import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { useContractWithPreload } from '../../hooks/use-contract' import { ContractOverview } from '../../components/contract-overview' import { BetPanel } from '../../components/bet-panel' import { Col } from '../../components/layout/col' import { useUser } from '../../hooks/use-user' import { ResolutionPanel } from '../../components/resolution-panel' import { ContractBetsTable, MyBetsSummary } from '../../components/bets-list' import { useBets } from '../../hooks/use-bets' import { Title } from '../../components/title' import { Spacer } from '../../components/layout/spacer' import { listUsers, User } from '../../lib/firebase/users' import { Contract, getContractFromSlug, tradingAllowed, getBinaryProbPercent, } from '../../lib/firebase/contracts' import { SEO } from '../../components/SEO' import { Page } from '../../components/page' import { contractTextDetails } from '../../components/contract-card' import { Bet, listAllBets } from '../../lib/firebase/bets' import { Comment, listAllComments } from '../../lib/firebase/comments' import Custom404 from '../404' import { getFoldsByTags } from '../../lib/firebase/folds' import { Fold } from '../../../common/fold' import { useFoldsWithTags } from '../../hooks/use-fold' import { listAllAnswers } from '../../lib/firebase/answers' import { Answer } from '../../../common/answer' import { AnswersPanel } from '../../components/answers/answers-panel' import { fromPropz, usePropz } from '../../hooks/use-propz' import { Leaderboard } from '../../components/leaderboard' import _ from 'lodash' import { calculatePayout, resolvedPayout } from '../../../common/calculate' import { formatMoney } from '../../../common/util/format' import { FeedBet, FeedComment } from '../../components/feed/feed-items' import { useUserById } from '../../hooks/use-users' export const getStaticProps = fromPropz(getStaticPropz) export async function getStaticPropz(props: { params: { username: string; contractSlug: string } }) { const { username, contractSlug } = props.params const contract = (await getContractFromSlug(contractSlug)) || null const contractId = contract?.id const foldsPromise = getFoldsByTags(contract?.tags ?? []) const [bets, comments, answers] = await Promise.all([ contractId ? listAllBets(contractId) : [], contractId ? listAllComments(contractId) : [], contractId && contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' ? listAllAnswers(contractId) : [], ]) const folds = await foldsPromise return { props: { contract, username, slug: contractSlug, bets, comments, answers, folds, }, revalidate: 60, // regenerate after a minute } } export async function getStaticPaths() { return { paths: [], fallback: 'blocking' } } export default function ContractPage(props: { contract: Contract | null username: string bets: Bet[] comments: Comment[] answers: Answer[] slug: string folds: Fold[] }) { props = usePropz(props, getStaticPropz) ?? { contract: null, username: '', comments: [], answers: [], bets: [], slug: '', folds: [], } const user = useUser() const contract = useContractWithPreload(props.slug, props.contract) const { bets, comments } = props // Sort for now to see if bug is fixed. comments.sort((c1, c2) => c1.createdTime - c2.createdTime) bets.sort((bet1, bet2) => bet1.createdTime - bet2.createdTime) const folds = (useFoldsWithTags(contract?.tags) ?? props.folds).filter( (fold) => fold.followCount > 1 || user?.id === fold.curatorId ) if (!contract) { return <Custom404 /> } const { creatorId, isResolved, question, outcomeType } = contract const isCreator = user?.id === creatorId const isBinary = outcomeType === 'BINARY' const allowTrade = tradingAllowed(contract) const allowResolve = !isResolved && isCreator && !!user const hasSidePanel = isBinary && (allowTrade || allowResolve) const ogCardProps = getOpenGraphProps(contract) const rightSidebar = hasSidePanel ? ( <Col className="gap-4"> {allowTrade && ( <BetPanel className="hidden lg:flex" contract={contract} /> )} {allowResolve && <ResolutionPanel creator={user} contract={contract} />} </Col> ) : null return ( <Page rightSidebar={rightSidebar}> {ogCardProps && ( <SEO title={question} description={ogCardProps.description} url={`/${props.username}/${props.slug}`} ogCardProps={ogCardProps} /> )} <Col className="w-full justify-between md:flex-row"> <div className="flex-1 rounded border-0 border-gray-100 bg-white px-2 py-6 md:px-6 md:py-8"> <ContractOverview contract={contract} bets={bets ?? []} comments={comments ?? []} folds={folds} > {contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' && ( <> <Spacer h={4} /> <AnswersPanel contract={contract as any} answers={props.answers} /> <Spacer h={4} /> <div className="divider before:bg-gray-300 after:bg-gray-300" /> </> )} </ContractOverview> {contract.isResolved && ( <> <div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2"> <ContractLeaderboard contract={contract} bets={bets} /> <ContractTopTrades contract={contract} bets={bets} comments={comments} /> </div> <Spacer h={12} /> </> )} <BetsSection contract={contract} user={user ?? null} bets={bets} /> </div> </Col> </Page> ) } function BetsSection(props: { contract: Contract user: User | null bets: Bet[] }) { const { contract, user } = props const bets = useBets( ?? props.bets // Decending creation time. bets.sort((bet1, bet2) => bet2.createdTime - bet1.createdTime) const userBets = user && bets.filter((bet) => bet.userId === if (!userBets || userBets.length === 0) return <></> return ( <div> <Title className="px-2" text="Your trades" /> <MyBetsSummary className="px-2" contract={contract} bets={userBets} /> <Spacer h={6} /> <ContractBetsTable contract={contract} bets={userBets} /> <Spacer h={12} /> </div> ) } function ContractLeaderboard(props: { contract: Contract; bets: Bet[] }) { const { contract, bets } = props const [users, setUsers] = useState<User[]>() // Create a map of userIds to total profits (including sales) const betsByUser = _.groupBy(bets, 'userId') const userProfits = _.mapValues(betsByUser, (bets) => _.sumBy(bets, (bet) => resolvedPayout(contract, bet) - bet.amount) ) // Find the 5 users with the most profits const top5Ids = _.entries(userProfits) .sort(([i1, p1], [i2, p2]) => p2 - p1) .filter(([, p]) => p > 0) .slice(0, 5) .map(([id]) => id) useEffect(() => { if (top5Ids.length > 0) { listUsers(top5Ids).then((users) => { const sortedUsers = _.sortBy(users, (user) => -userProfits[]) setUsers(sortedUsers) }) } }, []) return users && users.length > 0 ? ( <Leaderboard title="🏅 Top traders" users={users || []} columns={[ { header: 'Total profit', renderCell: (user) => formatMoney(userProfits[] || 0), }, ]} className="mt-12 max-w-sm" /> ) : null } function ContractTopTrades(props: { contract: Contract bets: Bet[] comments: Comment[] }) { const { contract, bets, comments } = props const commentsById = _.keyBy(comments, 'id') const betsById = _.keyBy(bets, 'id') // If 'id2' is the sale of 'id1', both are logged with (id2 - id1) of profit // Otherwise, we record the profit at resolution time const profitById: Record<string, number> = {} for (const bet of bets) { if ( { const originalBet = betsById[] const profit = - originalBet.amount profitById[] = profit profitById[] = profit } else { profitById[] = resolvedPayout(contract, bet) - bet.amount } } // Now find the betId with the highest profit const topBetId = _.sortBy(bets, (b) => -profitById[])[0]?.id const topBettor = useUserById(betsById[topBetId]?.userId) // And also the commentId of the comment with the highest profit const topCommentId = _.sortBy(comments, (c) => -profitById[c.betId])[0]?.id return ( <div className="mt-12 max-w-sm"> {topCommentId && profitById[topCommentId] > 0 && ( <> <Title text="💬 Proven correct" className="!mt-0" /> <div className="relative flex items-start space-x-3 rounded-md bg-gray-50 px-2 py-4"> <FeedComment contract={contract} comment={commentsById[topCommentId]} bet={betsById[topCommentId]} hideOutcome={false} truncate={false} smallAvatar={false} /> </div> <div className="mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500"> {commentsById[topCommentId].userName} made{' '} {formatMoney(profitById[topCommentId] || 0)}! </div> <Spacer h={16} /> </> )} {/* If they're the same, only show the comment; otherwise show both */} {topBettor && topBetId !== topCommentId && profitById[topBetId] > 0 && ( <> <Title text="💸 Smartest money" className="!mt-0" /> <div className="relative flex items-start space-x-3 rounded-md bg-gray-50 px-2 py-4"> <FeedBet contract={contract} bet={betsById[topBetId]} hideOutcome={false} smallAvatar={false} bettor={topBettor} /> </div> <div className="mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500"> {topBettor?.name} made {formatMoney(profitById[topBetId] || 0)}! </div> </> )} </div> ) } const getOpenGraphProps = (contract: Contract) => { const { resolution, question, creatorName, creatorUsername, outcomeType } = contract const probPercent = outcomeType === 'BINARY' ? getBinaryProbPercent(contract) : undefined const description = resolution ? `Resolved ${resolution}. ${contract.description}` : probPercent ? `${probPercent} chance. ${contract.description}` : contract.description return { question, probability: probPercent, metadata: contractTextDetails(contract), creatorName: creatorName, creatorUsername: creatorUsername, description, } }