import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { bisector } from 'd3-array' import { axisBottom, axisLeft } from 'd3-axis' import { D3BrushEvent } from 'd3-brush' import { ScaleTime, ScaleContinuousNumeric } from 'd3-scale' import { CurveFactory, SeriesPoint, curveLinear, curveStepBefore, curveStepAfter, stack, stackOrderReverse, } from 'd3-shape' import { range } from 'lodash' import { ContinuousScale, Margin, SVGChart, AreaPath, AreaWithTopStroke, Point, SliceMarker, TooltipParams, TooltipComponent, computeColorStops, formatPct, } from './helpers' import { useEvent } from 'web/hooks/use-event' import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { nanoid } from 'nanoid' export type MultiPoint<T = unknown> = Point<Date, number[], T> export type HistoryPoint<T = unknown> = Point<Date, number, T> export type DistributionPoint<T = unknown> = Point<number, number, T> export type ValueKind = 'm$' | 'percent' | 'amount' type SliceExtent = { y0: number; y1: number } const interpolateY = ( curve: CurveFactory, x: number, x0: number, x1: number, y0: number, y1: number ) => { if (curve === curveLinear) { const p = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0) return y0 * (1 - p) + y1 * p } else if (curve === curveStepAfter) { return y0 } else if (curve === curveStepBefore) { return y1 } } const getTickValues = (min: number, max: number, n: number) => { const step = (max - min) / (n - 1) return [min, ...range(1, n - 1).map((i) => min + step * i), max] } const dataAtPointSelector = <X, Y, P extends Point<X, Y>>( data: P[], xScale: ContinuousScale<X> ) => { const bisect = bisector((p: P) => p.x) return (posX: number) => { const x = xScale.invert(posX) const i = bisect.left(data, x) const prev = data[i - 1] as P | undefined const next = data[i] as P | undefined return { prev, next, x: posX } } } export const DistributionChart = <P extends DistributionPoint>(props: { data: P[] w: number h: number color: string margin: Margin xScale: ScaleContinuousNumeric<number, number> yScale: ScaleContinuousNumeric<number, number> curve?: CurveFactory onMouseOver?: (p: P | undefined) => void Tooltip?: TooltipComponent<number, P> }) => { const { data, w, h, color, margin, yScale, curve, Tooltip } = props const [ttParams, setTTParams] = useState<TooltipParams<P>>() const [viewXScale, setViewXScale] = useState<ScaleContinuousNumeric<number, number>>() const xScale = viewXScale ?? props.xScale const px = useCallback((p: P) => xScale(p.x), [xScale]) const py0 = yScale(yScale.domain()[0]) const py1 = useCallback((p: P) => yScale(p.y), [yScale]) const { xAxis, yAxis } = useMemo(() => { const xAxis = axisBottom<number>(xScale).ticks(w / 100) const yAxis = axisLeft<number>(yScale).tickFormat((n) => formatPct(n, 2)) return { xAxis, yAxis } }, [w, xScale, yScale]) const selector = dataAtPointSelector(data, xScale) const onMouseOver = useEvent((mouseX: number, mouseY: number) => { const p = selector(mouseX) props.onMouseOver?.(p.prev) if (p.prev) { setTTParams({ x: mouseX, y: mouseY, data: p.prev }) } else { setTTParams(undefined) } }) const onMouseLeave = useEvent(() => setTTParams(undefined)) const onSelect = useEvent((ev: D3BrushEvent<P>) => { if (ev.selection) { const [mouseX0, mouseX1] = ev.selection as [number, number] setViewXScale(() => xScale.copy().domain([xScale.invert(mouseX0), xScale.invert(mouseX1)]) ) } else { setViewXScale(undefined) } }) return ( <SVGChart w={w} h={h} margin={margin} xAxis={xAxis} yAxis={yAxis} ttParams={ttParams} onSelect={onSelect} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave} Tooltip={Tooltip} > <AreaWithTopStroke color={color} data={data} px={px} py0={py0} py1={py1} curve={curve ?? curveLinear} /> </SVGChart> ) } export const MultiValueHistoryChart = <P extends MultiPoint>(props: { data: P[] w: number h: number colors: readonly string[] margin: Margin xScale: ScaleTime<number, number> yScale: ScaleContinuousNumeric<number, number> yKind?: ValueKind curve?: CurveFactory onMouseOver?: (p: P | undefined) => void Tooltip?: TooltipComponent<Date, P> }) => { const { data, w, h, colors, margin, yScale, yKind, curve, Tooltip } = props const [ttParams, setTTParams] = useState<TooltipParams<P>>() const [viewXScale, setViewXScale] = useState<ScaleTime<number, number>>() const xScale = viewXScale ?? props.xScale type SP = SeriesPoint<P> const px = useCallback((p: SP) => xScale(, [xScale]) const py0 = useCallback((p: SP) => yScale(p[0]), [yScale]) const py1 = useCallback((p: SP) => yScale(p[1]), [yScale]) const { xAxis, yAxis } = useMemo(() => { const [min, max] = yScale.domain() const nTicks = h < 200 ? 3 : 5 const pctTickValues = getTickValues(min, max, nTicks) const xAxis = axisBottom<Date>(xScale).ticks(w / 100) const yAxis = yKind === 'percent' ? axisLeft<number>(yScale) .tickValues(pctTickValues) .tickFormat((n) => formatPct(n)) : yKind === 'm$' ? axisLeft<number>(yScale) .ticks(nTicks) .tickFormat((n) => formatMoney(n)) : axisLeft<number>(yScale).ticks(nTicks) return { xAxis, yAxis } }, [w, h, yKind, xScale, yScale]) const series = useMemo(() => { const d3Stack = stack<P, number>() .keys(range(0, Math.max({ y }) => y.length)))) .value(({ y }, k) => y[k]) .order(stackOrderReverse) return d3Stack(data) }, [data]) const selector = dataAtPointSelector(data, xScale) const onMouseOver = useEvent((mouseX: number, mouseY: number) => { const p = selector(mouseX) props.onMouseOver?.(p.prev) if (p.prev) { setTTParams({ x: mouseX, y: mouseY, data: p.prev }) } else { setTTParams(undefined) } }) const onMouseLeave = useEvent(() => setTTParams(undefined)) const onSelect = useEvent((ev: D3BrushEvent<P>) => { if (ev.selection) { const [mouseX0, mouseX1] = ev.selection as [number, number] setViewXScale(() => xScale.copy().domain([xScale.invert(mouseX0), xScale.invert(mouseX1)]) ) } else { setViewXScale(undefined) } }) return ( <SVGChart w={w} h={h} margin={margin} xAxis={xAxis} yAxis={yAxis} ttParams={ttParams} onSelect={onSelect} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave} Tooltip={Tooltip} > {, i) => ( <AreaPath key={i} data={s} px={px} py0={py0} py1={py1} curve={curve ?? curveLinear} fill={colors[i]} /> ))} </SVGChart> ) } export const SingleValueHistoryChart = <P extends HistoryPoint>(props: { data: P[] w: number h: number color: string | ((p: P) => string) margin: Margin xScale: ScaleTime<number, number> yScale: ScaleContinuousNumeric<number, number> yKind?: ValueKind curve?: CurveFactory onMouseOver?: (p: P | undefined) => void Tooltip?: TooltipComponent<Date, P> pct?: boolean }) => { const { data, w, h, color, margin, yScale, yKind, Tooltip } = props const curve = props.curve ?? curveLinear const [mouse, setMouse] = useState<TooltipParams<P> & SliceExtent>() const [viewXScale, setViewXScale] = useState<ScaleTime<number, number>>() const xScale = viewXScale ?? props.xScale const px = useCallback((p: P) => xScale(p.x), [xScale]) const py0 = yScale(0) const py1 = useCallback((p: P) => yScale(p.y), [yScale]) const { xAxis, yAxis } = useMemo(() => { const [min, max] = yScale.domain() const nTicks = h < 200 ? 3 : 5 const pctTickValues = getTickValues(min, max, nTicks) const xAxis = axisBottom<Date>(xScale).ticks(w / 100) const yAxis = yKind === 'percent' ? axisLeft<number>(yScale) .tickValues(pctTickValues) .tickFormat((n) => formatPct(n)) : yKind === 'm$' ? axisLeft<number>(yScale) .ticks(nTicks) .tickFormat((n) => formatMoney(n)) : axisLeft<number>(yScale).ticks(nTicks) return { xAxis, yAxis } }, [w, h, yKind, xScale, yScale]) const selector = dataAtPointSelector(data, xScale) const onMouseOver = useEvent((mouseX: number) => { const p = selector(mouseX) props.onMouseOver?.(p.prev) const x0 = p.prev ? xScale(p.prev.x) : xScale.range()[0] const x1 = ? xScale( : xScale.range()[1] const y0 = p.prev ? yScale(p.prev.y) : yScale.range()[0] const y1 = ? yScale( : yScale.range()[1] const markerY = interpolateY(curve, mouseX, x0, x1, y0, y1) if (p.prev && markerY) { setMouse({ x: mouseX, y: markerY, y0: py0, y1: markerY, data: p.prev, }) } else { setMouse(undefined) } }) const onMouseLeave = useEvent(() => setMouse(undefined)) const onSelect = useEvent((ev: D3BrushEvent<P>) => { if (ev.selection) { const [mouseX0, mouseX1] = ev.selection as [number, number] const newViewXScale = xScale .copy() .domain([xScale.invert(mouseX0), xScale.invert(mouseX1)]) setViewXScale(() => newViewXScale) const dataInView = data.filter((p) => { const x = newViewXScale(p.x) return x >= 0 && x <= w }) const yMin = Math.min( => p.y)) const yMax = Math.max( => p.y)) // Prevents very small selections from being too zoomed in if (yMax - yMin > 0.05) { // adds a little padding to the top and bottom of the selection yScale.domain([yMin - (yMax - yMin) * 0.1, yMax + (yMax - yMin) * 0.1]) } } else { setViewXScale(undefined) yScale.domain([0, 1]) } }) const gradientId = useMemo(() => nanoid(), []) const stops = useMemo( () => typeof color !== 'string' ? computeColorStops(data, color, px) : null, [color, data, px] ) return ( <SVGChart w={w} h={h} margin={margin} xAxis={xAxis} yAxis={yAxis} ttParams={ mouse ? { x: mouse.x, y: mouse.y, data: } : undefined } onSelect={onSelect} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} onMouseLeave={onMouseLeave} Tooltip={Tooltip} > {stops && ( <defs> <linearGradient gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id={gradientId}> {, i) => ( <stop key={i} offset={`${s.x / w}`} stopColor={s.color} /> ))} </linearGradient> </defs> )} <AreaWithTopStroke color={typeof color === 'string' ? color : `url(#${gradientId})`} data={data} px={px} py0={py0} py1={py1} curve={curve ?? curveLinear} /> {mouse && ( <SliceMarker color="#5BCEFF" x={mouse.x} y0={mouse.y0} y1={mouse.y1} /> )} </SVGChart> ) }