import clsx from 'clsx' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { SwitchVerticalIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import { Col } from '../layout/col' import { Row } from '../layout/row' import { Title } from '../title' import { User } from 'common/user' import { Modal } from 'web/components/layout/modal' import { Button } from '../button' import { createChallenge, getChallengeUrl } from 'web/lib/firebase/challenges' import { BinaryContract, MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH } from 'common/contract' import { SiteLink } from 'web/components/site-link' import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { NoLabel, YesLabel } from '../outcome-label' import { QRCode } from '../qr-code' import { AmountInput } from '../amount-input' import { getProbability } from 'common/calculate' import { createMarket } from 'web/lib/firebase/api' import { removeUndefinedProps } from 'common/util/object' import { FIXED_ANTE } from 'common/economy' import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator' import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics' import { CopyLinkButton } from '../copy-link-button' import { ExpandingInput } from '../expanding-input' type challengeInfo = { amount: number expiresTime: number | null outcome: 'YES' | 'NO' | number acceptorAmount: number question: string } export function CreateChallengeModal(props: { user: User | null | undefined isOpen: boolean setOpen: (open: boolean) => void contract?: BinaryContract }) { const { user, contract, isOpen, setOpen } = props const [challengeSlug, setChallengeSlug] = useState('') const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false) return ( <Modal open={isOpen} setOpen={setOpen}> <Col className="gap-4 rounded-md bg-white px-8 py-6"> {/*// add a sign up to challenge button?*/} {user && ( <CreateChallengeForm user={user} contract={contract} loading={loading} onCreate={async (newChallenge) => { setLoading(true) try { const challengeContract = contract ? contract : await createMarket( removeUndefinedProps({ question: newChallenge.question, outcomeType: 'BINARY', initialProb: 50, ante: FIXED_ANTE, closeTime: dayjs().add(30, 'day').valueOf(), }) ) const challenge = await createChallenge({ creator: user, creatorAmount: newChallenge.amount, expiresTime: newChallenge.expiresTime, acceptorAmount: newChallenge.acceptorAmount, outcome: newChallenge.outcome, contract: challengeContract as BinaryContract, }) if (challenge) { setChallengeSlug(getChallengeUrl(challenge)) track('challenge created', { creator: user.username, amount: newChallenge.amount, contractId:, }) } } catch (e) { console.error("couldn't create market/challenge:", e) } setLoading(false) }} challengeSlug={challengeSlug} /> )} </Col> </Modal> ) } function CreateChallengeForm(props: { user: User onCreate: (m: challengeInfo) => Promise<void> challengeSlug: string loading: boolean contract?: BinaryContract }) { const { user, onCreate, contract, challengeSlug, loading } = props const [isCreating, setIsCreating] = useState(false) const [finishedCreating, setFinishedCreating] = useState(false) const [error, setError] = useState<string>('') const [editingAcceptorAmount, setEditingAcceptorAmount] = useState(false) const defaultExpire = 'week' const [challengeInfo, setChallengeInfo] = useState<challengeInfo>({ expiresTime: dayjs().add(2, defaultExpire).valueOf(), outcome: 'YES', amount: 100, acceptorAmount: 100, question: contract ? contract.question : '', }) useEffect(() => { setError('') }, [challengeInfo]) return ( <> {!finishedCreating && ( <form onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault() if (user.balance < challengeInfo.amount) { setError("You don't have enough mana to create this challenge") return } if (!contract && user.balance < FIXED_ANTE + challengeInfo.amount) { setError( `You don't have enough mana to create this challenge and market. You need ${formatMoney( FIXED_ANTE + challengeInfo.amount )}` ) return } setIsCreating(true) onCreate(challengeInfo).finally(() => setIsCreating(false)) setFinishedCreating(true) }} > <Title className="!mt-2 hidden sm:block" text="Challenge bet " /> <div className="mb-8"> Challenge a friend to bet on{' '} {contract ? ( <span className="underline">{contract.question}</span> ) : ( <ExpandingInput placeholder="e.g. Will a Democrat be the next president?" className="mt-1 w-full" autoFocus={true} maxLength={MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH} value={challengeInfo.question} onChange={(e) => setChallengeInfo({ ...challengeInfo, question:, }) } /> )} </div> <Col className="mt-2 flex-wrap justify-center gap-x-5 sm:gap-y-2"> <Col> <div>You'll bet:</div> <Row className={ 'form-control w-full max-w-xs items-center justify-between gap-4 pr-3' } > <AmountInput amount={challengeInfo.amount || undefined} onChange={(newAmount) => setChallengeInfo((m: challengeInfo) => { return { ...m, amount: newAmount ?? 0, acceptorAmount: editingAcceptorAmount ? m.acceptorAmount : newAmount ?? 0, } }) } error={undefined} label={'M$'} inputClassName="w-24" /> <span className={''}>on</span> {challengeInfo.outcome === 'YES' ? <YesLabel /> : <NoLabel />} </Row> <Row className={'mt-3 max-w-xs justify-end'}> <Button color={'gray-white'} onClick={() => setChallengeInfo((m: challengeInfo) => { return { ...m, outcome: m.outcome === 'YES' ? 'NO' : 'YES', } }) } > <SwitchVerticalIcon className={'h-6 w-6'} /> </Button> </Row> <Row className={'items-center'}>If they bet:</Row> <Row className={'max-w-xs items-center justify-between gap-4 pr-3'} > <div className={'w-32 sm:mr-1'}> <AmountInput amount={challengeInfo.acceptorAmount || undefined} onChange={(newAmount) => { setEditingAcceptorAmount(true) setChallengeInfo((m: challengeInfo) => { return { ...m, acceptorAmount: newAmount ?? 0, } }) }} error={undefined} label={'M$'} inputClassName="w-24" /> </div> <span>on</span> {challengeInfo.outcome === 'YES' ? <NoLabel /> : <YesLabel />} </Row> </Col> </Col> {contract && ( <Button size="2xs" color="gray" onClick={() => { setEditingAcceptorAmount(true) const p = getProbability(contract) const prob = challengeInfo.outcome === 'YES' ? p : 1 - p const { amount } = challengeInfo const acceptorAmount = Math.round(amount / prob - amount) setChallengeInfo({ ...challengeInfo, acceptorAmount }) }} > Use market odds </Button> )} <div className="mt-8"> If the challenge is accepted, whoever is right will earn{' '} <span className="font-semibold"> {formatMoney( challengeInfo.acceptorAmount + challengeInfo.amount || 0 )} </span>{' '} in total.{' '} <span> {!contract && ( <span> Because there's no market yet, you'll be charged <span className={'mx-1 font-semibold'}> {formatMoney(FIXED_ANTE)} </span> to create it. </span> )} </span> </div> <Row className="mt-8 items-center"> <Button type="submit" color={'gradient'} size="xl" disabled={isCreating || challengeInfo.question === ''} className={clsx('whitespace-nowrap drop-shadow-md')} > Create challenge bet </Button> </Row> <Row className={'text-error'}>{error} </Row> </form> )} {loading && ( <Col className={'h-56 w-full items-center justify-center'}> <LoadingIndicator /> </Col> )} {finishedCreating && !loading && ( <> <Title className="!my-0" text="Challenge Created!" /> <div>Share the challenge using the link.</div> <CopyLinkButton url={challengeSlug} /> <QRCode url={challengeSlug} className="self-center" /> <Row className={'gap-1 text-gray-500'}> See your other <SiteLink className={'underline'} href={'/challenges'}> challenges </SiteLink> </Row> </> )} </> ) }