import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { getFirestore, doc, setDoc, deleteDoc, where, collection, query, getDocs, orderBy, getDoc, updateDoc, limit, } from 'firebase/firestore' import _ from 'lodash' import { app } from './init' import { getValues, listenForValue, listenForValues } from './utils' import { Binary, Contract, FullContract } from '../../../common/contract' import { getDpmProbability } from '../../../common/calculate-dpm' import { createRNG, shuffle } from '../../../common/util/random' import { getCpmmProbability } from '../../../common/calculate-cpmm' import { formatMoney, formatPercent } from '../../../common/util/format' export type { Contract } export function contractPath(contract: Contract) { return `/${contract.creatorUsername}/${contract.slug}` } export function homeContractPath(contract: Contract) { return `/home?c=${contract.slug}` } export function contractMetrics(contract: Contract) { const { createdTime, resolutionTime, isResolved } = contract const createdDate = dayjs(createdTime).format('MMM D') const resolvedDate = isResolved ? dayjs(resolutionTime).format('MMM D') : undefined const volumeLabel = `${formatMoney(contract.volume)} volume` return { volumeLabel, createdDate, resolvedDate } } export function getBinaryProb(contract: FullContract<any, Binary>) { const { totalShares, pool, p, resolutionProbability, mechanism } = contract return ( resolutionProbability ?? (mechanism === 'cpmm-1' ? getCpmmProbability(pool, p) : getDpmProbability(totalShares)) ) } export function getBinaryProbPercent(contract: FullContract<any, Binary>) { return formatPercent(getBinaryProb(contract)) } export function tradingAllowed(contract: Contract) { return ( !contract.isResolved && (!contract.closeTime || contract.closeTime > ) } const db = getFirestore(app) export const contractCollection = collection(db, 'contracts') // Push contract to Firestore export async function setContract(contract: Contract) { const docRef = doc(db, 'contracts', await setDoc(docRef, contract) } export async function updateContract( contractId: string, update: Partial<Contract> ) { const docRef = doc(db, 'contracts', contractId) await updateDoc(docRef, update) } export async function getContractFromId(contractId: string) { const docRef = doc(db, 'contracts', contractId) const result = await getDoc(docRef) return result.exists() ? ( as Contract) : undefined } export async function getContractFromSlug(slug: string) { const q = query(contractCollection, where('slug', '==', slug)) const snapshot = await getDocs(q) return snapshot.empty ? undefined : ([0].data() as Contract) } export async function deleteContract(contractId: string) { const docRef = doc(db, 'contracts', contractId) await deleteDoc(docRef) } export async function listContracts(creatorId: string): Promise<Contract[]> { const q = query( contractCollection, where('creatorId', '==', creatorId), orderBy('createdTime', 'desc') ) const snapshot = await getDocs(q) return => as Contract) } export async function listAllContracts(): Promise<Contract[]> { const q = query(contractCollection, orderBy('createdTime', 'desc')) const snapshot = await getDocs(q) return => as Contract) } export function listenForContracts( setContracts: (contracts: Contract[]) => void ) { const q = query(contractCollection, orderBy('createdTime', 'desc')) return listenForValues<Contract>(q, setContracts) } const activeContractsQuery = query( contractCollection, where('isResolved', '==', false), where('visibility', '==', 'public'), where('volume7Days', '>', 0) ) export function getActiveContracts() { return getValues<Contract>(activeContractsQuery) } export function listenForActiveContracts( setContracts: (contracts: Contract[]) => void ) { return listenForValues<Contract>(activeContractsQuery, setContracts) } const inactiveContractsQuery = query( contractCollection, where('isResolved', '==', false), where('closeTime', '>',, where('visibility', '==', 'public'), where('volume24Hours', '==', 0) ) export function getInactiveContracts() { return getValues<Contract>(inactiveContractsQuery) } export function listenForInactiveContracts( setContracts: (contracts: Contract[]) => void ) { return listenForValues<Contract>(inactiveContractsQuery, setContracts) } export function listenForContract( contractId: string, setContract: (contract: Contract | null) => void ) { const contractRef = doc(contractCollection, contractId) return listenForValue<Contract>(contractRef, setContract) } function chooseRandomSubset(contracts: Contract[], count: number) { const fiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000 const seed = Math.round( / fiveMinutes).toString() shuffle(contracts, createRNG(seed)) return contracts.slice(0, count) } const hotContractsQuery = query( contractCollection, where('isResolved', '==', false), where('visibility', '==', 'public'), orderBy('volume24Hours', 'desc'), limit(16) ) export function listenForHotContracts( setHotContracts: (contracts: Contract[]) => void ) { return listenForValues<Contract>(hotContractsQuery, (contracts) => { const hotContracts = _.sortBy( chooseRandomSubset(contracts, 4), (contract) => contract.volume24Hours ) setHotContracts(hotContracts) }) } export async function getHotContracts() { const contracts = await getValues<Contract>(hotContractsQuery) return _.sortBy( chooseRandomSubset(contracts, 10), (contract) => -1 * contract.volume24Hours ) } const closingSoonQuery = query( contractCollection, where('isResolved', '==', false), where('visibility', '==', 'public'), where('closeTime', '>',, orderBy('closeTime', 'asc'), limit(6) ) export async function getClosingSoonContracts() { const contracts = await getValues<Contract>(closingSoonQuery) return _.sortBy( chooseRandomSubset(contracts, 2), (contract) => contract.closeTime ) } const getContractsQuery = (startTime: number, endTime: number) => query( collection(db, 'contracts'), where('createdTime', '>=', startTime), where('createdTime', '<', endTime), orderBy('createdTime', 'asc') ) const DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 export async function getDailyContracts( startTime: number, numberOfDays: number ) { const query = getContractsQuery( startTime, startTime + DAY_IN_MS * numberOfDays ) const contracts = await getValues<Contract>(query) const contractsByDay = _.range(0, numberOfDays).map(() => [] as Contract[]) for (const contract of contracts) { const dayIndex = Math.floor((contract.createdTime - startTime) / DAY_IN_MS) contractsByDay[dayIndex].push(contract) } return contractsByDay }