Example response
+ ```json
+ {
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+ "creatorUsername": "Austin",
+ "creatorName": "Austin Chen",
+ "createdTime": 1644103005345,
+ "closeTime": 1667894340000,
+ "question": "Will Carrick Flynn win the general election for Oregon's 6th District?",
+ "description": "The Effective Altruism movement usually stays out of politics, but here is a recent, highly-upvoted endorsement of donating to Carrick Flynn as a high-impact area: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Qi9nnrmjwNbBqWbNT/the-best-usd5-800-i-ve-ever-donated-to-pandemic-prevention\nFurther reading: https://ballotpedia.org/Oregon%27s_6th_Congressional_District_election,_2022\n\n#EffectiveAltruism #Politics",
+ "tags": ["EffectiveAltruism", "Politics"],
+ "url": "https://manifold.markets/Austin/will-carrick-flynn-win-the-general",
+ "pool": 400.0916328426886,
+ "probability": 0.34455568984059187,
+ "volume7Days": 326.9083671573114,
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+ "isResolved": false,
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+ "contractId": "3zspH9sSzMlbFQLn9GKR"
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+ "createdTime": 1644103005345,
+ "id": "jn3iIGwD5f0vxOHxo62o",
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+ },
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+ ],
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+ {
+ "contractId": "3zspH9sSzMlbFQLn9GKR",
+ "userUsername": "Celer",
+ "userAvatarUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJwp0vAolZgOmT7GbzFq7mOf8lr0BFEB_LqWWfZk=s96-c",
+ "userId": "NHA7Gv9nNpb7b60GpLD3oFkBvPa2",
+ "text": "It's a D+3 district, and the person we're pushing is functionally an outsider. I maxed my donation, but 25%, what I bought down to, implying even odds on both the general and the primary, seems if anything optimistic.",
+ "createdTime": 1644693740967,
+ "id": "fbU0DbmDWMnubggpQotw",
+ "betId": "fbU0DbmDWMnubggpQotw",
+ "userName": "Celer"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+- Response type: A `FullMarket`
+ ```tsx
+ // A complete market, along with bets and comments
+ type FullMarket = LiteMarket & {
+ bets: Bet[]
+ comments: Comment[]
+ }
+ type Bet = {
+ id: string
+ contractId: string
+ amount: number // bet size; negative if SELL bet
+ outcome: string
+ shares: number // dynamic parimutuel pool weight; negative if SELL bet
+ probBefore: number
+ probAfter: number
+ sale?: {
+ amount: number // amount user makes from sale
+ betId: string // id of bet being sold
+ }
+ isSold?: boolean // true if this BUY bet has been sold
+ isAnte?: boolean
+ createdTime: number
+ }
+ ```
+### `/v0/slug/[marketSlug]`
+This is a convenience endpoint for getting info about a market from it slug (everything after the last slash in a market’s URL).
+- Example request
+ ```
+ https://manifold.markets/api/v0/slug/will-carrick-flynn-win-the-general
+ ```
+- Response type: A `FullMarket` ; same as above.
+## Deprecated
+- Our old Markets API was available at [https://us-central1-mantic-markets.cloudfunctions.net/markets](https://us-central1-mantic-markets.cloudfunctions.net/markets)
+- We don’t plan on continuing to change this, but we’ll support this endpoint until 2022-03-30
+## Changelog
+- 2022-02-28: Add `resolutionTime` to markets, change `closeTime` definition
+- 2022-02-19: Removed user IDs from bets
+- 2022-02-17: Released our v0 API, with `/markets`, `/market/[marketId]`, and `/slug/[slugId]`
diff --git a/docs/docs/binary-markets.md b/docs/docs/binary-markets.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99eaee48
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Guide to YES/NO markets
+# Overview
+Historically, Manifold used a special type of automated market marker based on a dynamic pari-mutuel (DPM) betting
+system. Free response and numeric markets still use this system. Binary markets created prior to March 15, 2022 used
+this system.
+Binary markets created after March 15 use a constant-function market maker which holds constant the weighted geometric
+mean, with weights equal to the probabilities chosen by the market creator at creation. This design was inspired by
+Uniswap's CPMM and a suggestion from Manifold user Pepe.
+# Basic facts
+- Markets are structured around a question with a binary outcome.
+- Traders can place a bet on either YES or NO and receive shares in the outcome in return.
+- 1 YES share = M$1 if the event happens. 1 NO share = M$1 if the event does not happen.
+ - Notice that 1 YES share + 1 NO share = M$1. If you ever get multiple YES and NO shares, they will cancel out and you will be left with cash.
+- When the market is resolved, you will be paid out according to your shares. If you own 100 YES shares, if the event resolves YES, you will earn M$100. (If the event resolves NO, you will earn M$0).
+- The creator of each market is responsible for resolving each market YES or NO.
+ - Creators can also resolve N/A to cancel all transactions and return the money, or resolve to a particular probability (say 50%).
+# Betting
+- Betting on YES will increase the market’s implied probability; betting on NO will decrease the probability.
+- Manifold's automated market automatically adjusts the market probability after each trade and determines how many shares a user will get for their bet.
+- You can sell back your shares for cash. If you sell YES shares, the market probability will go down. If you sell NO shares, the probability will go up.
+- Manifold charges fees on each trade. They are baked into the number of shares you receive.
+ - If you place a M$100 bet on YES when the probability is 50%, you may end up with 150 YES shares. These shares already include our fees. Notice also that when you buy, the probability goes up, so you are not getting in exactly at 200 shares or 50%.
+ - Our fee schedule is currently: 13% * (1 - post-bet probability) * bet amount
+ - The post-trade probability is what the market probability would be after your bet if there were no fees.
+ - Example:
+ - If you bet M$100 on NO and the resulting probability without fees would be 10%, then you pay M$100 * 13% * 10% = M$1.3.
+ - If you bet M$100 on YES and the resulting probability without fees would be 90%, then you pay `M$100 * 13% * 10% = M$1.3`.
+ - The fees are used to provide a commission to the market creator and to subsidize trading within the market.
+ - The market creator’s commission is paid out only after the market is resolved.
+ - No fees are levied on sales.
+# Market creation
+- Users can create a market on any question they want.
+- When you create a market, you must choose an initial probability and a close date (after which trading will halt).
+- You must also pay a M$ 50 market creation fee, which is used to subsidize trading on your market.
+- You will earn a commission on all bets placed in your market.
+- You are responsible for resolving your market in a timely manner. All the fees you earned as a commission will be paid out after resolution.
+# Liquidity
+- The liquidity in a market is the amount of capital available for traders to trade against.
+- The more liquidity, the greater incentive there is for traders to bet, the more accurate the market will be.
+- You can add liquidity to a market you are interested in to increase the incentives for traders to participate. You can think of added liquidity as a subsidy for getting your question answered.
+- You can add liquidity to any market by opening up the market info popup window located in the (...) section of the header on the market page.
diff --git a/docs/docs/bounties.md b/docs/docs/bounties.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62aeb072
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+# Bounties
+## What are Manifold bounties?
+From time to time, a member of our community goes above and beyond in helping Manifold make prediction markets accessible & ubiquitous. We’d like to recognize such contributions publicly, and include a token of our appreciation in the form of M$!
+Examples of community work that may be eligible for a bounty:
+- Blog posts, markets, or comments which lead us to significantly change our views
+- A track record of creating markets that help people make better decisions
+- Promoting Manifold & forecasting to a wider audience
+- Identifying serious exploits with our financial infrastructure
+Our community is the beating heart of Manifold; your individual contributions are what make this platform valuable at all. Thanks to everyone listed here (as well as countless unnamed others) for your help & support!
+## Awarded bounties
+🥧 *Awarded 2022-03-14*
+**[Kevin Zielnicki](https://manifold.markets/kjz): M$ 10,000**
+- For identifying issues with our Dynamic Parimutuel Market Maker in an [excellent blog post](https://kevin.zielnicki.com/2022/02/17/manifold/) (and [associated market](https://manifold.markets/kjz/will-manifolds-developers-agree-wit)), leading us to change to a different mechanism.
+**[Pepe](https://manifold.markets/Pepe): M$ 10,000**
+- For developing the function used in our Constant Function Market Maker and working with us to polish it on Discord, making it easier for us to provision liquidity compared to a CPMM.
+**[Gurkenglas](https://manifold.markets/Gurkenglas): M$ 5,000**
+- For concrete suggestions on Discord around improving our market maker algorithms, and creating useful graphs to make our different market makers more legible.
+**[Scott Alexander](https://manifold.markets/ScottAlexander): M$ 5,000**
+- For [developing and publicizing the idea of providing interest-free loans on each market](https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/play-money-and-reputation-systems), helping make long-term markets more accurate.
+**[David Glidden](https://manifold.markets/dglid): M$ 5,000**
+- For taking on the mantle of [@MetaculusBot](https://manifold.markets/MetaculusBot), which allows traders access to a wider spread of topics, and permits head-to-head comparisons between our prediction markets and other forecasting platforms.
+**[Isaac King](https://manifold.markets/IsaacKing): M$ 5,000**
+- For [compiling a comprehensive FAQ](https://outsidetheasylum.blog/manifold-markets-faq/) that answers a variety of questions that new users commonly face, and also inspiring us to move to [this open-source docs platform](http://docs.manifold.markets/).
+**[Blazer](https://manifold.markets/BlazingDarkness): M$ 2,500**
+- For [calling out our mistake](https://manifold.markets/BlazingDarkness/was-it-an-unpleasant-surprise-when) in retroactively publicizing all market creator’s trades, leading us to revert this feature entirely.
+⛑️ _Awarded 2022-01-09_
+**[Duncan](https://manifold.markets/Duncan): USD $50**
+- For identifying and confidentially reporting an exploit where entering negative numbers into the trade box would allow the trade to go through.
+- _Note: this was denominated in USD, as it predated the creation of our bounty program._
+## Final note
+If a particular contribution isn't listed here, that doesn't mean we didn't really appreciate it. There’s so much great work by our community; we aren't always able to catch them all!
+If you feel that someone's exceptional contribution has fallen through the cracks (including your own!), please consider creating a market for “Will