import { DOMAIN } from '../../common/envs/constants' import { Bet } from '../../common/bet' import { getProbability } from '../../common/calculate' import { Contract } from '../../common/contract' import { notification_subscription_types, PrivateUser, User, } from '../../common/user' import { formatLargeNumber, formatMoney, formatPercent, } from '../../common/util/format' import { getValueFromBucket } from '../../common/calculate-dpm' import { formatNumericProbability } from '../../common/pseudo-numeric' import { sendTemplateEmail, sendTextEmail } from './send-email' import { getUser } from './utils' import { buildCardUrl, getOpenGraphProps } from '../../common/contract-details' import { notification_reason_types, getDestinationsForUser, } from '../../common/notification' export const sendMarketResolutionEmail = async ( reason: notification_reason_types, privateUser: PrivateUser, investment: number, payout: number, creator: User, creatorPayout: number, contract: Contract, resolution: string, resolutionProbability?: number, resolutions?: { [outcome: string]: number } ) => { const { sendToEmail, urlToManageThisNotification: unsubscribeUrl } = await getDestinationsForUser(privateUser, reason) if (!privateUser || ! || !sendToEmail) return const user = await getUser( if (!user) return const outcome = toDisplayResolution( contract, resolution, resolutionProbability, resolutions ) const subject = `Resolved ${outcome}: ${contract.question}` const creatorPayoutText = creatorPayout >= 1 && === ? ` (plus ${formatMoney(creatorPayout)} in commissions)` : '' const correctedInvestment = Number.isNaN(investment) || investment < 0 ? 0 : investment const displayedInvestment = formatMoney(correctedInvestment) const displayedPayout = formatMoney(payout) const templateData: market_resolved_template = { userId:, name:, creatorName:, question: contract.question, outcome, investment: displayedInvestment, payout: displayedPayout + creatorPayoutText, url: `https://${DOMAIN}/${creator.username}/${contract.slug}`, unsubscribeUrl, } // Modify template here: // return await sendTemplateEmail(, subject, correctedInvestment === 0 ? 'market-resolved-no-bets' : 'market-resolved', templateData ) } type market_resolved_template = { userId: string name: string creatorName: string question: string outcome: string investment: string payout: string url: string unsubscribeUrl: string } const toDisplayResolution = ( contract: Contract, resolution: string, resolutionProbability?: number, resolutions?: { [outcome: string]: number } ) => { if (contract.outcomeType === 'BINARY') { const prob = resolutionProbability ?? getProbability(contract) const display = { YES: 'YES', NO: 'NO', CANCEL: 'N/A', MKT: formatPercent(prob ?? 0), }[resolution] return display || resolution } if (contract.outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC') { const { resolution, resolutionValue } = contract if (resolution === 'CANCEL') return 'N/A' return resolutionValue ? formatLargeNumber(resolutionValue) : formatNumericProbability( resolutionProbability ?? getProbability(contract), contract ) } if (resolution === 'MKT' && resolutions) return 'MULTI' if (resolution === 'CANCEL') return 'N/A' if (contract.outcomeType === 'NUMERIC' && contract.mechanism === 'dpm-2') return ( contract.resolutionValue?.toString() ?? getValueFromBucket(resolution, contract).toString() ) const answer = contract.answers.find((a) => === resolution) if (answer) return answer.text return `#${resolution}` } export const sendWelcomeEmail = async ( user: User, privateUser: PrivateUser ) => { if (!privateUser || ! return const { name } = user const firstName = name.split(' ')[0] const unsubscribeUrl = `${DOMAIN}/notifications?tab=settings§ion=${ 'onboarding_flow' as keyof notification_subscription_types }` return await sendTemplateEmail(, 'Welcome to Manifold Markets!', 'welcome', { name: firstName, unsubscribeUrl, }, { from: 'David from Manifold ', } ) } export const sendPersonalFollowupEmail = async ( user: User, privateUser: PrivateUser, sendTime: string ) => { if (!privateUser || ! return const { name } = user const firstName = name.split(' ')[0] const emailBody = `Hi ${firstName}, Thanks for signing up! I'm one of the cofounders of Manifold Markets, and was wondering how you've found your experience on the platform so far? If you haven't already, I encourage you to try creating your own prediction market ( and joining our Discord chat ( Feel free to reply to this email with any questions or concerns you have. Cheers, James Cofounder of Manifold Markets ` await sendTextEmail(, 'How are you finding Manifold?', emailBody, { from: 'James from Manifold ', 'o:deliverytime': sendTime, } ) } export const sendOneWeekBonusEmail = async ( user: User, privateUser: PrivateUser ) => { if ( !privateUser || ! || !privateUser.notificationSubscriptionTypes.onboarding_flow.includes('email') ) return const { name } = user const firstName = name.split(' ')[0] const unsubscribeUrl = `${DOMAIN}/notifications?tab=settings§ion=${ 'onboarding_flow' as keyof notification_subscription_types }` return await sendTemplateEmail(, 'Manifold Markets one week anniversary gift', 'one-week', { name: firstName, unsubscribeUrl, manalink: '', }, { from: 'David from Manifold ', } ) } export const sendCreatorGuideEmail = async ( user: User, privateUser: PrivateUser, sendTime: string ) => { if ( !privateUser || ! || !privateUser.notificationSubscriptionTypes.onboarding_flow.includes('email') ) return const { name } = user const firstName = name.split(' ')[0] const unsubscribeUrl = `${DOMAIN}/notifications?tab=settings§ion=${ 'onboarding_flow' as keyof notification_subscription_types }` return await sendTemplateEmail(, 'Create your own prediction market', 'creating-market', { name: firstName, unsubscribeUrl, }, { from: 'David from Manifold ', 'o:deliverytime': sendTime, } ) } export const sendThankYouEmail = async ( user: User, privateUser: PrivateUser ) => { if ( !privateUser || ! || !privateUser.notificationSubscriptionTypes.thank_you_for_purchases.includes( 'email' ) ) return const { name } = user const firstName = name.split(' ')[0] const unsubscribeUrl = `${DOMAIN}/notifications?tab=settings§ion=${ 'thank_you_for_purchases' as keyof notification_subscription_types }` return await sendTemplateEmail(, 'Thanks for your Manifold purchase', 'thank-you', { name: firstName, unsubscribeUrl, }, { from: 'David from Manifold ', } ) } export const sendMarketCloseEmail = async ( reason: notification_reason_types, user: User, privateUser: PrivateUser, contract: Contract ) => { const { sendToEmail, urlToManageThisNotification: unsubscribeUrl } = await getDestinationsForUser(privateUser, reason) if (! || !sendToEmail) return const { username, name, id: userId } = user const firstName = name.split(' ')[0] const { question, slug, volume } = contract const url = `https://${DOMAIN}/${username}/${slug}` return await sendTemplateEmail(, 'Your market has closed', 'market-close', { question, url, unsubscribeUrl, userId, name: firstName, volume: formatMoney(volume), } ) } export const sendNewCommentEmail = async ( reason: notification_reason_types, privateUser: PrivateUser, commentCreator: User, contract: Contract, commentText: string, commentId: string, bet?: Bet, answerText?: string, answerId?: string ) => { const { sendToEmail, urlToManageThisNotification: unsubscribeUrl } = await getDestinationsForUser(privateUser, reason) if (!privateUser || ! || !sendToEmail) return const { question } = contract const marketUrl = `https://${DOMAIN}/${contract.creatorUsername}/${contract.slug}#${commentId}` const { name: commentorName, avatarUrl: commentorAvatarUrl } = commentCreator let betDescription = '' if (bet) { const { amount, sale } = bet betDescription = `${sale || amount < 0 ? 'sold' : 'bought'} ${formatMoney( Math.abs(amount) )}` } const subject = `Comment on ${question}` const from = `${commentorName} on Manifold ` if (contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' && answerId && answerText) { const answerNumber = answerId ? `#${answerId}` : '' return await sendTemplateEmail(, subject, 'market-answer-comment', { answer: answerText, answerNumber, commentorName, commentorAvatarUrl: commentorAvatarUrl ?? '', comment: commentText, marketUrl, unsubscribeUrl, betDescription, }, { from } ) } else { if (bet) { betDescription = `${betDescription} of ${toDisplayResolution( contract, bet.outcome )}` } return await sendTemplateEmail(, subject, 'market-comment', { commentorName, commentorAvatarUrl: commentorAvatarUrl ?? '', comment: commentText, marketUrl, unsubscribeUrl, betDescription, }, { from } ) } } export const sendNewAnswerEmail = async ( reason: notification_reason_types, privateUser: PrivateUser, name: string, text: string, contract: Contract, avatarUrl?: string ) => { const { creatorId } = contract // Don't send the creator's own answers. if ( === creatorId) return const { sendToEmail, urlToManageThisNotification: unsubscribeUrl } = await getDestinationsForUser(privateUser, reason) if (! || !sendToEmail) return const { question, creatorUsername, slug } = contract const marketUrl = `https://${DOMAIN}/${creatorUsername}/${slug}` const subject = `New answer on ${question}` const from = `${name} ` return await sendTemplateEmail(, subject, 'market-answer', { name, avatarUrl: avatarUrl ?? '', answer: text, marketUrl, unsubscribeUrl, }, { from } ) } export const sendInterestingMarketsEmail = async ( user: User, privateUser: PrivateUser, contractsToSend: Contract[], deliveryTime?: string ) => { if ( !privateUser || ! || !privateUser.notificationSubscriptionTypes.trending_markets.includes( 'email' ) ) return const unsubscribeUrl = `${DOMAIN}/notifications?tab=settings§ion=${ 'trending_markets' as keyof notification_subscription_types }` const { name } = user const firstName = name.split(' ')[0] await sendTemplateEmail(, `${contractsToSend[0].question} & 5 more interesting markets on Manifold`, 'interesting-markets', { name: firstName, unsubscribeUrl, question1Title: contractsToSend[0].question, question1Link: contractUrl(contractsToSend[0]), question1ImgSrc: imageSourceUrl(contractsToSend[0]), question2Title: contractsToSend[1].question, question2Link: contractUrl(contractsToSend[1]), question2ImgSrc: imageSourceUrl(contractsToSend[1]), question3Title: contractsToSend[2].question, question3Link: contractUrl(contractsToSend[2]), question3ImgSrc: imageSourceUrl(contractsToSend[2]), question4Title: contractsToSend[3].question, question4Link: contractUrl(contractsToSend[3]), question4ImgSrc: imageSourceUrl(contractsToSend[3]), question5Title: contractsToSend[4].question, question5Link: contractUrl(contractsToSend[4]), question5ImgSrc: imageSourceUrl(contractsToSend[4]), question6Title: contractsToSend[5].question, question6Link: contractUrl(contractsToSend[5]), question6ImgSrc: imageSourceUrl(contractsToSend[5]), }, deliveryTime ? { 'o:deliverytime': deliveryTime } : undefined ) } function contractUrl(contract: Contract) { return `${contract.creatorUsername}/${contract.slug}` } function imageSourceUrl(contract: Contract) { return buildCardUrl(getOpenGraphProps(contract)) }