import { DatumValue } from '@nivo/core' import { ResponsiveLine } from '@nivo/line' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { groupBy, sortBy, sumBy } from 'lodash' import { memo } from 'react' import { Bet } from 'common/bet' import { FreeResponseContract, MultipleChoiceContract } from 'common/contract' import { getOutcomeProbability } from 'common/calculate' import { useWindowSize } from 'web/hooks/use-window-size' const NUM_LINES = 6 export const AnswersGraph = memo(function AnswersGraph(props: { contract: FreeResponseContract | MultipleChoiceContract bets: Bet[] height?: number }) { const { contract, bets, height } = props const { createdTime, resolutionTime, closeTime, answers } = contract const now = const { probsByOutcome, sortedOutcomes } = computeProbsByOutcome( bets, contract ) const isClosed = !!closeTime && now > closeTime const latestTime = dayjs( resolutionTime && isClosed ? Math.min(resolutionTime, closeTime) : isClosed ? closeTime : resolutionTime ?? now ) const { width } = useWindowSize() const isLargeWidth = !width || width > 800 const labelLength = isLargeWidth ? 50 : 20 // Add a fake datapoint so the line continues to the right const endTime = latestTime.valueOf() const times = sortBy([ createdTime, => bet.createdTime), endTime, ]) const dateTimes = => new Date(time)) const data = => { const betProbs = probsByOutcome[outcome] // Add extra point for contract start and end. const probs = [0, ...betProbs, betProbs[betProbs.length - 1]] const points =, i) => ({ x: dateTimes[i], y: Math.round(prob * 100), })) const answer = answers?.find((answer) => === outcome)?.text ?? 'None' const answerText = answer.slice(0, labelLength) + (answer.length > labelLength ? '...' : '') return { id: answerText, data: points } }) data.reverse() const yTickValues = [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] const numXTickValues = isLargeWidth ? 5 : 2 const startDate = dayjs(contract.createdTime) const endDate = startDate.add(1, 'hour').isAfter(latestTime) ? latestTime.add(1, 'hours') : latestTime const includeMinute = endDate.diff(startDate, 'hours') < 2 const multiYear = !startDate.isSame(latestTime, 'year') const lessThanAWeek = startDate.add(1, 'week').isAfter(latestTime) return ( <div className="w-full" style={{ height: height ?? (isLargeWidth ? 350 : 250) }} > <ResponsiveLine data={data} yScale={{ min: 0, max: 100, type: 'linear', stacked: true }} yFormat={formatPercent} gridYValues={yTickValues} axisLeft={{ tickValues: yTickValues, format: formatPercent, }} xScale={{ type: 'time', min: startDate.toDate(), max: endDate.toDate(), }} xFormat={(d) => formatTime(now, +d.valueOf(), multiYear, lessThanAWeek, lessThanAWeek) } axisBottom={{ tickValues: numXTickValues, format: (time) => formatTime(now, +time, multiYear, lessThanAWeek, includeMinute), }} colors={[ '#fca5a5', // red-300 '#a5b4fc', // indigo-300 '#86efac', // green-300 '#fef08a', // yellow-200 '#fdba74', // orange-300 '#c084fc', // purple-400 ]} pointSize={0} curve="stepAfter" enableSlices="x" enableGridX={!!width && width >= 800} enableArea areaOpacity={1} margin={{ top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 25, left: 40 }} legends={[ { anchor: 'top-left', direction: 'column', justify: false, translateX: isLargeWidth ? 5 : 2, translateY: 0, itemsSpacing: 0, itemTextColor: 'black', itemDirection: 'left-to-right', itemWidth: isLargeWidth ? 288 : 138, itemHeight: 20, itemBackground: 'white', itemOpacity: 0.9, symbolSize: 12, effects: [ { on: 'hover', style: { itemBackground: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', itemOpacity: 1, }, }, ], }, ]} /> </div> ) }) function formatPercent(y: DatumValue) { return `${Math.round(+y.toString())}%` } function formatTime( now: number, time: number, includeYear: boolean, includeHour: boolean, includeMinute: boolean ) { const d = dayjs(time) if (d.add(1, 'minute').isAfter(now) && d.subtract(1, 'minute').isBefore(now)) return 'Now' let format: string if (d.isSame(now, 'day')) { format = '[Today]' } else if (d.add(1, 'day').isSame(now, 'day')) { format = '[Yesterday]' } else { format = 'MMM D' } if (includeMinute) { format += ', h:mma' } else if (includeHour) { format += ', ha' } else if (includeYear) { format += ', YYYY' } return d.format(format) } const computeProbsByOutcome = ( bets: Bet[], contract: FreeResponseContract | MultipleChoiceContract ) => { const { totalBets, outcomeType } = contract const betsByOutcome = groupBy(bets, (bet) => bet.outcome) const outcomes = Object.keys(betsByOutcome).filter((outcome) => { const maxProb = Math.max( ...betsByOutcome[outcome].map((bet) => bet.probAfter) ) return ( (outcome !== '0' || outcomeType === 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE') && maxProb > 0.02 && totalBets[outcome] > 0.000000001 ) }) const trackedOutcomes = sortBy( outcomes, (outcome) => -1 * getOutcomeProbability(contract, outcome) ).slice(0, NUM_LINES) const probsByOutcome = Object.fromEntries( => [outcome, [] as number[]]) ) const sharesByOutcome = Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(betsByOutcome).map((outcome) => [outcome, 0]) ) for (const bet of bets) { const { outcome, shares } = bet sharesByOutcome[outcome] += shares const sharesSquared = sumBy( Object.values(sharesByOutcome).map((shares) => shares ** 2) ) for (const outcome of trackedOutcomes) { probsByOutcome[outcome].push( sharesByOutcome[outcome] ** 2 / sharesSquared ) } } return { probsByOutcome, sortedOutcomes: trackedOutcomes } }