import { Modal } from 'web/components/layout/modal'
import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col'

export function LoansModal(props: {
  isOpen: boolean
  setOpen: (open: boolean) => void
}) {
  const { isOpen, setOpen } = props

  return (
    <Modal open={isOpen} setOpen={setOpen}>
      <Col className="items-center gap-4 rounded-md bg-white px-8 py-6">
        <span className={'text-8xl'}>🏦</span>
        <span className="text-xl">Loans on your bets</span>
        <Col className={'gap-2'}>
          <span className={'text-indigo-700'}>• What are loans?</span>
          <span className={'ml-2'}>
            Every Monday, get 5% of your total bet amount back as a loan.
          <span className={'text-indigo-700'}>
            • Do I have to pay back a loan?
          <span className={'ml-2'}>
            Yes, don't worry! You will automatically pay back loans when the
            market resolves or you sell your bet.
          <span className={'text-indigo-700'}>
            • What is the purpose of loans?
          <span className={'ml-2'}>
            Loans make it worthwhile to bet on markets that won't resolve for
            months or years, because your investment won't be locked up as long.
          <span className={'text-indigo-700'}>• What is an example?</span>
          <span className={'ml-2'}>
            For example, if you bet M$100 on "Will I become a millionare?" on
            Sunday, you will get M$5 back on Monday.
          <span className={'ml-2'}>
            Previous loans count against your total bet amount. So, the next
            week, you would get back 5% of M$95 = M$4.75.