import re, json from collections import defaultdict from twisted.python import log from twisted.application import strports, service from twisted.web import server, static, resource, http class Channel(resource.Resource): isLeaf = True # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/pake/post {message: STR} -> {messages: [STR..]} # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/pake/poll -> {messages: [STR..]} # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/data/post {message: STR} -> {messages: [STR..]} # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/data/poll -> {messages: [STR..]} # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/deallocate -> waiting | deleted def __init__(self, channel_id, relay): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channel_id = channel_id self.relay = relay self.sides = set() self.messages = {"pake": defaultdict(list), # side -> [strings] "data": defaultdict(list), # side -> [strings] } def render_POST(self, request): side = request.postpath[0] self.sides.add(side) which = request.postpath[1] if which == "deallocate": self.sides.remove(side) if self.sides: return "waiting\n" self.relay.free_child(self.channel_id) return "deleted\n" elif which in ("pake", "data"): all_messages = self.messages[which] messages = all_messages[side] other_messages = [] for other_side, other_msgs in all_messages.items(): if other_side != side: other_messages.extend(other_msgs) else: request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return "bad command, want 'pake' or 'data' or 'deallocate'\n" verb = request.postpath[2] if verb not in ("post", "poll"): request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return "bad verb, want 'post' or 'poll'\n" if verb == "post": data = json.load(request.content) messages.append(data["message"]) request.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") return json.dumps({"messages": other_messages})+"\n" class Allocated(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, channel_id): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channel_id = channel_id def render_POST(self, request): request.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") return json.dumps({"channel-id": self.channel_id})+"\n" class Relay(resource.Resource): def __init__(self): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channels = {} self.next_channel = 1 def getChild(self, path, request): if path == "allocate": # be more clever later. Rotate through 1-99 unless they're all # full, then rotate through 1-999, etc. channel_id = self.next_channel self.next_channel += 1 self.channels[channel_id] = Channel(channel_id, self) log.msg("allocated %d, now have %d channels" % (channel_id, len(self.channels))) return Allocated(channel_id) if not'^\d+$', path): return resource.ErrorPage(http.BAD_REQUEST, "invalid channel id", "invalid channel id") channel_id = int(path) if not channel_id in self.channels: return resource.ErrorPage(http.NOT_FOUND, "invalid channel id", "invalid channel id") return self.channels[channel_id] def free_child(self, channel_id): self.channels.pop(channel_id) log.msg("freed %d, now have %d channels" % (channel_id, len(self.channels))) class Root(resource.Resource): # child_FOO is a nevow thing, not a twisted.web.resource thing def __init__(self): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.putChild("", static.Data("Wormhole Relay\n", "text/plain")) class RelayServer(service.MultiService): def __init__(self, listenport): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.root = Root() site = server.Site(self.root) self.port_service = strports.service(listenport, site) self.port_service.setServiceParent(self) self.relay = Relay() # for tests self.root.putChild("relay", self.relay) def get_root(self): return self.root application = service.Application("foo") RelayServer("tcp:8009").setServiceParent(application)