from __future__ import print_function import os from os.path import expanduser, exists, join from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks from twisted.internet import reactor import click from .. import xfer_util class PubkeyError(Exception): pass def find_public_key(hint=None): """ This looks for an appropriate SSH key to send, possibly querying the user in the meantime. DO NOT CALL after as this (possibly) does blocking stuff like asking the user questions (via click.prompt()) Returns a 3-tuple: kind, keyid, pubkey_data """ if hint is None: hint = expanduser('~/.ssh/') else: if not exists(hint): raise PubkeyError("Can't find '{}'".format(hint)) pubkeys = [f for f in os.listdir(hint) if f.endswith('.pub')] if len(pubkeys) == 0: raise PubkeyError("No public keys in '{}'".format(hint)) elif len(pubkeys) > 1: got_key = False while not got_key: ans = click.prompt( "Multiple public-keys found:\n" + \ "\n".join([" {}: {}".format(a, b) for a, b in enumerate(pubkeys)]) + \ "\nSend which one?" ) try: ans = int(ans) if ans < 0 or ans >= len(pubkeys): ans = None else: got_key = True with open(join(hint, pubkeys[ans]), 'r') as f: pubkey = except Exception: got_key = False else: with open(join(hint, pubkeys[0]), 'r') as f: pubkey = parts = pubkey.strip().split() kind = parts[0] keyid = 'unknown' if len(parts) <= 2 else parts[2] return kind, keyid, pubkey @inlineCallbacks def accept(cfg, reactor=reactor): yield xfer_util.send( reactor, cfg.appid or u"", cfg.relay_url, data=cfg.public_key[2], code=cfg.code, use_tor=cfg.tor, launch_tor=cfg.launch_tor, tor_control_port=cfg.tor_control_port, ) print("Key sent.") @inlineCallbacks def invite(cfg, reactor=reactor): def on_code_created(code): print("Now tell the other user to run:") print() print("wormhole ssh accept {}".format(code)) print() if cfg.ssh_user is None: ssh_path = expanduser('~/.ssh/'.format(cfg.ssh_user)) else: ssh_path = expanduser('~{}/.ssh/'.format(cfg.ssh_user)) auth_key_path = join(ssh_path, 'authorized_keys') if not exists(auth_key_path): print("Note: '{}' not found; will be created".format(auth_key_path)) if not exists(ssh_path): print(" '{}' doesn't exist either".format(ssh_path)) else: try: open(auth_key_path, 'a').close() except OSError: print("No write permission on '{}'".format(auth_key_path)) return try: os.listdir(ssh_path) except OSError: print("Can't read '{}'".format(ssh_path)) return pubkey = yield xfer_util.receive( reactor, cfg.appid or u"", cfg.relay_url, None, # allocate a code for us use_tor=cfg.tor, launch_tor=cfg.launch_tor, tor_control_port=cfg.tor_control_port, on_code=on_code_created, ) parts = pubkey.split() kind = parts[0] keyid = 'unknown' if len(parts) <= 2 else parts[2] if not exists(auth_key_path): if not exists(ssh_path): os.mkdir(ssh_path, mode=0o700) with open(auth_key_path, 'a', 0o600) as f: f.write('{}\n'.format(pubkey.strip())) print("Appended key type='{kind}' id='{key_id}' to '{auth_file}'".format( kind=kind, key_id=keyid, auth_file=auth_key_path))