from zope.interface import implementer from automat import MethodicalMachine from . import _interfaces from ._mailbox import Mailbox from ._send import Send from ._order import Order from ._key import Key from ._receive import Receive from ._rendezvous import RendezvousConnector from ._nameplate import NameplateListing from ._code import Code from .util import bytes_to_dict @implementer(_interfaces.IBoss) class Boss: m = MethodicalMachine() def __init__(self, side, reactor, timing): self._reactor = reactor self._M = Mailbox(side) self._S = Send(side, timing) self._O = Order(side, timing) self._K = Key(timing) self._R = Receive(side, timing) self._RC = RendezvousConnector(side, timing, reactor) self._NL = NameplateListing() self._C = Code(timing) self._M.wire(self, self._RC, self._O) self._S.wire(self._M) self._O.wire(self._K, self._R) self._K.wire(self, self._M, self._R) self._R.wire(self, self._K, self._S) self._RC.wire(self, self._M, self._C, self._NL) self._NL.wire(self._RC, self._C) self._C.wire(self, self._RC, self._NL) # these methods are called from outside def start(self): self._RC.start() # and these are the state-machine transition functions, which don't take # args @m.state(initial=True) def S0_empty(self): pass @m.state() def S1_lonely(self): pass @m.state() def S2_happy(self): pass @m.state() def S3_closing(self): pass @m.state(terminal=True) def S4_closed(self): pass # from the Wormhole # input/allocate/set_code are regular methods, not state-transition # inputs. We expect them to be called just after initialization, while # we're in the S0_empty state. You must call exactly one of them, and the # call must happen while we're in S0_empty, which makes them good # candiates for being a proper @m.input, but set_code() will immediately # (reentrantly) cause self.got_code() to be fired, which is messy. These # are all passthroughs to the Code machine, so one alternative would be # to have Wormhole call Code.{input,allocate,set_code} instead, but that # would require the Wormhole to be aware of Code (whereas right now # Wormhole only knows about this Boss instance, and everything else is # hidden away). def input(self, stdio): self._C.input(stdio) def allocate(self, code_length): self._C.allocate(code_length) def set_code(self, code): self._C.set_code(code) @m.input() def send(self, phase, plaintext): pass @m.input() def close(self): pass # from Code (provoked by input/allocate/set_code) @m.input() def got_code(self, code): pass # Key sends (got_verifier, scared) # Receive sends (got_message, happy, scared) @m.input() def happy(self): pass @m.input() def scared(self): pass def got_message(self, phase, plaintext): assert isinstance(phase, type("")), type(phase) assert isinstance(plaintext, type(b"")), type(plaintext) if phase == "version": self.got_version(plaintext) else: self.got_phase(phase, plaintext) @m.input() def got_version(self, plaintext): pass @m.input() def got_phase(self, phase, plaintext): pass @m.input() def got_verifier(self, verifier): pass # Mailbox sends closed @m.input() def closed(self): pass @m.output() def do_got_code(self, code): nameplate = code.split("-")[0] self._M.set_nameplate(nameplate) self._K.got_code(code) @m.output() def process_version(self, plaintext): self._their_versions = bytes_to_dict(plaintext) # ignored for now @m.output() def S_send(self, phase, plaintext): self._S.send(phase, plaintext) @m.output() def close_scared(self): self._M.close("scary") @m.output() def close_lonely(self): self._M.close("lonely") @m.output() def close_happy(self): self._M.close("happy") @m.output() def A_received(self, phase, plaintext): self._A.received(phase, plaintext) @m.output() def A_got_verifier(self, verifier): self._A.got_verifier(verifier) @m.output() def A_closed(self): result = "???" self._A.closed(result) S0_empty.upon(send, enter=S0_empty, outputs=[S_send]) S0_empty.upon(got_code, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[do_got_code]) S1_lonely.upon(happy, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[]) S1_lonely.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared]) S1_lonely.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_lonely]) S1_lonely.upon(send, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[S_send]) S1_lonely.upon(got_verifier, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[A_got_verifier]) S2_happy.upon(got_phase, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[A_received]) S2_happy.upon(got_version, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[process_version]) S2_happy.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared]) S2_happy.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_happy]) S2_happy.upon(send, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[S_send]) S3_closing.upon(got_phase, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[]) S3_closing.upon(got_version, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[]) S3_closing.upon(happy, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[]) S3_closing.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[]) S3_closing.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[]) S3_closing.upon(send, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[]) S3_closing.upon(closed, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[A_closed]) S4_closed.upon(got_phase, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[]) S4_closed.upon(got_version, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[]) S4_closed.upon(happy, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[]) S4_closed.upon(scared, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[]) S4_closed.upon(close, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[]) S4_closed.upon(send, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])