import { Challenge } from './challenge' import { BinaryContract, Contract } from './contract' import { getFormattedMappedValue } from './pseudo-numeric' import { getProbability } from './calculate' import { richTextToString } from './util/parse' import { getCpmmProbability } from './calculate-cpmm' import { getDpmProbability } from './calculate-dpm' import { formatMoney, formatPercent } from './util/format' export function contractMetrics(contract: Contract) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const dayjs = require('dayjs') const { createdTime, resolutionTime, isResolved } = contract const createdDate = dayjs(createdTime).format('MMM D') const resolvedDate = isResolved ? dayjs(resolutionTime).format('MMM D') : undefined const volumeLabel = `${formatMoney(contract.volume)} bet` return { volumeLabel, createdDate, resolvedDate } } // String version of the above, to send to the OpenGraph image generator export function contractTextDetails(contract: Contract) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const dayjs = require('dayjs') const { closeTime, groupLinks } = contract const { createdDate, resolvedDate, volumeLabel } = contractMetrics(contract) const groupHashtags = groupLinks?.map((g) => `#${ /g, '')}`) return ( `${resolvedDate ? `${createdDate} - ${resolvedDate}` : createdDate}` + (closeTime ? ` • ${closeTime > ? 'Closes' : 'Closed'} ${dayjs( closeTime ).format('MMM D, h:mma')}` : '') + ` • ${volumeLabel}` + (groupHashtags ? ` • ${groupHashtags.join(' ')}` : '') ) } export function getBinaryProb(contract: BinaryContract) { const { pool, resolutionProbability, mechanism } = contract return ( resolutionProbability ?? (mechanism === 'cpmm-1' ? getCpmmProbability(pool, contract.p) : getDpmProbability(contract.totalShares)) ) } export const getOpenGraphProps = (contract: Contract) => { const { resolution, question, creatorName, creatorUsername, outcomeType, creatorAvatarUrl, description: desc, } = contract const probPercent = outcomeType === 'BINARY' ? formatPercent(getBinaryProb(contract)) : undefined const numericValue = outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC' ? getFormattedMappedValue(contract)(getProbability(contract)) : undefined const stringDesc = typeof desc === 'string' ? desc : richTextToString(desc) const description = resolution ? `Resolved ${resolution}. ${stringDesc}` : probPercent ? `${probPercent} chance. ${stringDesc}` : stringDesc return { question, probability: probPercent, metadata: contractTextDetails(contract), creatorName, creatorUsername, creatorAvatarUrl, description, numericValue, resolution, } } export type OgCardProps = { question: string probability?: string metadata: string creatorName: string creatorUsername: string creatorAvatarUrl?: string numericValue?: string resolution?: string } export function buildCardUrl(props: OgCardProps, challenge?: Challenge) { const { creatorAmount, acceptances, acceptorAmount, creatorOutcome, acceptorOutcome, } = challenge || {} const { probability, numericValue, resolution, creatorAvatarUrl, question, metadata, creatorUsername, creatorName, } = props const { userName, userAvatarUrl } = acceptances?.[0] ?? {} const probabilityParam = probability === undefined ? '' : `&probability=${encodeURIComponent(probability ?? '')}` const numericValueParam = numericValue === undefined ? '' : `&numericValue=${encodeURIComponent(numericValue ?? '')}` const creatorAvatarUrlParam = creatorAvatarUrl === undefined ? '' : `&creatorAvatarUrl=${encodeURIComponent(creatorAvatarUrl ?? '')}` const challengeUrlParams = challenge ? `&creatorAmount=${creatorAmount}&creatorOutcome=${creatorOutcome}` + `&challengerAmount=${acceptorAmount}&challengerOutcome=${acceptorOutcome}` + `&acceptedName=${userName ?? ''}&acceptedAvatarUrl=${userAvatarUrl ?? ''}` : '' const resolutionUrlParam = resolution ? `&resolution=${encodeURIComponent(resolution)}` : '' // URL encode each of the props, then add them as query params return ( `` + `?question=${encodeURIComponent(question)}` + probabilityParam + numericValueParam + `&metadata=${encodeURIComponent(metadata)}` + `&creatorName=${encodeURIComponent(creatorName)}` + creatorAvatarUrlParam + `&creatorUsername=${encodeURIComponent(creatorUsername)}` + challengeUrlParams + resolutionUrlParam ) }