import clsx from 'clsx' import React, { useState } from 'react' import { XIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import { Answer } from 'common/answer' import { FreeResponseContract, MultipleChoiceContract } from 'common/contract' import { BuyAmountInput } from '../amount-input' import { Col } from '../layout/col' import { APIError, placeBet } from 'web/lib/firebase/api' import { Row } from '../layout/row' import { Spacer } from '../layout/spacer' import { formatMoney, formatPercent, formatWithCommas, } from 'common/util/format' import { InfoTooltip } from '../info-tooltip' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { getDpmOutcomeProbability, calculateDpmShares, calculateDpmPayoutAfterCorrectBet, getDpmOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet, } from 'common/calculate-dpm' import { Bet } from 'common/bet' import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics' import { BetSignUpPrompt } from '../sign-up-prompt' import { WarningConfirmationButton } from '../warning-confirmation-button' export function AnswerBetPanel(props: { answer: Answer contract: FreeResponseContract | MultipleChoiceContract closePanel: () => void className?: string isModal?: boolean }) { const { answer, contract, closePanel, className, isModal } = props const { id: answerId } = answer const user = useUser() const [betAmount, setBetAmount] = useState<number | undefined>(undefined) const [error, setError] = useState<string | undefined>() const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) async function submitBet() { if (!user || !betAmount) return setError(undefined) setIsSubmitting(true) placeBet({ amount: betAmount, outcome: answerId, contractId:, }) .then((r) => { console.log('placed bet. Result:', r) setIsSubmitting(false) setBetAmount(undefined) props.closePanel() }) .catch((e) => { if (e instanceof APIError) { setError(e.toString()) } else { console.error(e) setError('Error placing bet') } setIsSubmitting(false) }) track('bet', { location: 'answer panel', outcomeType: contract.outcomeType, slug: contract.slug, contractId:, amount: betAmount, outcome: answerId, }) } const betDisabled = isSubmitting || !betAmount || error const initialProb = getDpmOutcomeProbability(contract.totalShares, const resultProb = getDpmOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet( contract.totalShares, answerId, betAmount ?? 0 ) const shares = calculateDpmShares( contract.totalShares, betAmount ?? 0, answerId ) const currentPayout = betAmount ? calculateDpmPayoutAfterCorrectBet(contract, { outcome: answerId, amount: betAmount, shares, } as Bet) : 0 const currentReturn = betAmount ? (currentPayout - betAmount) / betAmount : 0 const currentReturnPercent = formatPercent(currentReturn) const bankrollFraction = (betAmount ?? 0) / (user?.balance ?? 1e9) const warning = (betAmount ?? 0) >= 100 && bankrollFraction >= 0.5 && bankrollFraction <= 1 ? `You might not want to spend ${formatPercent( bankrollFraction )} of your balance on a single bet. \n\nCurrent balance: ${formatMoney( user?.balance ?? 0 )}` : undefined return ( <Col className={clsx('px-2 pb-2 pt-4 sm:pt-0', className)}> <Row className="items-center justify-between self-stretch"> <div className="text-xl"> Buy answer: {isModal ? `"${answer.text}"` : 'this answer'} </div> {!isModal && ( <button className="btn-ghost btn-circle" onClick={closePanel}> <XIcon className="mx-auto h-8 w-8 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" /> </button> )} </Row> <Row className="my-3 justify-between text-left text-sm text-gray-500"> Amount <span>Balance: {formatMoney(user?.balance ?? 0)}</span> </Row> <BuyAmountInput inputClassName="w-full max-w-none" amount={betAmount} onChange={setBetAmount} error={error} setError={setError} disabled={isSubmitting} showSliderOnMobile /> <Col className="mt-3 w-full gap-3"> <Row className="items-center justify-between text-sm"> <div className="text-gray-500">Probability</div> <Row> <div>{formatPercent(initialProb)}</div> <div className="mx-2">→</div> <div>{formatPercent(resultProb)}</div> </Row> </Row> <Row className="items-center justify-between gap-2 text-sm"> <Row className="flex-nowrap items-center gap-2 whitespace-nowrap text-gray-500"> <div> Estimated <br /> payout if chosen </div> <InfoTooltip text={`Current payout for ${formatWithCommas( shares )} / ${formatWithCommas( shares + contract.totalShares[answerId] )} shares`} /> </Row> <Row className="flex-wrap items-end justify-end gap-2"> <span className="whitespace-nowrap"> {formatMoney(currentPayout)} </span> <span>(+{currentReturnPercent})</span> </Row> </Row> </Col> <Spacer h={6} /> {user ? ( <WarningConfirmationButton size="xl" marketType="freeResponse" amount={betAmount} warning={warning} onSubmit={submitBet} isSubmitting={isSubmitting} disabled={!!betDisabled} color={'indigo'} actionLabel="Buy" /> ) : ( <BetSignUpPrompt /> )} </Col> ) }