import { isEqual } from 'lodash' export function filterDefined(array: (T | null | undefined)[]) { return array.filter((item) => item !== null && item !== undefined) as T[] } export function buildArray( ...params: (T | T[] | false | undefined | null)[] ) { const array: T[] = [] for (const el of params) { if (Array.isArray(el)) { array.push(...el) } else if (el) { array.push(el) } } return array } export function groupConsecutive(xs: T[], key: (x: T) => U) { if (!xs.length) { return [] } const result = [] let curr = { key: key(xs[0]), items: [xs[0]] } for (const x of xs.slice(1)) { const k = key(x) if (!isEqual(key, curr.key)) { result.push(curr) curr = { key: k, items: [x] } } else { curr.items.push(x) } } result.push(curr) return result }