import _ from 'lodash' import { Answer } from '../../../common/answer' import { Bet } from '../../../common/bet' import { getOutcomeProbability } from '../../../common/calculate' import { Comment } from '../../../common/comment' import { Contract, DPM, FreeResponse, FullContract, } from '../../../common/contract' import { User } from '../../../common/user' import { mapCommentsByBetId } from '../../lib/firebase/comments' export type ActivityItem = | DescriptionItem | QuestionItem | BetItem | CommentItem | BetGroupItem | AnswerGroupItem | CloseItem | ResolveItem | CommentInputItem type BaseActivityItem = { id: string contract: Contract } export type CommentInputItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'commentInput' betsByCurrentUser: Bet[] comments: Comment[] } export type DescriptionItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'description' } export type QuestionItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'question' showDescription: boolean contractPath?: string } export type BetItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'bet' bet: Bet hideOutcome: boolean smallAvatar: boolean hideComment?: boolean } export type CommentItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'comment' comment: Comment betsBySameUser: Bet[] hideOutcome: boolean truncate: boolean smallAvatar: boolean } export type BetGroupItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'betgroup' bets: Bet[] hideOutcome: boolean } export type AnswerGroupItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'answergroup' | 'answer' answer: Answer items: ActivityItem[] } export type CloseItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'close' } export type ResolveItem = BaseActivityItem & { type: 'resolve' } const DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 const ABBREVIATED_NUM_COMMENTS_OR_BETS_TO_SHOW = 3 // Group together bets that are: // - Within a day of the first in the group // (Unless the bets are older: then are grouped by 7-days.) // - Do not have a comment // - Were not created by this user // Return a list of ActivityItems function groupBets( bets: Bet[], comments: Comment[], contract: Contract, userId: string | undefined, options: { hideOutcome: boolean abbreviated: boolean smallAvatar: boolean reversed: boolean } ) { const { hideOutcome, abbreviated, smallAvatar, reversed } = options const commentsMap = mapCommentsByBetId(comments) const items: ActivityItem[] = [] let group: Bet[] = [] // Turn the current group into an ActivityItem function pushGroup() { if (group.length == 1) { items.push(toActivityItem(group[0])) } else if (group.length > 1) { items.push({ type: 'betgroup', bets: [], id: group[0].id, contract, hideOutcome, }) } group = [] } function toActivityItem(bet: Bet): ActivityItem { const comment = commentsMap[] return comment ? { type: 'comment' as const, id:, comment, betsBySameUser: [bet], contract, hideOutcome, truncate: abbreviated, smallAvatar, } : { type: 'bet' as const, id:, bet, contract, hideOutcome, smallAvatar, } } for (const bet of bets) { const isCreator = userId === bet.userId // If first bet in group is older than 3 days, group by 7 days. Otherwise, group by 1 day. const windowMs = - (group[0]?.createdTime ?? bet.createdTime) > DAY_IN_MS * 3 ? DAY_IN_MS * 7 : DAY_IN_MS if (commentsMap[] || isCreator) { pushGroup() // Create a single item for this items.push(toActivityItem(bet)) } else { if ( group.length > 0 && bet.createdTime - group[0].createdTime > windowMs ) { // More than `windowMs` has passed; start a new group pushGroup() } group.push(bet) } } if (group.length > 0) { pushGroup() } const abbrItems = abbreviated ? items.slice(-ABBREVIATED_NUM_COMMENTS_OR_BETS_TO_SHOW) : items if (reversed) abbrItems.reverse() return abbrItems } function getAnswerGroups( contract: FullContract, bets: Bet[], comments: Comment[], user: User | undefined | null, options: { sortByProb: boolean abbreviated: boolean reversed: boolean } ) { const { sortByProb, abbreviated, reversed } = options let outcomes = _.uniq( => bet.outcome)).filter( (outcome) => getOutcomeProbability(contract, outcome) > 0.0001 ) if (abbreviated) { const lastComment = _.last(comments) const lastCommentOutcome = bets.find( (bet) => === lastComment?.betId )?.outcome const lastBetOutcome = _.last(bets)?.outcome if (lastCommentOutcome && lastBetOutcome) { outcomes = _.uniq([ ...outcomes.filter( (outcome) => outcome !== lastCommentOutcome && outcome !== lastBetOutcome ), lastCommentOutcome, lastBetOutcome, ]) } outcomes = outcomes.slice(-2) } if (sortByProb) { outcomes = _.sortBy(outcomes, (outcome) => getOutcomeProbability(contract, outcome) ) } else { // Sort by recent bet. outcomes = _.sortBy(outcomes, (outcome) => _.findLastIndex(bets, (bet) => bet.outcome === outcome) ) } const answerGroups = outcomes .map((outcome) => { const answerBets = bets.filter((bet) => bet.outcome === outcome) const answerComments = comments.filter((comment) => answerBets.some((bet) => === comment.betId) ) const answer = contract.answers?.find( (answer) => === outcome ) as Answer let items = groupBets(answerBets, answerComments, contract, user?.id, { hideOutcome: true, abbreviated, smallAvatar: true, reversed, }) if (abbreviated) items = items.slice(-ABBREVIATED_NUM_COMMENTS_OR_BETS_TO_SHOW) return { id: outcome, type: 'answergroup' as const, contract, answer, items, user, } }) .filter((group) => group.answer) if (reversed) answerGroups.reverse() return answerGroups } function groupBetsAndComments( bets: Bet[], comments: Comment[], contract: Contract, userId: string | undefined, options: { hideOutcome: boolean abbreviated: boolean smallAvatar: boolean reversed: boolean } ) { const { smallAvatar, abbreviated, reversed } = options const commentsWithoutBets = comments .filter((comment) => !comment.betId) .map((comment) => ({ type: 'comment' as const, id:, contract: contract, comment, betsBySameUser: [], truncate: abbreviated, hideOutcome: true, smallAvatar, })) const groupedBets = groupBets(bets, comments, contract, userId, options) // iterate through the bets and comment activity items and add them to the items in order of comment creation time: const unorderedBetsAndComments = [...commentsWithoutBets, ...groupedBets] let sortedBetsAndComments = _.sortBy(unorderedBetsAndComments, (item) => { if (item.type === 'comment') { return item.comment.createdTime } else if (item.type === 'bet') { return } else if (item.type === 'betgroup') { return item.bets[0].createdTime } }) const abbrItems = abbreviated ? sortedBetsAndComments.slice(-ABBREVIATED_NUM_COMMENTS_OR_BETS_TO_SHOW) : sortedBetsAndComments if (reversed) abbrItems.reverse() return abbrItems } function getCommentsWithPositions( bets: Bet[], comments: Comment[], contract: Contract ) { const betsByUserId = _.groupBy(bets, (bet) => bet.userId) const items = => ({ type: 'comment' as const, id:, contract: contract, comment, betsBySameUser: bets.length === 0 ? [] : betsByUserId[comment.userId] ?? [], truncate: false, hideOutcome: false, smallAvatar: false, })) return items } export function getAllContractActivityItems( contract: Contract, bets: Bet[], comments: Comment[], user: User | null | undefined, options: { abbreviated: boolean } ) { const { abbreviated } = options const { outcomeType } = contract const reversed = true bets = outcomeType === 'BINARY' ? bets.filter((bet) => !bet.isAnte && !bet.isRedemption) : bets.filter((bet) => !(bet.isAnte && (bet.outcome as string) === '0')) const items: ActivityItem[] = abbreviated ? [ { type: 'question', id: '0', contract, showDescription: false, }, ] : [{ type: 'description', id: '0', contract }] if (outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE') { const onlyUsersBetsOrBetsWithComments = bets.filter((bet) => comments.some( (comment) => comment.betId === || bet.userId === user?.id ) ) items.push( ...groupBetsAndComments( onlyUsersBetsOrBetsWithComments, comments, contract, user?.id, { hideOutcome: false, abbreviated, smallAvatar: false, reversed, } ) ) items.push({ type: 'commentInput', id: 'commentInput', contract, betsByCurrentUser: [], comments: [], }) } else { items.push( ...groupBetsAndComments(bets, comments, contract, user?.id, { hideOutcome: false, abbreviated, smallAvatar: false, reversed, }) ) } if (contract.closeTime && contract.closeTime <= { items.push({ type: 'close', id: `${contract.closeTime}`, contract }) } if (contract.resolution) { items.push({ type: 'resolve', id: `${contract.resolutionTime}`, contract }) } if (outcomeType === 'BINARY') { items.push({ type: 'commentInput', id: 'commentInput', contract, betsByCurrentUser: [], comments: [], }) } if (reversed) items.reverse() return items } export function getRecentContractActivityItems( contract: Contract, bets: Bet[], comments: Comment[], user: User | null | undefined, options: { contractPath?: string } ) { const { contractPath } = options bets = bets .filter((bet) => !bet.isRedemption) .sort((b1, b2) => b1.createdTime - b2.createdTime) comments = comments.sort((c1, c2) => c1.createdTime - c2.createdTime) const questionItem: QuestionItem = { type: 'question', id: '0', contract, showDescription: false, contractPath, } const items = [] if (contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE') { items.push( ...getAnswerGroups( contract as FullContract, bets, comments, user, { sortByProb: false, abbreviated: true, reversed: true, } ) ) } else { items.push( ...groupBetsAndComments(bets, comments, contract, user?.id, { hideOutcome: false, abbreviated: true, smallAvatar: false, reversed: true, }) ) } return [questionItem, ...items] } export function getSpecificContractActivityItems( contract: Contract, bets: Bet[], comments: Comment[], user: User | null | undefined, options: { mode: 'comments' | 'bets' } ) { const { mode } = options let items = [] as ActivityItem[] switch (mode) { case 'bets': items.push( => ({ type: 'bet' as const, id:, bet, contract, hideOutcome: false, smallAvatar: false, hideComment: true, })) ) break case 'comments': items.push(...getCommentsWithPositions(bets, comments, contract)) items.push({ type: 'commentInput', id: 'commentInput', contract, betsByCurrentUser: user ? bets.filter((bet) => bet.userId === : [], comments: comments, }) break } return items.reverse() }