from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, json, binascii, six, tempfile, zipfile from tqdm import tqdm from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue from ..twisted.transcribe import Wormhole from ..twisted.transit import TransitReceiver from ..errors import TransferError APPID = u"" class RespondError(Exception): def __init__(self, response): self.response = response def receive(args, reactor=reactor): """I implement 'wormhole receive'. I return a Deferred that fires with None (for success), or signals one of the following errors: * WrongPasswordError: the two sides didn't use matching passwords * Timeout: something didn't happen fast enough for our tastes * TransferError: the sender rejected the transfer: verifier mismatch * any other error: something unexpected happened """ return TwistedReceiver(args, reactor).go() class TwistedReceiver: def __init__(self, args, reactor=reactor): assert isinstance(args.relay_url, type(u"")) self.args = args self._reactor = reactor def msg(self, *args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=self.args.stdout, **kwargs) @inlineCallbacks def go(self): tor_manager = None if self.args.tor: with self.args.timing.add("import", which="tor_manager"): from ..twisted.tor_manager import TorManager tor_manager = TorManager(self._reactor, timing=self.args.timing) # For now, block everything until Tor has started. Soon: launch # tor in parallel with everything else, make sure the TorManager # can lazy-provide an endpoint, and overlap the startup process # with the user handing off the wormhole code yield tor_manager.start() w = Wormhole(APPID, self.args.relay_url, tor_manager, timing=self.args.timing, reactor=self._reactor) # I wanted to do this instead: # # try: # yield self._go(w, tor_manager) # finally: # yield w.close() # # but when _go had a UsageError, the stacktrace was always displayed # as coming from the "yield self._go" line, which wasn't very useful # for tracking it down. d = self._go(w, tor_manager) d.addBoth(w.close) yield d @inlineCallbacks def _go(self, w, tor_manager): yield self.handle_code(w) verifier = yield w.get_verifier() self.show_verifier(verifier) them_d = yield self.get_data(w) try: if "message" in them_d: yield self.handle_text(them_d, w) returnValue(None) if "file" in them_d: f = self.handle_file(them_d) rp = yield self.establish_transit(w, them_d, tor_manager) yield self.transfer_data(rp, f) self.write_file(f) yield self.close_transit(rp) elif "directory" in them_d: f = self.handle_directory(them_d) rp = yield self.establish_transit(w, them_d, tor_manager) yield self.transfer_data(rp, f) self.write_directory(f) yield self.close_transit(rp) else: self.msg(u"I don't know what they're offering\n") self.msg(u"Offer details:", them_d) raise RespondError("unknown offer type") except RespondError as r: data = json.dumps({"error": r.response}).encode("utf-8") yield w.send_data(data) raise TransferError(r.response) returnValue(None) @inlineCallbacks def handle_code(self, w): code = self.args.code if self.args.zeromode: assert not code code = u"0-" if not code: code = yield w.input_code("Enter receive wormhole code: ", self.args.code_length) yield w.set_code(code) def show_verifier(self, verifier): verifier_hex = binascii.hexlify(verifier).decode("ascii") if self.args.verify: self.msg(u"Verifier %s." % verifier_hex) @inlineCallbacks def get_data(self, w): # this may raise WrongPasswordError them_bytes = yield w.get_data() them_d = json.loads(them_bytes.decode("utf-8")) if "error" in them_d: raise TransferError(them_d["error"]) returnValue(them_d) @inlineCallbacks def handle_text(self, them_d, w): # we're receiving a text message self.msg(them_d["message"]) data = json.dumps({"message_ack": "ok"}).encode("utf-8") yield w.send_data(data, wait=True) def handle_file(self, them_d): file_data = them_d["file"] self.abs_destname = self.decide_destname("file", file_data["filename"]) self.xfersize = file_data["filesize"] self.msg(u"Receiving file (%d bytes) into: %s" % (self.xfersize, os.path.basename(self.abs_destname))) self.ask_permission() tmp_destname = self.abs_destname + ".tmp" return open(tmp_destname, "wb") def handle_directory(self, them_d): file_data = them_d["directory"] zipmode = file_data["mode"] if zipmode != "zipfile/deflated": self.msg(u"Error: unknown directory-transfer mode '%s'" % (zipmode,)) raise RespondError("unknown mode") self.abs_destname = self.decide_destname("directory", file_data["dirname"]) self.xfersize = file_data["zipsize"] self.msg(u"Receiving directory (%d bytes) into: %s/" % (self.xfersize, os.path.basename(self.abs_destname))) self.msg(u"%d files, %d bytes (uncompressed)" % (file_data["numfiles"], file_data["numbytes"])) self.ask_permission() return tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() def decide_destname(self, mode, destname): # the basename() is intended to protect us against # "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" and other attacks destname = os.path.basename(destname) if self.args.output_file: destname = self.args.output_file # override abs_destname = os.path.join(self.args.cwd, destname) # get confirmation from the user before writing to the local directory if os.path.exists(abs_destname): self.msg(u"Error: refusing to overwrite existing %s %s" % (mode, destname)) raise RespondError("%s already exists" % mode) return abs_destname def ask_permission(self): with self.args.timing.add("permission", waiting="user") as t: while True and not self.args.accept_file: ok = six.moves.input("ok? (y/n): ") if ok.lower().startswith("y"): break print(u"transfer rejected", file=sys.stderr) t.detail(answer="no") raise RespondError("transfer rejected") t.detail(answer="yes") @inlineCallbacks def establish_transit(self, w, them_d, tor_manager): transit_key = w.derive_key(APPID+u"/transit-key") transit_receiver = TransitReceiver(self.args.transit_helper, no_listen=self.args.no_listen, tor_manager=tor_manager, reactor=self._reactor, timing=self.args.timing) transit_receiver.set_transit_key(transit_key) direct_hints = yield transit_receiver.get_direct_hints() relay_hints = yield transit_receiver.get_relay_hints() data = json.dumps({ "file_ack": "ok", "transit": { "direct_connection_hints": direct_hints, "relay_connection_hints": relay_hints, }, }).encode("utf-8") yield w.send_data(data) # now receive the rest of the owl tdata = them_d["transit"] transit_receiver.add_their_direct_hints(tdata["direct_connection_hints"]) transit_receiver.add_their_relay_hints(tdata["relay_connection_hints"]) record_pipe = yield transit_receiver.connect() self.args.timing.add("transit connected") returnValue(record_pipe) @inlineCallbacks def transfer_data(self, record_pipe, f): self.msg(u"Receiving (%s).." % record_pipe.describe()) with self.args.timing.add("rx file"): progress = tqdm(file=self.args.stdout, disable=self.args.hide_progress, unit="B", unit_scale=True, total=self.xfersize) with progress: received = yield record_pipe.writeToFile(f, self.xfersize, progress.update) # except TransitError if received < self.xfersize: self.msg() self.msg(u"Connection dropped before full file received") self.msg(u"got %d bytes, wanted %d" % (received, self.xfersize)) raise TransferError("Connection dropped before full file received") assert received == self.xfersize def write_file(self, f): tmp_name = f.close() os.rename(tmp_name, self.abs_destname) self.msg(u"Received file written to %s" % os.path.basename(self.abs_destname)) def write_directory(self, f): self.msg(u"Unpacking zipfile..") with self.args.timing.add("unpack zip"): with zipfile.ZipFile(f, "r", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: zf.extractall(path=self.abs_destname) # extractall() appears to offer some protection against # malicious pathnames. For example, "/tmp/oops" and # "../tmp/oops" both do the same thing as the (safe) # "tmp/oops". self.msg(u"Received files written to %s/" % os.path.basename(self.abs_destname)) f.close() @inlineCallbacks def close_transit(self, record_pipe): with self.args.timing.add("send ack"): yield record_pipe.send_record(b"ok\n") yield record_pipe.close()