// Adopted from https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/blob/main/demos/src/Experiments/Embeds/Vue/iframe.ts import { Node } from '@tiptap/core' export interface IframeOptions { allowFullscreen: boolean HTMLAttributes: { [key: string]: any } } declare module '@tiptap/core' { interface Commands<ReturnType> { iframe: { setIframe: (options: { src: string }) => ReturnType } } } // These classes style the outer wrapper and the inner iframe; // Adopted from css in https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/blob/main/demos/src/Experiments/Embeds/Vue/index.vue const wrapperClasses = 'relative h-auto w-full overflow-hidden' const iframeClasses = 'absolute top-0 left-0 h-full w-full' export default Node.create<IframeOptions>({ name: 'iframe', group: 'block', atom: true, addOptions() { return { allowFullscreen: true, HTMLAttributes: { class: 'iframe-wrapper' + ' ' + wrapperClasses, // Tailwind JIT doesn't seem to pick up `pb-[20rem]`, so we hack this in: style: 'padding-bottom: 20rem;', }, } }, addAttributes() { return { src: { default: null, }, frameborder: { default: 0, }, allowfullscreen: { default: this.options.allowFullscreen, parseHTML: () => this.options.allowFullscreen, }, } }, parseHTML() { return [{ tag: 'iframe' }] }, renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) { return [ 'div', this.options.HTMLAttributes, [ 'iframe', { ...HTMLAttributes, class: HTMLAttributes.class + ' ' + iframeClasses, }, ], ] }, addCommands() { return { setIframe: (options: { src: string }) => ({ tr, dispatch }) => { const { selection } = tr const node = this.type.create(options) if (dispatch) { tr.replaceRangeWith(selection.from, selection.to, node) } return true }, } }, })