diff --git a/web/pages/twitch.tsx b/web/pages/twitch.tsx
index 22d3152d..6508a69e 100644
--- a/web/pages/twitch.tsx
+++ b/web/pages/twitch.tsx
@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ function TwitchPlaysManifoldMarkets(props: {
Instead of Twitch channel points we use our own play money, mana (M$).
All viewers start with M$1,000 and can earn more for free by betting
- well.
+ well. Just like channel points, mana cannot be converted to real
+ money.
@@ -176,35 +177,47 @@ function TwitchChatCommands() {
+ We recommend streamers sharing the link to the control dock with their
+ mods. Alternatively, chat commands can be used to control markets.{' '}
@@ -384,8 +397,8 @@ function SetUpBot(props: {
Create a new browser source in your streaming software such as OBS.
- Paste in the above link and resize it to your liking. We recommend
- setting the size to 400x400.
+ Paste in the above link and type in the desired size. We recommend
+ 450x375.
+ Need help? Contact SirSalty#5770 in Discord or email
+ david@manifold.markets