diff --git a/common/recommended-contracts.ts b/common/recommended-contracts.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe849d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/recommended-contracts.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import { Contract } from './contract'
+import { filterDefined } from './util/array'
+import { addObjects } from './util/object'
+export const getRecommendedContracts = (
+ contractsById: { [contractId: string]: Contract },
+ yourBetOnContractIds: string[]
+) => {
+ const contracts = Object.values(contractsById)
+ const yourContracts = filterDefined(
+ yourBetOnContractIds.map((contractId) => contractsById[contractId])
+ )
+ const yourContractIds = new Set(yourContracts.map((c) => c.id))
+ const notYourContracts = contracts.filter((c) => !yourContractIds.has(c.id))
+ const yourWordFrequency = contractsToWordFrequency(yourContracts)
+ const otherWordFrequency = contractsToWordFrequency(notYourContracts)
+ const words = _.union(
+ Object.keys(yourWordFrequency),
+ Object.keys(otherWordFrequency)
+ )
+ const yourWeightedFrequency = _.fromPairs(
+ _.map(words, (word) => {
+ const [yourFreq, otherFreq] = [
+ yourWordFrequency[word] ?? 0,
+ otherWordFrequency[word] ?? 0,
+ ]
+ const score = yourFreq / (yourFreq + otherFreq + 0.0001)
+ return [word, score]
+ })
+ )
+ // console.log(
+ // 'your weighted frequency',
+ // _.sortBy(_.toPairs(yourWeightedFrequency), ([, freq]) => -freq)
+ // )
+ const scoredContracts = contracts.map((contract) => {
+ const wordFrequency = contractToWordFrequency(contract)
+ const score = _.sumBy(Object.keys(wordFrequency), (word) => {
+ const wordFreq = wordFrequency[word] ?? 0
+ const weight = yourWeightedFrequency[word] ?? 0
+ return wordFreq * weight
+ })
+ return {
+ contract,
+ score,
+ }
+ })
+ return _.sortBy(scoredContracts, (scored) => -scored.score).map(
+ (scored) => scored.contract
+ )
+const contractToText = (contract: Contract) => {
+ const { description, question, tags, creatorUsername } = contract
+ return `${creatorUsername} ${question} ${tags.join(' ')} ${description}`
+const getWordsCount = (text: string) => {
+ const normalizedText = text.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, ' ').toLowerCase()
+ const words = normalizedText.split(' ').filter((word) => word)
+ const counts: { [word: string]: number } = {}
+ for (const word of words) {
+ if (counts[word]) counts[word]++
+ else counts[word] = 1
+ }
+ return counts
+const toFrequency = (counts: { [word: string]: number }) => {
+ const total = _.sum(Object.values(counts))
+ return _.mapValues(counts, (count) => count / total)
+const contractToWordFrequency = (contract: Contract) =>
+ toFrequency(getWordsCount(contractToText(contract)))
+const contractsToWordFrequency = (contracts: Contract[]) => {
+ const frequencySum = contracts
+ .map(contractToWordFrequency)
+ .reduce(addObjects, {})
+ return toFrequency(frequencySum)
diff --git a/common/util/math.ts b/common/util/math.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f89e9d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/util/math.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export const logInterpolation = (min: number, max: number, value: number) => {
+ if (value <= min) return 0
+ if (value >= max) return 1
+ return Math.log(value - min + 1) / Math.log(max - min + 1)
diff --git a/web/components/feed/feed-items.tsx b/web/components/feed/feed-items.tsx
index 86c4aaef..fbb9ea11 100644
--- a/web/components/feed/feed-items.tsx
+++ b/web/components/feed/feed-items.tsx
@@ -340,14 +340,6 @@ export function FeedQuestion(props: {
- {!showDescription && (
- See more...
- )}
{(isBinary || resolution) && (
diff --git a/web/components/feed/find-active-contracts.ts b/web/components/feed/find-active-contracts.ts
index 7048f299..42737f47 100644
--- a/web/components/feed/find-active-contracts.ts
+++ b/web/components/feed/find-active-contracts.ts
@@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ export function findActiveContracts(
let activeContracts = allContracts.filter(
- (contract) => contract.visibility === 'public' && !contract.isResolved
+ (contract) =>
+ contract.visibility === 'public' &&
+ !contract.isResolved &&
+ (contract.closeTime ?? Infinity) > Date.now()
activeContracts = _.sortBy(
diff --git a/web/hooks/use-algo-feed.ts b/web/hooks/use-algo-feed.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68958821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/hooks/use-algo-feed.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'
+import { Bet } from '../../common/bet'
+import { Comment } from '../../common/comment'
+import { Contract } from '../../common/contract'
+import { User } from '../../common/user'
+import { logInterpolation } from '../../common/util/math'
+import { getRecommendedContracts } from '../../common/recommended-contracts'
+import { useSeenContracts } from './use-seen-contracts'
+import { useGetUserBetContractIds, useUserBetContracts } from './use-user-bets'
+export const useAlgoFeed = (
+ user: User | null | undefined,
+ contracts: Contract[] | undefined,
+ recentBets: Bet[] | undefined,
+ recentComments: Comment[] | undefined
+) => {
+ const initialContracts = useMemo(() => contracts, [!!contracts])
+ const initialBets = useMemo(() => recentBets, [!!recentBets])
+ const initialComments = useMemo(() => recentComments, [!!recentComments])
+ const yourBetContractIds = useGetUserBetContractIds(user?.id)
+ // Update user bet contracts in local storage.
+ useUserBetContracts(user?.id)
+ const seenContracts = useSeenContracts()
+ const [algoFeed, setAlgoFeed] = useState([])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (initialContracts && initialBets && initialComments) {
+ const eligibleContracts = initialContracts.filter(
+ (c) => !c.isResolved && (c.closeTime ?? Infinity) > Date.now()
+ )
+ const contracts = getAlgoFeed(
+ eligibleContracts,
+ initialBets,
+ initialComments,
+ yourBetContractIds,
+ seenContracts
+ )
+ setAlgoFeed(contracts)
+ }
+ }, [
+ initialBets,
+ initialComments,
+ initialContracts,
+ seenContracts,
+ yourBetContractIds,
+ ])
+ return algoFeed
+const getAlgoFeed = (
+ contracts: Contract[],
+ recentBets: Bet[],
+ recentComments: Comment[],
+ yourBetContractIds: string[],
+ seenContracts: { [contractId: string]: number }
+) => {
+ const contractsById = _.keyBy(contracts, (c) => c.id)
+ const recommended = getRecommendedContracts(contractsById, yourBetContractIds)
+ const confidence = logInterpolation(0, 100, yourBetContractIds.length)
+ const recommendedScores = _.fromPairs(
+ recommended.map((c, index) => {
+ const score = 1 - index / recommended.length
+ const withConfidence = score * confidence + (1 - confidence)
+ return [c.id, withConfidence] as [string, number]
+ })
+ )
+ const seenScores = _.fromPairs(
+ contracts.map(
+ (c) => [c.id, getSeenContractsScore(c, seenContracts)] as [string, number]
+ )
+ )
+ const activityScores = getContractsActivityScores(
+ contracts,
+ recentComments,
+ recentBets,
+ seenContracts
+ )
+ const combinedScores = contracts.map((contract) => {
+ const score =
+ (recommendedScores[contract.id] ?? 0) *
+ (seenScores[contract.id] ?? 0) *
+ (activityScores[contract.id] ?? 0)
+ return { contract, score }
+ })
+ const sorted = _.sortBy(combinedScores, (c) => -c.score)
+ return sorted.map((c) => c.contract).slice(0, MAX_FEED_CONTRACTS)
+function getContractsActivityScores(
+ contracts: Contract[],
+ recentComments: Comment[],
+ recentBets: Bet[],
+ seenContracts: { [contractId: string]: number }
+) {
+ const contractBets = _.groupBy(recentBets, (bet) => bet.contractId)
+ const contractMostRecentBet = _.mapValues(
+ contractBets,
+ (bets) => _.maxBy(bets, (bet) => bet.createdTime) as Bet
+ )
+ const contractComments = _.groupBy(
+ recentComments,
+ (comment) => comment.contractId
+ )
+ const contractMostRecentComment = _.mapValues(
+ contractComments,
+ (comments) => _.maxBy(comments, (c) => c.createdTime) as Comment
+ )
+ const scoredContracts = contracts.map((contract) => {
+ const seenTime = seenContracts[contract.id]
+ const lastCommentTime = contractMostRecentComment[contract.id]?.createdTime
+ const hasNewComments =
+ !seenTime || (lastCommentTime && lastCommentTime > seenTime)
+ const newCommentScore = hasNewComments ? 1 : 0.75
+ const commentCount = contractComments[contract.id]?.length ?? 0
+ const betCount = contractBets[contract.id]?.length ?? 0
+ const activtyCount = betCount + commentCount * 5
+ const activityCountScore =
+ 0.5 + 0.5 * logInterpolation(0, 200, activtyCount)
+ const lastBetTime = contractMostRecentBet[contract.id]?.createdTime
+ const timeSinceLastBet = !lastBetTime
+ ? contract.createdTime
+ : Date.now() - lastBetTime
+ const daysAgo = timeSinceLastBet / oneDayMs
+ const timeAgoScore = 1 - logInterpolation(0, 3, daysAgo)
+ const score = newCommentScore * activityCountScore * timeAgoScore
+ // Map score to [0.5, 1] since no recent activty is not a deal breaker.
+ const mappedScore = 0.5 + score / 2
+ return [contract.id, mappedScore] as [string, number]
+ })
+ return _.fromPairs(scoredContracts)
+const oneDayMs = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+function getSeenContractsScore(
+ contract: Contract,
+ seenContracts: { [contractId: string]: number }
+) {
+ const lastSeen = seenContracts[contract.id]
+ if (lastSeen === undefined) {
+ return 1
+ }
+ const daysAgo = (Date.now() - lastSeen) / oneDayMs
+ if (daysAgo < 0.5) {
+ const frac = logInterpolation(0, 0.5, daysAgo)
+ return 0.5 * frac
+ }
+ const frac = logInterpolation(0.5, 14, daysAgo)
+ return 0.5 + 0.5 * frac
diff --git a/web/hooks/use-bets.ts b/web/hooks/use-bets.ts
index 4c530f5b..5ea66e1c 100644
--- a/web/hooks/use-bets.ts
+++ b/web/hooks/use-bets.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { Contract } from '../../common/contract'
import {
- getRecentBets,
@@ -37,11 +36,3 @@ export const useRecentBets = () => {
useEffect(() => listenForRecentBets(setRecentBets), [])
return recentBets
-export const useGetRecentBets = () => {
- const [recentBets, setRecentBets] = useState()
- useEffect(() => {
- getRecentBets().then(setRecentBets)
- }, [])
- return recentBets
diff --git a/web/hooks/use-contracts.ts b/web/hooks/use-contracts.ts
index af36cd82..26c43ed1 100644
--- a/web/hooks/use-contracts.ts
+++ b/web/hooks/use-contracts.ts
@@ -39,19 +39,6 @@ export const useInactiveContracts = () => {
return contracts
-export const useUpdatedContracts = (initialContracts: Contract[]) => {
- const [contracts, setContracts] = useState(initialContracts)
- useEffect(() => {
- return listenForContracts((newContracts) => {
- const contractMap = _.fromPairs(newContracts.map((c) => [c.id, c]))
- setContracts(initialContracts.map((c) => contractMap[c.id]))
- })
- }, [initialContracts])
- return contracts
export const useTaggedContracts = (tags: string[] | undefined) => {
const [contracts, setContracts] = useState(
tags && tags.length === 0 ? [] : undefined
diff --git a/web/hooks/use-find-active-contracts.ts b/web/hooks/use-find-active-contracts.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 66573728..00000000
--- a/web/hooks/use-find-active-contracts.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-import _ from 'lodash'
-import { useMemo, useRef } from 'react'
-import { Fold } from '../../common/fold'
-import { User } from '../../common/user'
-import { filterDefined } from '../../common/util/array'
-import { findActiveContracts } from '../components/feed/find-active-contracts'
-import { Bet } from '../lib/firebase/bets'
-import { Comment, getRecentComments } from '../lib/firebase/comments'
-import { Contract, getActiveContracts } from '../lib/firebase/contracts'
-import { listAllFolds } from '../lib/firebase/folds'
-import { useInactiveContracts } from './use-contracts'
-import { useFollowedFoldIds } from './use-fold'
-import { useSeenContracts } from './use-seen-contracts'
-import { useUserBetContracts } from './use-user-bets'
-// used in static props
-export const getAllContractInfo = async () => {
- let [contracts, folds] = await Promise.all([
- getActiveContracts().catch((_) => []),
- listAllFolds().catch(() => []),
- ])
- const recentComments = await getRecentComments()
- return { contracts, recentComments, folds }
-const defaultExcludedTags = [
- 'meta',
- 'test',
- 'trolling',
- 'spam',
- 'transaction',
- 'personal',
-const includedWithDefaultFeed = (contract: Contract) => {
- const { lowercaseTags } = contract
- if (lowercaseTags.length === 0) return false
- if (lowercaseTags.some((tag) => defaultExcludedTags.includes(tag)))
- return false
- return true
-export const useFilterYourContracts = (
- user: User | undefined | null,
- folds: Fold[],
- contracts: Contract[]
-) => {
- const followedFoldIds = useFollowedFoldIds(user)
- const followedFolds = filterDefined(
- (followedFoldIds ?? []).map((id) => folds.find((fold) => fold.id === id))
- )
- // Save the initial followed fold slugs.
- const followedFoldSlugsRef = useRef()
- if (followedFoldIds && !followedFoldSlugsRef.current)
- followedFoldSlugsRef.current = followedFolds.map((f) => f.slug)
- const initialFollowedFoldSlugs = followedFoldSlugsRef.current
- const tagSet = new Set(
- _.flatten(followedFolds.map((fold) => fold.lowercaseTags))
- )
- const yourBetContractIds = useUserBetContracts(user?.id)
- const yourBetContracts = yourBetContractIds
- ? new Set(yourBetContractIds)
- : undefined
- // Show no contracts before your info is loaded.
- let yourContracts: Contract[] = []
- if (yourBetContracts && followedFoldIds) {
- // Show default contracts if no folds are followed.
- if (followedFoldIds.length === 0)
- yourContracts = contracts.filter(
- (contract) =>
- includedWithDefaultFeed(contract) || yourBetContracts.has(contract.id)
- )
- else
- yourContracts = contracts.filter(
- (contract) =>
- contract.lowercaseTags.some((tag) => tagSet.has(tag)) ||
- yourBetContracts.has(contract.id)
- )
- }
- return {
- yourContracts,
- initialFollowedFoldSlugs,
- }
-export const useFindActiveContracts = (props: {
- contracts: Contract[]
- recentBets: Bet[]
- recentComments: Comment[]
-}) => {
- const { contracts, recentBets, recentComments } = props
- const seenContracts = useSeenContracts()
- const activeContracts = findActiveContracts(
- contracts,
- recentComments,
- recentBets,
- seenContracts
- )
- const betsByContract = _.groupBy(recentBets, (bet) => bet.contractId)
- const activeBets = activeContracts.map(
- (contract) => betsByContract[contract.id] ?? []
- )
- const commentsByContract = _.groupBy(
- recentComments,
- (comment) => comment.contractId
- )
- const activeComments = activeContracts.map(
- (contract) => commentsByContract[contract.id] ?? []
- )
- return {
- activeContracts,
- activeBets,
- activeComments,
- }
-export const useExploreContracts = (maxContracts = 75) => {
- const inactiveContracts = useInactiveContracts()
- const contractsDict = _.fromPairs(
- (inactiveContracts ?? []).map((c) => [c.id, c])
- )
- // Preserve random ordering once inactiveContracts loaded.
- const exploreContractIds = useMemo(
- () => _.shuffle(Object.keys(contractsDict)),
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- [!!inactiveContracts]
- ).slice(0, maxContracts)
- if (!inactiveContracts) return undefined
- return filterDefined(exploreContractIds.map((id) => contractsDict[id]))
diff --git a/web/hooks/use-user-bets.ts b/web/hooks/use-user-bets.ts
index 0f1ceecb..82606933 100644
--- a/web/hooks/use-user-bets.ts
+++ b/web/hooks/use-user-bets.ts
@@ -52,3 +52,17 @@ export const useUserBetContracts = (userId: string | undefined) => {
return contractIds
+export const useGetUserBetContractIds = (userId: string | undefined) => {
+ const [contractIds, setContractIds] = useState([])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const key = `user-bet-contractIds-${userId}`
+ const userBetContractJson = localStorage.getItem(key)
+ if (userBetContractJson) {
+ setContractIds(JSON.parse(userBetContractJson))
+ }
+ }, [userId])
+ return contractIds
diff --git a/web/lib/firebase/contracts.ts b/web/lib/firebase/contracts.ts
index 46474c3f..9d85991d 100644
--- a/web/lib/firebase/contracts.ts
+++ b/web/lib/firebase/contracts.ts
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ const activeContractsQuery = query(
where('isResolved', '==', false),
where('visibility', '==', 'public'),
- where('volume24Hours', '>', 0)
+ where('volume7Days', '>', 0)
export function getActiveContracts() {
diff --git a/web/pages/home.tsx b/web/pages/home.tsx
index 6d086fca..bc21f9b6 100644
--- a/web/pages/home.tsx
+++ b/web/pages/home.tsx
@@ -2,96 +2,56 @@ import React from 'react'
import Router from 'next/router'
import _ from 'lodash'
-import { Contract } from '../lib/firebase/contracts'
import { Page } from '../components/page'
import { ActivityFeed } from '../components/feed/activity-feed'
-import { Comment } from '../lib/firebase/comments'
import FeedCreate from '../components/feed-create'
import { Spacer } from '../components/layout/spacer'
import { Col } from '../components/layout/col'
import { useUser } from '../hooks/use-user'
-import { Fold } from '../../common/fold'
import { LoadingIndicator } from '../components/loading-indicator'
-import {
- getAllContractInfo,
- useFilterYourContracts,
- useFindActiveContracts,
-} from '../hooks/use-find-active-contracts'
-import { fromPropz, usePropz } from '../hooks/use-propz'
-import { useGetRecentBets, useRecentBets } from '../hooks/use-bets'
+import { useRecentBets } from '../hooks/use-bets'
import { useActiveContracts } from '../hooks/use-contracts'
import { useRecentComments } from '../hooks/use-comments'
+import { useAlgoFeed } from '../hooks/use-algo-feed'
-export const getStaticProps = fromPropz(getStaticPropz)
-export async function getStaticPropz() {
- const contractInfo = await getAllContractInfo()
- return {
- props: contractInfo,
- revalidate: 60, // regenerate after a minute
- }
-const Home = (props: {
- contracts: Contract[]
- folds: Fold[]
- recentComments: Comment[]
-}) => {
- props = usePropz(props, getStaticPropz) ?? {
- contracts: [],
- folds: [],
- recentComments: [],
- }
- const { folds } = props
+const Home = () => {
const user = useUser()
- const contracts = useActiveContracts() ?? props.contracts
- const { yourContracts } = useFilterYourContracts(user, folds, contracts)
+ const contracts = useActiveContracts()
+ const contractsDict = _.keyBy(contracts, 'id')
- const initialRecentBets = useGetRecentBets()
- const recentBets = useRecentBets() ?? initialRecentBets
- const recentComments = useRecentComments() ?? props.recentComments
+ const recentBets = useRecentBets()
+ const recentComments = useRecentComments()
- const { activeContracts } = useFindActiveContracts({
- contracts: yourContracts,
- recentBets: initialRecentBets ?? [],
- recentComments: props.recentComments,
- })
+ const feedContracts = useAlgoFeed(user, contracts, recentBets, recentComments)
+ const updatedContracts = feedContracts.map(
+ (contract) => contractsDict[contract.id] ?? contract
+ )
if (user === null) {
return <>>
- const activityContent = recentBets ? (
- ) : (
- )
+ const activityContent =
+ contracts && recentBets && recentComments ? (
+ ) : (
+ )
return (
- {/* {initialFollowedFoldSlugs !== undefined &&
- initialFollowedFoldSlugs.length === 0 &&
- )} */}