from __future__ import print_function import re, json, time from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet import protocol from twisted.application import strports, service, internet from twisted.web import server, static, resource, http SECONDS = 1.0 MINUTE = 60*SECONDS HOUR = 60*MINUTE MB = 1000*1000 CHANNEL_EXPIRATION_TIME = 1*HOUR class EventsProtocol: def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def sendComment(self, comment): # this is ignored by clients, but can keep the connection open in the # face of firewall/NAT timeouts. It also helps unit tests, since # apparently twisted.web.client.Agent doesn't consider the connection # to be established until it sees the first byte of the reponse body. self.request.write(": %s\n\n" % comment) def sendEvent(self, data, name=None, id=None, retry=None): if name: self.request.write("event: %s\n" % name.encode("utf-8")) # e.g. if name=foo, then the client web page should do: # (new EventSource(url)).addEventListener("foo", handlerfunc) # Note that this basically defaults to "message". if id: self.request.write("id: %s\n" % id.encode("utf-8")) if retry: self.request.write("retry: %d\n" % retry) # milliseconds for line in data.splitlines(): self.request.write("data: %s\n" % line.encode("utf-8")) self.request.write("\n") def stop(self): self.request.finish() # note: no versions of IE (including the current IE11) support EventSource # relay URLs are: # # POST /allocate -> {channel-id: INT} # these return all messages for CHANNEL-ID= and MSGNUM= but SIDE!= : # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/post/MSGNUM {message: STR} -> {messages: [STR..]} # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/poll/MSGNUM -> {messages: [STR..]} # GET /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/poll/MSGNUM (eventsource) -> STR, STR, .. # # POST /CHANNEL-ID/SIDE/deallocate -> waiting | deleted class Channel(resource.Resource): isLeaf = True # I handle /CHANNEL-ID/* def __init__(self, channel_id, relay): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channel_id = channel_id self.relay = relay self.expire_at = time.time() + CHANNEL_EXPIRATION_TIME self.sides = set() self.messages = [] # (side, msgnum, str) self.event_channels = set() # (side, msgnum, ep) def render_GET(self, request): # rest of URL is: SIDE/poll/MSGNUM their_side = request.postpath[0] if request.postpath[1] != "poll": request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST, "GET to wrong URL") return "GET is only for /SIDE/poll/MSGNUM" their_msgnum = request.postpath[2] if "text/event-stream" not in (request.getHeader("accept") or ""): request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST, "Must use EventSource") return "Must use EventSource (Content-Type: text/event-stream)" request.setHeader("content-type", "text/event-stream") ep = EventsProtocol(request) handle = (their_side, their_msgnum, ep) self.event_channels.add(handle) request.notifyFinish().addErrback(self._shutdown, handle) for (msg_side, msg_msgnum, msg_str) in self.messages: self.message_added(msg_side, msg_msgnum, msg_str, channels=[handle]) return server.NOT_DONE_YET def _shutdown(self, _, handle): self.event_channels.discard(handle) def message_added(self, msg_side, msg_msgnum, msg_str, channels=None): if channels is None: channels = self.event_channels for (their_side, their_msgnum, their_ep) in channels: if msg_side != their_side and msg_msgnum == their_msgnum: data = json.dumps({ "side": msg_side, "message": msg_str }) their_ep.sendEvent(data) def render_POST(self, request): # rest of URL is: SIDE/(MSGNUM|deallocate)/(post|poll) side = request.postpath[0] self.sides.add(side) verb = request.postpath[1] if verb == "deallocate": self.sides.remove(side) if self.sides: return "waiting\n" self.relay.free_child(self.channel_id) return "deleted\n" if verb not in ("post", "poll"): request.setResponseCode(http.BAD_REQUEST) return "bad verb, want 'post' or 'poll'\n" msgnum = request.postpath[2] other_messages = [] for (msg_side, msg_msgnum, msg_str) in self.messages: if msg_side != side and msg_msgnum == msgnum: other_messages.append(msg_str) if verb == "post": data = json.load(request.content) self.messages.append( (side, msgnum, data["message"]) ) self.message_added(side, msgnum, data["message"]) request.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") return json.dumps({"messages": other_messages})+"\n" class Allocated(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, channel_id): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channel_id = channel_id def render_POST(self, request): request.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") return json.dumps({"channel-id": self.channel_id})+"\n" class ChannelList(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, channel_ids): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channel_ids = channel_ids def render_GET(self, request): request.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") return json.dumps({"channel-ids": self.channel_ids})+"\n" class Relay(resource.Resource): def __init__(self): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.channels = {} self.next_channel = 1 def prune_old_channels(self): now = time.time() for channel_id in list(self.channels): c = self.channels[channel_id] if c.expire_at < now: log.msg("expiring %d" % channel_id) self.free_child(channel_id) def getChild(self, path, request): if path == "allocate": # be more clever later. Rotate through 1-99 unless they're all # full, then rotate through 1-999, etc. channel_id = self.next_channel self.next_channel += 1 self.channels[channel_id] = Channel(channel_id, self) log.msg("allocated %d, now have %d channels" % (channel_id, len(self.channels))) return Allocated(channel_id) if path == "list": channel_ids = sorted(self.channels.keys()) return ChannelList(channel_ids) if not'^\d+$', path): return resource.ErrorPage(http.BAD_REQUEST, "invalid channel id", "invalid channel id") channel_id = int(path) if not channel_id in self.channels: return resource.ErrorPage(http.NOT_FOUND, "invalid channel id", "invalid channel id") return self.channels[channel_id] def free_child(self, channel_id): self.channels.pop(channel_id) log.msg("freed %d, now have %d channels" % (channel_id, len(self.channels))) if not self.channels: self.next_channel = 1 class TransitConnection(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self): self.got_token = False self.token_buffer = b"" self.sent_ok = False self.buddy = None self.total_sent = 0 def dataReceived(self, data): if self.sent_ok: # TODO: connect as producer/consumer self.total_sent += len(data) self.buddy.transport.write(data) return if self.got_token: # but not yet sent_ok self.transport.write("impatient\n") print("transit impatience failure") return self.disconnect() # impatience yields failure # else this should be (part of) the token self.token_buffer += data buf = self.token_buffer wanted = len("please relay \n")+32*2 if len(buf) < wanted-1 and "\n" in buf: self.transport.write("bad handshake\n") print("transit handshake early failure") return self.disconnect() if len(buf) < wanted: return if len(buf) > wanted: self.transport.write("impatient\n") print("transit impatience failure") return self.disconnect() # impatience yields failure mo ="^please relay (\w{64})\n", buf, re.M) if not mo: self.transport.write("bad handshake\n") print("transit handshake failure") return self.disconnect() # incorrectness yields failure token = self.got_token = True self.factory.connection_got_token(token, self) def buddy_connected(self, them): self.buddy = them self.transport.write(b"ok\n") self.sent_ok = True # TODO: connect as producer/consumer def buddy_disconnected(self): print("buddy_disconnected %r" % self) self.buddy = None self.transport.loseConnection() def connectionLost(self, reason): print("connectionLost %r %s" % (self, reason)) if self.buddy: self.buddy.buddy_disconnected() self.factory.transitFinished(self, self.total_sent) def disconnect(self): self.transport.loseConnection() self.factory.transitFailed(self) class Transit(protocol.ServerFactory, service.MultiService): # I manage pairs of simultaneous connections to a secondary TCP port, # both forwarded to the other. Clients must begin each connection with # "please relay TOKEN\n". I will send "ok\n" when the matching connection # is established, or disconnect if no matching connection is made within # MAX_WAIT_TIME seconds. I will disconnect if you send data before the # "ok\n". All data you get after the "ok\n" will be from the other side. # You will not receive "ok\n" until the other side has also connected and # submitted a matching token. The token is the same for each side. # In addition, the connections will be dropped after MAXLENGTH bytes have # been sent by either side, or MAXTIME seconds have elapsed after the # matching connections were established. A future API will reveal these # limits to clients instead of causing mysterious spontaneous failures. # These relay connections are not half-closeable (unlike full TCP # connections, applications will not receive any data after half-closing # their outgoing side). Applications must negotiate shutdown with their # peer and not close the connection until all data has finished # transferring in both directions. Applications which only need to send # data in one direction can use close() as usual. MAX_WAIT_TIME = 30*SECONDS MAXLENGTH = 10*MB MAXTIME = 60*SECONDS protocol = TransitConnection def __init__(self): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.pending_requests = {} # token -> TransitConnection self.active_connections = set() # TransitConnection def connection_got_token(self, token, p): if token in self.pending_requests: print("transit relay 2: %r" % token) buddy = self.pending_requests.pop(token) self.active_connections.add(p) self.active_connections.add(buddy) p.buddy_connected(buddy) buddy.buddy_connected(p) else: self.pending_requests[token] = p print("transit relay 1: %r" % token) # TODO: timer def transitFinished(self, p, total_sent): print("transitFinished (%dB) %r" % (total_sent, p)) for token,tc in self.pending_requests.items(): if tc is p: del self.pending_requests[token] break self.active_connections.discard(p) def transitFailed(self, p): print("transitFailed %r" % p) pass class Root(resource.Resource): # child_FOO is a nevow thing, not a twisted.web.resource thing def __init__(self): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.putChild("", static.Data("Wormhole Relay\n", "text/plain")) class RelayServer(service.MultiService): def __init__(self, relayport, transitport): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.root = Root() site = server.Site(self.root) self.relayport_service = strports.service(relayport, site) self.relayport_service.setServiceParent(self) self.relay = Relay() # accessible from tests self.root.putChild("relay", self.relay) t = internet.TimerService(5*MINUTE, self.relay.prune_old_channels) t.setServiceParent(self) self.transit = Transit() self.transit.setServiceParent(self) # for the timer self.transport_service = strports.service(transitport, self.transit) self.transport_service.setServiceParent(self) application = service.Application("foo") RelayServer("tcp:3000", "tcp:3001").setServiceParent(application)