUser.unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails ) { setEmailNotificationSettings('none') } else if ( !privateUser.unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails && !privateUser.unsubscribedFromCommentEmails && !privateUser.unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails ) { setEmailNotificationSettings('all') } else { setEmailNotificationSettings('less') } }, [privateUser]) const loading = 'Changing Notifications Settings' const success = 'Notification Settings Changed!' function changeEmailNotifications(newValue: notification_subscribe_types) { if (!privateUser) return if (newValue === 'all') { toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails: false, unsubscribedFromCommentEmails: false, unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails: false, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } else if (newValue === 'less') { toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails: false, unsubscribedFromCommentEmails: true, unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails: true, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } else if (newValue === 'none') { toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails: true, unsubscribedFromCommentEmails: true, unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails: true, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } } function changeInAppNotificationSettings( newValue: notification_subscribe_types ) { if (!privateUser) return track('In-App Notification Preferences Changed', { newPreference: newValue, oldPreference: privateUser.notificationPreferences, }) toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { notificationPreferences: newValue, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } useEffect(() => { if (privateUser && privateUser.notificationPreferences) setNotificationSettings(privateUser.notificationPreferences) else setNotificationSettings('all') }, [privateUser]) if (!privateUser) { return <LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName={'border-gray-500 h-4 w-4'} /> } function NotificationSettingLine(props: { label: string | React.ReactNode highlight: boolean onClick?: () => void }) { const { label, highlight, onClick } = props return ( <Row className={clsx( 'my-1 gap-1 text-gray-300', highlight && '!text-black', onClick ? 'cursor-pointer' : '' )} onClick={onClick} > {highlight ? <CheckIcon height={20} /> : <XIcon height={20} />} {label} </Row> ) } return ( <div className={'p-2'}> <div>In App Notifications</div> <ChoicesToggleGroup currentChoice={notificationSettings} choicesMap={{ All: 'all', Less: 'less', None: 'none' }} setChoice={(choice) => changeInAppNotificationSettings( choice as notification_subscribe_types ) } className={'col-span-4 p-2'} toggleClassName={'w-24'} /> <div className={'mt-4 text-sm'}> <Col className={''}> <Row className={'my-1'}> You will receive notifications for these general events: </Row> <NotificationSettingLine highlight={notificationSettings !== 'none'} label={"Income & referral bonuses you've received"} /> <Row className={'my-1'}> You will receive new comment, answer, & resolution notifications on questions: </Row> <NotificationSettingLine highlight={notificationSettings !== 'none'} label={ <span> That <span className={'font-bold'}>you watch </span>- you auto-watch questions if: </span> } onClick={() => setShowModal(true)} /> <Col className={clsx( 'mb-2 ml-8', 'gap-1 text-gray-300', notificationSettings !== 'none' && '!text-black' )} > <Row>• You create it</Row> <Row>• You bet, comment on, or answer it</Row> <Row>• You add liquidity to it</Row> <Row> • If you select 'Less' and you've commented on or answered a question, you'll only receive notification on direct replies to your comments or answers </Row> </Col> </Col> </div> <div className={'mt-4'}>Email Notifications</div> <ChoicesToggleGroup currentChoice={emailNotificationSettings} choicesMap={{ All: 'all', Less: 'less', None: 'none' }} setChoice={(choice) => changeEmailNotifications(choice as notification_subscribe_types) } className={'col-span-4 p-2'} toggleClassName={'w-24'} /> <div className={'mt-4 text-sm'}> <div> You will receive emails for: <NotificationSettingLine label={"Resolution of questions you're betting on"} highlight={emailNotificationSettings !== 'none'} /> <NotificationSettingLine label={'Closure of your questions'} highlight={emailNotificationSettings !== 'none'} /> <NotificationSettingLine label={'Activity on your questions'} highlight={emailNotificationSettings === 'all'} /> <NotificationSettingLine label={"Activity on questions you've answered or commented on"} highlight={emailNotificationSettings === 'all'} /> </div> </div> <FollowMarketModal setOpen={setShowModal} open={showModal} /> </div> ) }