import React from 'react' import Router from 'next/router' import { Contract, getContractsBySlugs } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { FeedPromo } from 'web/components/feed-create' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { ManifoldLogo } from 'web/components/nav/manifold-logo' export async function getStaticProps() { // These hardcoded markets will be shown in the frontpage for signed-out users: const hotContracts = await getContractsBySlugs([ 'if-boris-johnson-is-leader-of-the-c', 'will-ethereum-merge-to-proofofstake', 'will-russia-control-the-majority-of', 'will-elon-musk-buy-twitter-this-yea', 'will-an-ai-get-gold-on-any-internat', 'how-many-us-supreme-court-justices', 'who-will-win-the-nba-finals-champio', 'what-database-will-manifold-be-prim', 'will-the-supreme-court-leakers-iden', 'will-over-25-of-participants-in-the-163d54309e43', ]) return { props: { hotContracts }, revalidate: 60, // regenerate after a minute } } const Home = (props: { hotContracts: Contract[] }) => { const { hotContracts } = props const user = useUser() if (user) { Router.replace('/home') return <></> } return ( <Page assertUser="signed-out"> <div className="px-4 pt-2 md:mt-0 lg:hidden"> <ManifoldLogo /> </div> <Col className="items-center"> <Col className="max-w-3xl"> <FeedPromo hotContracts={hotContracts ?? []} /> {/* <p className="mt-6 text-gray-500"> View{' '} <SiteLink href="/markets" className="font-bold text-gray-700"> all markets </SiteLink> </p> */} </Col> </Col> </Page> ) } export default Home