from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals from collections import defaultdict from binascii import hexlify import six from attr import attrs, attrib from attr.validators import instance_of, provides, optional from automat import MethodicalMachine from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.internet.task import deferLater from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint, serverFromString from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory, ServerFactory from twisted.python import log from hkdf import Hkdf from .. import ipaddrs # TODO: move into _dilation/ from .._interfaces import IDilationConnector, IDilationManager from ..timing import DebugTiming from import EmptyableSet from .connection import DilatedConnectionProtocol, KCM from .roles import LEADER from .._hints import parse_hint_argv, DirectTCPV1Hint, TorTCPV1Hint, RelayV1Hint def describe_hint_obj(hint, relay, tor): prefix = "tor->" if tor else "->" if relay: prefix = prefix + "relay:" if isinstance(hint, DirectTCPV1Hint): return prefix + "tcp:%s:%d" % (hint.hostname, hint.port) elif isinstance(hint, TorTCPV1Hint): return prefix + "tor:%s:%d" % (hint.hostname, hint.port) else: return prefix + str(hint) def parse_tcp_v1_hint(hint): # hint_struct -> hint_obj hint_type = hint.get("type", "") if hint_type not in ["direct-tcp-v1", "tor-tcp-v1"]: log.msg("unknown hint type: %r" % (hint,)) return None if not("hostname" in hint and isinstance(hint["hostname"], type(""))): log.msg("invalid hostname in hint: %r" % (hint,)) return None if not("port" in hint and isinstance(hint["port"], six.integer_types)): log.msg("invalid port in hint: %r" % (hint,)) return None priority = hint.get("priority", 0.0) if hint_type == "direct-tcp-v1": return DirectTCPV1Hint(hint["hostname"], hint["port"], priority) else: return TorTCPV1Hint(hint["hostname"], hint["port"], priority) def parse_hint(hint_struct): hint_type = hint_struct.get("type", "") if hint_type == "relay-v1": # the struct can include multiple ways to reach the same relay rhints = filter(lambda h: h, # drop None (unrecognized) [parse_tcp_v1_hint(rh) for rh in hint_struct["hints"]]) return RelayV1Hint(rhints) return parse_tcp_v1_hint(hint_struct) def encode_hint(h): if isinstance(h, DirectTCPV1Hint): return {"type": "direct-tcp-v1", "priority": h.priority, "hostname": h.hostname, "port": h.port, # integer } elif isinstance(h, RelayV1Hint): rhint = {"type": "relay-v1", "hints": []} for rh in h.hints: rhint["hints"].append({"type": "direct-tcp-v1", "priority": rh.priority, "hostname": rh.hostname, "port": rh.port}) return rhint elif isinstance(h, TorTCPV1Hint): return {"type": "tor-tcp-v1", "priority": h.priority, "hostname": h.hostname, "port": h.port, # integer } raise ValueError("unknown hint type", h) def HKDF(skm, outlen, salt=None, CTXinfo=b""): return Hkdf(salt, skm).expand(CTXinfo, outlen) def build_sided_relay_handshake(key, side): assert isinstance(side, type(u"")) assert len(side) == 8 * 2 token = HKDF(key, 32, CTXinfo=b"transit_relay_token") return (b"please relay " + hexlify(token) + b" for side " + side.encode("ascii") + b"\n") PROLOGUE_LEADER = b"Magic-Wormhole Dilation Handshake v1 Leader\n\n" PROLOGUE_FOLLOWER = b"Magic-Wormhole Dilation Handshake v1 Follower\n\n" NOISEPROTO = "Noise_NNpsk0_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s" @attrs @implementer(IDilationConnector) class Connector(object): _dilation_key = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(b""))) _transit_relay_location = attrib(validator=optional(instance_of(str))) _manager = attrib(validator=provides(IDilationManager)) _reactor = attrib() _eventual_queue = attrib() _no_listen = attrib(validator=instance_of(bool)) _tor = attrib() _timing = attrib() _side = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u""))) # was self._side = bytes_to_hexstr(os.urandom(8)) # unicode _role = attrib() m = MethodicalMachine() set_trace = getattr(m, "_setTrace", lambda self, f: None) RELAY_DELAY = 2.0 def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self._transit_relay_location: # TODO: allow multiple hints for a single relay relay_hint = parse_hint_argv(self._transit_relay_location) relay = RelayV1Hint(hints=(relay_hint,)) self._transit_relays = [relay] else: self._transit_relays = [] self._listeners = set() # IListeningPorts that can be stopped self._pending_connectors = set() # Deferreds that can be cancelled self._pending_connections = EmptyableSet( _eventual_queue=self._eventual_queue) # Protocols to be stopped self._contenders = set() # viable connections self._winning_connection = None self._timing = self._timing or DebugTiming() self._timing.add("transit") # this describes what our Connector can do, for the initial advertisement @classmethod def get_connection_abilities(klass): return [{"type": "direct-tcp-v1"}, {"type": "relay-v1"}, ] def build_protocol(self, addr): # encryption: let's use Noise NNpsk0 (or maybe NNpsk2). That uses # ephemeral keys plus a pre-shared symmetric key (the Transit key), a # different one for each potential connection. from noise.connection import NoiseConnection noise = NoiseConnection.from_name(NOISEPROTO) noise.set_psks(self._dilation_key) if self._role is LEADER: noise.set_as_initiator() outbound_prologue = PROLOGUE_LEADER inbound_prologue = PROLOGUE_FOLLOWER else: noise.set_as_responder() outbound_prologue = PROLOGUE_FOLLOWER inbound_prologue = PROLOGUE_LEADER p = DilatedConnectionProtocol(self._eventual_queue, self._role, self, noise, outbound_prologue, inbound_prologue) return p @m.state(initial=True) def connecting(self): pass # pragma: no cover @m.state() def connected(self): pass # pragma: no cover @m.state(terminal=True) def stopped(self): pass # pragma: no cover # TODO: unify the tense of these method-name verbs @m.input() def listener_ready(self, hint_objs): pass @m.input() def add_relay(self, hint_objs): pass @m.input() def got_hints(self, hint_objs): pass @m.input() def add_candidate(self, c): # called by DilatedConnectionProtocol pass @m.input() def accept(self, c): pass @m.input() def stop(self): pass @m.output() def use_hints(self, hint_objs): self._use_hints(hint_objs) @m.output() def publish_hints(self, hint_objs): self._manager.send_hints([encode_hint(h) for h in hint_objs]) @m.output() def consider(self, c): self._contenders.add(c) if self._role is LEADER: # for now, just accept the first one. TODO: be clever. self._eventual_queue.eventually(self.accept, c) else: # the follower always uses the first contender, since that's the # only one the leader picked self._eventual_queue.eventually(self.accept, c) @m.output() def select_and_stop_remaining(self, c): self._winning_connection = c self._contenders.clear() # we no longer care who else came close # remove this winner from the losers, so we don't shut it down self._pending_connections.discard(c) # shut down losing connections self.stop_listeners() # TODO: maybe keep it open? NAT/p2p assist self.stop_pending_connectors() self.stop_pending_connections() # subsequent frames go directly to the manager if self._role is LEADER: # TODO: this should live in Connection c.send_record(KCM()) # leader sends KCM now self._manager.use_connection(c) # manager sends frames to Connection @m.output() def stop_everything(self): self.stop_listeners() self.stop_pending_connectors() self.stop_pending_connections() self.break_cycles() def stop_listeners(self): d = DeferredList([l.stopListening() for l in self._listeners]) self._listeners.clear() return d # synchronization for tests def stop_pending_connectors(self): return DeferredList([d.cancel() for d in self._pending_connectors]) def stop_pending_connections(self): d = self._pending_connections.when_next_empty() [c.loseConnection() for c in self._pending_connections] return d def stop_winner(self): d = self._winner.when_disconnected() self._winner.disconnect() return d def break_cycles(self): # help GC by forgetting references to things that reference us self._listeners.clear() self._pending_connectors.clear() self._pending_connections.clear() self._winner = None connecting.upon(listener_ready, enter=connecting, outputs=[publish_hints]) connecting.upon(add_relay, enter=connecting, outputs=[use_hints, publish_hints]) connecting.upon(got_hints, enter=connecting, outputs=[use_hints]) connecting.upon(add_candidate, enter=connecting, outputs=[consider]) connecting.upon(accept, enter=connected, outputs=[ select_and_stop_remaining]) connecting.upon(stop, enter=stopped, outputs=[stop_everything]) # once connected, we ignore everything except stop connected.upon(listener_ready, enter=connected, outputs=[]) connected.upon(add_relay, enter=connected, outputs=[]) connected.upon(got_hints, enter=connected, outputs=[]) connected.upon(add_candidate, enter=connected, outputs=[]) connected.upon(accept, enter=connected, outputs=[]) connected.upon(stop, enter=stopped, outputs=[stop_everything]) # from Manager: start, got_hints, stop # maybe add_candidate, accept def start(self): self._start_listener() if self._transit_relays: self.publish_hints(self._transit_relays) self._use_hints(self._transit_relays) def _start_listener(self): if self._no_listen or self._tor: return addresses = ipaddrs.find_addresses() non_loopback_addresses = [a for a in addresses if a != ""] if non_loopback_addresses: # some test hosts, including the appveyor VMs, *only* have #, and the tests will hang badly if we remove it. addresses = non_loopback_addresses # TODO: listen on a fixed port, if possible, for NAT/p2p benefits, also # to make firewall configs easier # TODO: retain listening port between connection generations? ep = serverFromString(self._reactor, "tcp:0") f = InboundConnectionFactory(self) d = ep.listen(f) def _listening(lp): # lp is an IListeningPort self._listeners.add(lp) # for shutdown and tests portnum = lp.getHost().port direct_hints = [DirectTCPV1Hint(six.u(addr), portnum, 0.0) for addr in addresses] self.listener_ready(direct_hints) d.addCallback(_listening) d.addErrback(log.err) def _use_hints(self, hints): # first, pull out all the relays, we'll connect to them later relays = defaultdict(list) direct = defaultdict(list) for h in hints: if isinstance(h, RelayV1Hint): relays[h.priority].append(h) else: direct[h.priority].append(h) delay = 0.0 priorities = sorted(set(direct.keys()), reverse=True) for p in priorities: for h in direct[p]: if isinstance(h, TorTCPV1Hint) and not self._tor: continue ep = self._endpoint_from_hint_obj(h) desc = describe_hint_obj(h, False, self._tor) d = deferLater(self._reactor, delay, self._connect, ep, desc, is_relay=False) self._pending_connectors.add(d) # Make all direct connections immediately. Later, we'll change # the add_candidate() function to look at the priority when # deciding whether to accept a successful connection or not, # and it can wait for more options if it sees a higher-priority # one still running. But if we bail on that, we might consider # putting an inter-direct-hint delay here to influence the # process. # delay += 1.0 if delay > 0.0: # Start trying the relays a few seconds after we start to try the # direct hints. The idea is to prefer direct connections, but not # be afraid of using a relay when we have direct hints that don't # resolve quickly. Many direct hints will be to unused # local-network IP addresses, which won't answer, and would take # the full TCP timeout (30s or more) to fail. If there were no # direct hints, don't delay at all. delay += self.RELAY_DELAY # prefer direct connections by stalling relay connections by a few # seconds, unless we're using --no-listen in which case we're probably # going to have to use the relay delay = self.RELAY_DELAY if self._no_listen else 0.0 # It might be nice to wire this so that a failure in the direct hints # causes the relay hints to be used right away (fast failover). But # none of our current use cases would take advantage of that: if we # have any viable direct hints, then they're either going to succeed # quickly or hang for a long time. for p in priorities: for r in relays[p]: for h in r.hints: ep = self._endpoint_from_hint_obj(h) desc = describe_hint_obj(h, True, self._tor) d = deferLater(self._reactor, delay, self._connect, ep, desc, is_relay=True) self._pending_connectors.add(d) # TODO: # if not contenders: # raise TransitError("No contenders for connection") # TODO: add 2*TIMEOUT deadline for first generation, don't wait forever for # the initial connection def _connect(self, h, ep, description, is_relay=False): relay_handshake = None if is_relay: relay_handshake = build_sided_relay_handshake(self._dilation_key, self._side) f = OutboundConnectionFactory(self, relay_handshake) d = ep.connect(f) # fires with protocol, or ConnectError def _connected(p): self._pending_connections.add(p) # c might not be in _pending_connections, if it turned out to be a # winner, which is why we use discard() and not remove() p.when_disconnected().addCallback(self._pending_connections.discard) d.addCallback(_connected) return d def _endpoint_from_hint_obj(self, hint): if self._tor: if isinstance(hint, (DirectTCPV1Hint, TorTCPV1Hint)): # this Tor object will throw ValueError for non-public IPv4 # addresses and any IPv6 address try: return self._tor.stream_via(hint.hostname, hint.port) except ValueError: return None return None if isinstance(hint, DirectTCPV1Hint): return HostnameEndpoint(self._reactor, hint.hostname, hint.port) return None # Connection selection. All instances of DilatedConnectionProtocol which # look viable get passed into our add_contender() method. # On the Leader side, "viable" means we've seen their KCM frame, which is # the first Noise-encrypted packet on any given connection, and it has an # empty body. We gather viable connections until we see one that we like, # or a timer expires. Then we "select" it, close the others, and tell our # Manager to use it. # On the Follower side, we'll only see a KCM on the one connection selected # by the Leader, so the first viable connection wins. # our Connection protocols call: add_candidate @attrs class OutboundConnectionFactory(ClientFactory, object): _connector = attrib(validator=provides(IDilationConnector)) _relay_handshake = attrib(validator=optional(instance_of(bytes))) def buildProtocol(self, addr): p = self._connector.build_protocol(addr) p.factory = self if self._relay_handshake is not None: p.use_relay(self._relay_handshake) return p @attrs class InboundConnectionFactory(ServerFactory, object): _connector = attrib(validator=provides(IDilationConnector)) protocol = DilatedConnectionProtocol def buildProtocol(self, addr): p = self._connector.build_protocol(addr) p.factory = self return p