from __future__ import print_function import re, json, time, random from twisted.python import log from twisted.web import server, resource, http SECONDS = 1.0 MINUTE = 60*SECONDS HOUR = 60*MINUTE DAY = 24*HOUR MB = 1000*1000 CHANNEL_EXPIRATION_TIME = 3*DAY class EventsProtocol: def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def sendComment(self, comment): # this is ignored by clients, but can keep the connection open in the # face of firewall/NAT timeouts. It also helps unit tests, since # apparently twisted.web.client.Agent doesn't consider the connection # to be established until it sees the first byte of the reponse body. self.request.write(b": " + comment + b"\n\n") def sendEvent(self, data, name=None, id=None, retry=None): if name: self.request.write(b"event: " + name.encode("utf-8") + b"\n") # e.g. if name=foo, then the client web page should do: # (new EventSource(url)).addEventListener("foo", handlerfunc) # Note that this basically defaults to "message". self.request.write(b"\n") if id: self.request.write(b"id: " + id.encode("utf-8") + b"\n") self.request.write(b"\n") if retry: self.request.write(b"retry: " + retry + b"\n") # milliseconds self.request.write(b"\n") for line in data.splitlines(): self.request.write(b"data: " + line.encode("utf-8") + b"\n") self.request.write(b"\n") def stop(self): self.request.finish() # note: no versions of IE (including the current IE11) support EventSource # relay URLs are: # GET /list -> {channel-ids: [INT..]} # POST /allocate {side: SIDE} -> {channel-id: INT} # these return all messages (base64) for CID= : # POST /CID {side:, phase:, body:} -> {messages: [{phase:, body:}..]} # GET /CID (no-eventsource) -> {messages: [{phase:, body:}..]} # GET /CID (eventsource) -> {phase:, body:}.. # POST /CID/deallocate {side: SIDE} -> {status: waiting | deleted} # all JSON responses include a "welcome:{..}" key class Channel(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, channel_id, relay, db, welcome): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channel_id = channel_id self.relay = relay self.db = db self.welcome = welcome self.event_channels = set() # ep self.putChild(b"deallocate", Deallocator(self.channel_id, self.relay)) def get_messages(self, request): request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"application/json; charset=utf-8") messages = [] for row in self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM `messages`" " WHERE `channel_id`=?" " ORDER BY `when` ASC", (self.channel_id,)).fetchall(): messages.append({"phase": row["phase"], "body": row["body"]}) data = {"welcome": self.welcome, "messages": messages} return (json.dumps(data)+"\n").encode("utf-8") def render_GET(self, request): if b"text/event-stream" not in (request.getHeader(b"accept") or b""): return self.get_messages(request) request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"text/event-stream; charset=utf-8") ep = EventsProtocol(request) ep.sendEvent(json.dumps(self.welcome), name="welcome") self.event_channels.add(ep) request.notifyFinish().addErrback(lambda f: self.event_channels.discard(ep)) for row in self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM `messages`" " WHERE `channel_id`=?" " ORDER BY `when` ASC", (self.channel_id,)).fetchall(): data = json.dumps({"phase": row["phase"], "body": row["body"]}) ep.sendEvent(data) return server.NOT_DONE_YET def broadcast_message(self, phase, body): data = json.dumps({"phase": phase, "body": body}) for ep in self.event_channels: ep.sendEvent(data) def render_POST(self, request): #data = json.load(request.content, encoding="utf-8") content = data = json.loads(content.decode("utf-8")) side = data["side"] phase = data["phase"] if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError("phase must be string, not %s" % type(phase)) body = data["body"] self.db.execute("INSERT INTO `messages`" " (`channel_id`, `side`, `phase`, `body`, `when`)" " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", (self.channel_id, side, phase, body, time.time())) self.db.execute("INSERT INTO `allocations`" " (`channel_id`, `side`)" " VALUES (?,?)", (self.channel_id, side)) self.db.commit() self.broadcast_message(phase, body) return self.get_messages(request) class Deallocator(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, channel_id, relay): self.channel_id = channel_id self.relay = relay def render_POST(self, request): content = data = json.loads(content.decode("utf-8")) side = data["side"] deleted = self.relay.maybe_free_child(self.channel_id, side) resp = {"status": "waiting"} if deleted: resp = {"status": "deleted"} return json.dumps(resp).encode("utf-8") def get_allocated(db): c = db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT `channel_id` FROM `allocations`") return set([row["channel_id"] for row in c.fetchall()]) class Allocator(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, db, welcome): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.db = db self.welcome = welcome def allocate_channel_id(self): allocated = get_allocated(self.db) for size in range(1,4): # stick to 1-999 for now available = set() for cid in range(10**(size-1), 10**size): if cid not in allocated: available.add(cid) if available: return random.choice(list(available)) # ouch, 999 currently allocated. Try random ones for a while. for tries in range(1000): cid = random.randrange(1000, 1000*1000) if cid not in allocated: return cid raise ValueError("unable to find a free channel-id") def render_POST(self, request): content = data = json.loads(content.decode("utf-8")) side = data["side"] if not isinstance(side, type(u"")): raise TypeError("side must be string, not '%s'" % type(side)) channel_id = self.allocate_channel_id() self.db.execute("INSERT INTO `allocations` VALUES (?,?)", (channel_id, side)) self.db.commit() log.msg("allocated #%d, now have %d DB channels" % (channel_id, len(get_allocated(self.db)))) request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"application/json; charset=utf-8") data = {"welcome": self.welcome, "channel-id": channel_id} return (json.dumps(data)+"\n").encode("utf-8") class ChannelList(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, db, welcome): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.db = db self.welcome = welcome def render_GET(self, request): c = self.db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT `channel_id` FROM `allocations`") allocated = sorted(set([row["channel_id"] for row in c.fetchall()])) request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"application/json; charset=utf-8") data = {"welcome": self.welcome, "channel-ids": allocated} return (json.dumps(data)+"\n").encode("utf-8") class Relay(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, db, welcome): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.db = db self.welcome = welcome self.channels = {} def getChild(self, path, request): if path == b"allocate": return Allocator(self.db, self.welcome) if path == b"list": return ChannelList(self.db, self.welcome) if not'^\d+$', path): return resource.ErrorPage(http.BAD_REQUEST, "invalid channel id", "invalid channel id") channel_id = int(path) if not channel_id in self.channels: log.msg("spawning #%d" % channel_id) self.channels[channel_id] = Channel(channel_id, self, self.db, self.welcome) return self.channels[channel_id] def maybe_free_child(self, channel_id, side): self.db.execute("DELETE FROM `allocations`" " WHERE `channel_id`=? AND `side`=?", (channel_id, side)) self.db.commit() remaining = self.db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `allocations`" " WHERE `channel_id`=?", (channel_id,)).fetchone()[0] if remaining: return False self.free_child(channel_id) return True def free_child(self, channel_id): self.db.execute("DELETE FROM `allocations` WHERE `channel_id`=?", (channel_id,)) self.db.execute("DELETE FROM `messages` WHERE `channel_id`=?", (channel_id,)) self.db.commit() if channel_id in self.channels: self.channels.pop(channel_id) log.msg("freed+killed #%d, now have %d DB channels, %d live" % (channel_id, len(get_allocated(self.db)), len(self.channels))) def prune_old_channels(self): old = time.time() - CHANNEL_EXPIRATION_TIME for channel_id in get_allocated(self.db): c = self.db.execute("SELECT `when` FROM `messages`" " WHERE `channel_id`=?" " ORDER BY `when` DESC LIMIT 1", (channel_id,)) rows = c.fetchall() if not rows or (rows[0]["when"] < old): log.msg("expiring %d" % channel_id) self.free_child(channel_id)