import _ from 'lodash' import { useState, useMemo } from 'react' import { charities, Charity as CharityType } from 'common/charity' import { CharityCard } from 'web/components/charity/charity-card' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { Spacer } from 'web/components/layout/spacer' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { SiteLink } from 'web/components/site-link' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' import { getAllCharityTxns } from 'web/lib/firebase/txns' export async function getStaticProps() { const txns = await getAllCharityTxns() const totals = _.mapValues(_.groupBy(txns, 'toId'), (txns) => _.sumBy(txns, (txn) => txn.amount) ) const totalRaised = _.sum(Object.values(totals)) const sortedCharities = _.sortBy(charities, [ (charity) => (charity.tags?.includes('Featured') ? 0 : 1), (charity) => -totals[], ]) return { props: { totalRaised, charities: sortedCharities, }, revalidate: 60, } } export default function Charity(props: { totalRaised: number charities: CharityType[] }) { const { totalRaised, charities } = props const [query, setQuery] = useState('') const debouncedQuery = _.debounce(setQuery, 50) const filterCharities = useMemo( () => charities.filter( (charity) => || charity.preview.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) || charity.description.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) || (charity.tags as string[])?.includes(query.toLowerCase()) ), [query] ) return ( <Page> <Col className="w-full rounded px-4 py-6 sm:px-8 xl:w-[125%]"> <Col className="max-w-xl gap-2"> <Title className="!mt-0" text="Manifold for Good" /> <div className="mb-6 text-gray-500"> Donate your winnings to charity! Through the month of May, every M$100 you contribute turns into $1 USD sent to your chosen charity. <Spacer h={5} /> Together we've donated over ${Math.floor(totalRaised / 100)} USD so far! </div> <input type="text" onChange={(e) => debouncedQuery(} placeholder="Search charities" className="input input-bordered mb-6 w-full" /> </Col> <div className="grid max-w-xl grid-flow-row grid-cols-1 gap-4 lg:max-w-full lg:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3"> { => ( <CharityCard charity={charity} key={} /> ))} </div> {filterCharities.length === 0 && ( <div className="text-center text-gray-500"> 😢 We couldn't find that charity... </div> )} <iframe height="405" src="" title="Total donations for Manifold for Good this May (in USD)" frameBorder="0" className="m-10 w-full rounded-xl bg-white p-10" ></iframe> <div className="mt-10 text-gray-500"> Don't see your favorite charity? Recommend it{' '} <SiteLink href="" className="text-indigo-700" > here </SiteLink> ! <br /> <br /> <span className="italic"> Note: Manifold is not affiliated with non-Featured charities; we're just fans of their work! <br /> As Manifold is a for-profit entity, your contributions will not be tax deductible. </span> </div> </Col> </Page> ) }