from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, json, re, unicodedata from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlencode from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue from twisted.web import client as web_client from twisted.web import error as web_error from twisted.web.iweb import IBodyProducer from nacl.secret import SecretBox from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError from nacl import utils from spake2 import SPAKE2_Symmetric from .eventsource_twisted import ReconnectingEventSource from .. import __version__ from .. import codes from ..errors import ServerError, Timeout, WrongPasswordError, UsageError from ..timing import DebugTiming from ..util.hkdf import HKDF from ..channel_monitor import monitor CONFMSG_NONCE_LENGTH = 128//8 CONFMSG_MAC_LENGTH = 256//8 def make_confmsg(confkey, nonce): return nonce+HKDF(confkey, CONFMSG_MAC_LENGTH, nonce) def to_bytes(u): return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", u).encode("utf-8") @implementer(IBodyProducer) class DataProducer: def __init__(self, data): = data self.length = len(data) def startProducing(self, consumer): consumer.write( return defer.succeed(None) def stopProducing(self): pass def pauseProducing(self): pass def resumeProducing(self): pass def post_json(agent, url, request_body): # POST a JSON body to a URL, parsing the response as JSON data = json.dumps(request_body).encode("utf-8") d = agent.request(b"POST", url.encode("utf-8"), bodyProducer=DataProducer(data)) def _check_error(resp): if resp.code != 200: raise web_error.Error(resp.code, resp.phrase) return resp d.addCallback(_check_error) d.addCallback(web_client.readBody) d.addCallback(lambda data: json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))) return d def get_json(agent, url): # GET from a URL, parsing the response as JSON d = agent.request(b"GET", url.encode("utf-8")) def _check_error(resp): if resp.code != 200: raise web_error.Error(resp.code, resp.phrase) return resp d.addCallback(_check_error) d.addCallback(web_client.readBody) d.addCallback(lambda data: json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))) return d class Channel: def __init__(self, relay_url, appid, channelid, side, handle_welcome, agent): self._relay_url = relay_url self._appid = appid self._channelid = channelid self._side = side self._handle_welcome = handle_welcome self._agent = agent self._messages = set() # (phase,body) , body is bytes self._sent_messages = set() # (phase,body) def _add_inbound_messages(self, messages): for msg in messages: phase = msg["phase"] body = unhexlify(msg["body"].encode("ascii")) self._messages.add( (phase, body) ) def _find_inbound_message(self, phases): their_messages = self._messages - self._sent_messages for phase in phases: for (their_phase,body) in their_messages: if their_phase == phase: return (phase, body) return None def send(self, phase, msg): # TODO: retry on failure, with exponential backoff. We're guarding # against the rendezvous server being temporarily offline. if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase)) if not isinstance(msg, type(b"")): raise TypeError(type(msg)) self._sent_messages.add( (phase,msg) ) assert isinstance(self._side, type(u"")), type(self._side) payload = {"appid": self._appid, "channelid": self._channelid, "side": self._side, "phase": phase, "body": hexlify(msg).decode("ascii")} d = post_json(self._agent, self._relay_url+"add", payload) def _maybe_handle_welcome(resp): if "welcome" in resp: self._handle_welcome(resp["welcome"]) return resp d.addCallback(_maybe_handle_welcome) d.addCallback(lambda resp: self._add_inbound_messages(resp["messages"])) return d def get_first_of(self, phases): if not isinstance(phases, (list, set)): raise TypeError(type(phases)) for phase in phases: if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase)) # fire with a bytestring of the first message for any 'phase' that # wasn't one of our own messages. It will either come from # previously-received messages, or from an EventSource that we attach # to the corresponding URL phase_and_body = self._find_inbound_message(phases) if phase_and_body is not None: return defer.succeed(phase_and_body) d = defer.Deferred() msgs = [] def _handle(name, data): if name == "welcome": self._handle_welcome(json.loads(data)) if name == "message": self._add_inbound_messages([json.loads(data)]) phase_and_body = self._find_inbound_message(phases) if phase_and_body is not None and not msgs: msgs.append(phase_and_body) d.callback(None) # TODO: use agent=self._agent queryargs = urlencode([("appid", self._appid), ("channelid", self._channelid)]) es = ReconnectingEventSource(self._relay_url+"watch?%s" % queryargs, _handle) es.startService() # TODO: .setServiceParent(self) es.activate() d.addCallback(lambda _: es.deactivate()) d.addCallback(lambda _: es.stopService()) d.addCallback(lambda _: msgs[0]) return d @inlineCallbacks def get(self, phase): res = yield self.get_first_of([phase]) (got_phase, body) = res assert got_phase == phase returnValue(body) def deallocate(self, mood=None): # only try once, no retries d = post_json(self._agent, self._relay_url+"deallocate", {"appid": self._appid, "channelid": self._channelid, "side": self._side, "mood": mood}) d.addBoth(lambda _: None) # ignore POST failure return d class ChannelManager: def __init__(self, relay, appid, side, handle_welcome): assert isinstance(relay, type(u"")) self._relay = relay self._appid = appid self._side = side self._handle_welcome = handle_welcome self._agent = web_client.Agent(reactor) @inlineCallbacks def allocate(self): url = self._relay + "allocate" data = yield post_json(self._agent, url, {"appid": self._appid, "side": self._side}) if "welcome" in data: self._handle_welcome(data["welcome"]) returnValue(data["channelid"]) @inlineCallbacks def list_channels(self): queryargs = urlencode([("appid", self._appid)]) url = self._relay + u"list?%s" % queryargs r = yield get_json(self._agent, url) returnValue(r["channelids"]) def connect(self, channelid): return Channel(self._relay, self._appid, channelid, self._side, self._handle_welcome, self._agent) def close_on_error(meth): # method decorator # Clients report certain errors as "moods", so the server can make a # rough count failed connections (due to mismatched passwords, attacks, # or timeouts). We don't report precondition failures, as those are the # responsibility/fault of the local application code. We count # non-precondition errors in case they represent server-side problems. def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): d = defer.maybeDeferred(meth, self, *args, **kwargs) def _onerror(f): if f.check(Timeout): d2 = self.close(u"lonely") elif f.check(WrongPasswordError): d2 = self.close(u"scary") elif f.check(TypeError, UsageError): # preconditions don't warrant _close_with_error() d2 = defer.succeed(None) else: d2 = self.close(u"errory") d2.addBoth(lambda _: f) return d2 d.addErrback(_onerror) return d return _wrapper class Wormhole: motd_displayed = False version_warning_displayed = False _send_confirm = True def __init__(self, appid, relay_url, timing=None): if not isinstance(appid, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(appid)) if not isinstance(relay_url, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(relay_url)) if not relay_url.endswith(u"/"): raise UsageError self._appid = appid self._relay_url = relay_url self._timing = timing or DebugTiming() self._set_side(hexlify(os.urandom(5)).decode("ascii")) self.code = None self.key = None self._started_get_code = False self._sent_data = set() # phases self._got_data = set() self._got_confirmation = False self._closed = False self._timing_started = self._timing.add_event("wormhole") def _set_side(self, side): self._side = side self._channel_manager = ChannelManager(self._relay_url, self._appid, self._side, self.handle_welcome) self._channel = None def handle_welcome(self, welcome): if ("motd" in welcome and not self.motd_displayed): motd_lines = welcome["motd"].splitlines() motd_formatted = "\n ".join(motd_lines) print("Server (at %s) says:\n %s" % (self._relay_url, motd_formatted), file=sys.stderr) self.motd_displayed = True # Only warn if we're running a release version (e.g. 0.0.6, not # 0.0.6-DISTANCE-gHASH). Only warn once. if ("-" not in __version__ and not self.version_warning_displayed and welcome["current_version"] != __version__): print("Warning: errors may occur unless both sides are running the same version", file=sys.stderr) print("Server claims %s is current, but ours is %s" % (welcome["current_version"], __version__), file=sys.stderr) self.version_warning_displayed = True if "error" in welcome: raise ServerError(welcome["error"], self._relay_url) @inlineCallbacks def get_code(self, code_length=2): if self.code is not None: raise UsageError if self._started_get_code: raise UsageError self._started_get_code = True _start = self._timing.add_event("alloc channel") channelid = yield self._channel_manager.allocate() self._timing.finish_event(_start) code = codes.make_code(channelid, code_length) assert isinstance(code, type(u"")), type(code) self._set_code_and_channelid(code) self._start() returnValue(code) def set_code(self, code): if not isinstance(code, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(code)) if self.code is not None: raise UsageError self._set_code_and_channelid(code) self._start() def _set_code_and_channelid(self, code): if self.code is not None: raise UsageError self._timing.add_event("code established") mo ='^(\d+)-', code) if not mo: raise ValueError("code (%s) must start with NN-" % code) self.code = code channelid = int( self._channel = self._channel_manager.connect(channelid) monitor.add(self._channel) def _start(self): # allocate the rest now too, so it can be serialized self.sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric(to_bytes(self.code), idSymmetric=to_bytes(self._appid)) self.msg1 = self.sp.start() def serialize(self): # I can only be serialized after get_code/set_code and before # get_verifier/get_data if self.code is None: raise UsageError if self.key is not None: raise UsageError if self._sent_data: raise UsageError if self._got_data: raise UsageError data = { "appid": self._appid, "relay_url": self._relay_url, "code": self.code, "side": self._side, "spake2": json.loads(self.sp.serialize().decode("ascii")), "msg1": hexlify(self.msg1).decode("ascii"), } return json.dumps(data) @classmethod def from_serialized(klass, data): d = json.loads(data) self = klass(d["appid"], d["relay_url"]) self._set_side(d["side"]) self._set_code_and_channelid(d["code"]) sp_data = json.dumps(d["spake2"]).encode("ascii") self.sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric.from_serialized(sp_data) self.msg1 = unhexlify(d["msg1"].encode("ascii")) return self def derive_key(self, purpose, length=SecretBox.KEY_SIZE): if not isinstance(purpose, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(purpose)) if self.key is None: # call after get_verifier() or get_data() raise UsageError return HKDF(self.key, length, CTXinfo=to_bytes(purpose)) def _encrypt_data(self, key, data): assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key) assert isinstance(data, type(b"")), type(data) assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key) box = SecretBox(key) nonce = utils.random(SecretBox.NONCE_SIZE) return box.encrypt(data, nonce) def _decrypt_data(self, key, encrypted): assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key) assert isinstance(encrypted, type(b"")), type(encrypted) assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key) box = SecretBox(key) data = box.decrypt(encrypted) return data @inlineCallbacks def _get_key(self): # TODO: prevent multiple invocation if self.key: returnValue(self.key) _sent = self._timing.add_event("send pake") yield self._channel.send(u"pake", self.msg1) self._timing.finish_event(_sent) _sent = self._timing.add_event("get pake") pake_msg = yield self._channel.get(u"pake") self._timing.finish_event(_sent) key = self.sp.finish(pake_msg) self.key = key self.verifier = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:verifier") self._timing.add_event("key established") if not self._send_confirm: returnValue(key) confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation") nonce = os.urandom(CONFMSG_NONCE_LENGTH) confmsg = make_confmsg(confkey, nonce) _sent = self._timing.add_event("send confirmation") yield self._channel.send(u"_confirm", confmsg) self._timing.finish_event(_sent) returnValue(key) @close_on_error @inlineCallbacks def get_verifier(self): if self._closed: raise UsageError if self.code is None: raise UsageError yield self._get_key() returnValue(self.verifier) @close_on_error @inlineCallbacks def send_data(self, outbound_data, phase=u"data"): if not isinstance(outbound_data, type(b"")): raise TypeError(type(outbound_data)) if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase)) if self._closed: raise UsageError if phase in self._sent_data: raise UsageError # only call this once if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals if self.code is None: raise UsageError if self._channel is None: raise UsageError _sent = self._timing.add_event("API send data", phase=phase) # Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique keys # for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use random # nonces to keep the messages distinct, and the Channel automatically # ignores reflections. self._sent_data.add(phase) yield self._get_key() data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase) outbound_encrypted = self._encrypt_data(data_key, outbound_data) _sent2 = self._timing.add_event("send") yield self._channel.send(phase, outbound_encrypted) self._timing.finish_event(_sent2) self._timing.finish_event(_sent) @close_on_error @inlineCallbacks def get_data(self, phase=u"data"): if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase)) if phase in self._got_data: raise UsageError # only call this once if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals if self._closed: raise UsageError if self.code is None: raise UsageError if self._channel is None: raise UsageError _sent = self._timing.add_event("API get data", phase=phase) self._got_data.add(phase) yield self._get_key() phases = [] if not self._got_confirmation: phases.append(u"_confirm") phases.append(phase) _sent2 = self._timing.add_event("get", phases=phases) phase_and_body = yield self._channel.get_first_of(phases) self._timing.finish_event(_sent2) (got_phase, body) = phase_and_body if got_phase == u"_confirm": confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation") nonce = body[:CONFMSG_NONCE_LENGTH] if body != make_confmsg(confkey, nonce): raise WrongPasswordError self._got_confirmation = True _sent3 = self._timing.add_event("get", phases=[phase]) phase_and_body = yield self._channel.get_first_of([phase]) self._timing.finish_event(_sent3) (got_phase, body) = phase_and_body self._timing.finish_event(_sent) assert got_phase == phase try: data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase) inbound_data = self._decrypt_data(data_key, body) returnValue(inbound_data) except CryptoError: raise WrongPasswordError @inlineCallbacks def close(self, res=None, mood=u"happy"): if not isinstance(mood, (type(None), type(u""))): raise TypeError(type(mood)) self._closed = True if not self._channel: returnValue(None) self._timing.finish_event(self._timing_started, mood=mood) c, self._channel = self._channel, None monitor.close(c) _sent = self._timing.add_event("close") yield c.deallocate(mood) self._timing.finish_event(_sent)