from __future__ import print_function import json, itertools from binascii import hexlify from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue from twisted.internet.endpoints import clientFromString, connectProtocol from twisted.web.client import getPage, Agent, readBody from autobahn.twisted import websocket from .. import __version__ from .common import ServerBase from ..server import rendezvous, transit_server class Reachable(ServerBase, unittest.TestCase): def test_getPage(self): # client.getPage requires bytes URL, returns bytes url = self.relayurl.replace("wormhole-relay/", "").encode("ascii") d = getPage(url) def _got(res): self.failUnlessEqual(res, b"Wormhole Relay\n") d.addCallback(_got) return d def test_agent(self): url = self.relayurl.replace("wormhole-relay/", "").encode("ascii") agent = Agent(reactor) d = agent.request(b"GET", url) def _check(resp): self.failUnlessEqual(resp.code, 200) return readBody(resp) d.addCallback(_check) def _got(res): self.failUnlessEqual(res, b"Wormhole Relay\n") d.addCallback(_got) return d def strip_message(msg): m2 = msg.copy() m2.pop("id", None) m2.pop("server_rx", None) return m2 def strip_messages(messages): return [strip_message(m) for m in messages] class WSClient(websocket.WebSocketClientProtocol): def __init__(self): websocket.WebSocketClientProtocol.__init__(self) = [] self.errors = [] self.d = None self.ping_counter = itertools.count(0) def onOpen(self): self.factory.d.callback(self) def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary): assert not isBinary event = json.loads(payload.decode("utf-8")) if event["type"] == "error": self.errors.append(event) if self.d: assert not d,self.d = self.d,None d.callback(event) return def next_event(self): assert not self.d if event = return defer.succeed(event) self.d = defer.Deferred() return self.d @inlineCallbacks def next_non_ack(self): while True: m = yield self.next_event() if m["type"] != "ack": returnValue(m) def strip_acks(self): = [e for e in if e["type"] != u"ack"] def send(self, mtype, **kwargs): kwargs["type"] = mtype payload = json.dumps(kwargs).encode("utf-8") self.sendMessage(payload, False) @inlineCallbacks def sync(self): ping = next(self.ping_counter) self.send("ping", ping=ping) # queue all messages until the pong, then put them back old_events = [] while True: ev = yield self.next_event() if ev["type"] == "pong" and ev["pong"] == ping: = old_events + returnValue(None) old_events.append(ev) class WSFactory(websocket.WebSocketClientFactory): protocol = WSClient class WSClientSync(unittest.TestCase): # make sure my 'sync' method actually works @inlineCallbacks def test_sync(self): sent = [] c = WSClient() def _send(mtype, **kwargs): sent.append( (mtype, kwargs) ) c.send = _send def add(mtype, **kwargs): kwargs["type"] = mtype c.onMessage(json.dumps(kwargs).encode("utf-8"), False) # no queued messages sunc = [] d = c.sync() d.addBoth(sunc.append) self.assertEqual(sent, [("ping", {"ping": 0})]) self.assertEqual(sunc, []) add("pong", pong=0) yield d self.assertEqual(, []) # one,two,ping,pong add("one") add("two", two=2) sunc = [] d = c.sync() d.addBoth(sunc.append) add("pong", pong=1) yield d m = yield c.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(m["type"], "one") m = yield c.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(m["type"], "two") self.assertEqual(, []) # one,ping,two,pong add("one") sunc = [] d = c.sync() d.addBoth(sunc.append) add("two", two=2) add("pong", pong=2) yield d m = yield c.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(m["type"], "one") m = yield c.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(m["type"], "two") self.assertEqual(, []) # ping,one,two,pong sunc = [] d = c.sync() d.addBoth(sunc.append) add("one") add("two", two=2) add("pong", pong=3) yield d m = yield c.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(m["type"], "one") m = yield c.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(m["type"], "two") self.assertEqual(, []) class WebSocketAPI(ServerBase, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._clients = [] return ServerBase.setUp(self) def tearDown(self): for c in self._clients: c.transport.loseConnection() return ServerBase.tearDown(self) @inlineCallbacks def make_client(self): f = WSFactory(self.rdv_ws_url) f.d = defer.Deferred() reactor.connectTCP("", self.rdv_ws_port, f) c = yield f.d self._clients.append(c) returnValue(c) def check_welcome(self, data): self.failUnlessIn("welcome", data) self.failUnlessEqual(data["welcome"], {"current_version": __version__}) @inlineCallbacks def test_welcome(self): c1 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) self.assertEqual(self._rendezvous._apps, {}) @inlineCallbacks def test_allocate_1(self): c1 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) c1.send(u"bind", appid=u"appid", side=u"side") yield c1.sync() self.assertEqual(list(self._rendezvous._apps.keys()), [u"appid"]) app = self._rendezvous.get_app(u"appid") self.assertEqual(app.get_allocated(), set()) c1.send(u"list") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"channelids") self.assertEqual(msg["channelids"], []) c1.send(u"allocate") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"allocated") cid = msg["channelid"] self.failUnlessIsInstance(cid, int) self.assertEqual(app.get_allocated(), set([cid])) channel = app.get_channel(cid) self.assertEqual(channel.get_messages(), []) c1.send(u"list") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"channelids") self.assertEqual(msg["channelids"], [cid]) c1.send(u"deallocate") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"deallocated") self.assertEqual(msg["status"], u"deleted") self.assertEqual(app.get_allocated(), set()) c1.send(u"list") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"channelids") self.assertEqual(msg["channelids"], []) @inlineCallbacks def test_allocate_2(self): c1 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) c1.send(u"bind", appid=u"appid", side=u"side") yield c1.sync() app = self._rendezvous.get_app(u"appid") self.assertEqual(app.get_allocated(), set()) c1.send(u"allocate") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"allocated") cid = msg["channelid"] self.failUnlessIsInstance(cid, int) self.assertEqual(app.get_allocated(), set([cid])) channel = app.get_channel(cid) self.assertEqual(channel.get_messages(), []) # second caller increases the number of known sides to 2 c2 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) c2.send(u"bind", appid=u"appid", side=u"side-2") c2.send(u"claim", channelid=cid) c2.send(u"add", phase="1", body="") yield c2.sync() self.assertEqual(app.get_allocated(), set([cid])) self.assertEqual(strip_messages(channel.get_messages()), [{"phase": "1", "body": ""}]) c1.send(u"list") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"channelids") self.assertEqual(msg["channelids"], [cid]) c2.send(u"list") msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"channelids") self.assertEqual(msg["channelids"], [cid]) c1.send(u"deallocate") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"deallocated") self.assertEqual(msg["status"], u"waiting") c2.send(u"deallocate") msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"deallocated") self.assertEqual(msg["status"], u"deleted") c2.send(u"list") msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"channelids") self.assertEqual(msg["channelids"], []) @inlineCallbacks def test_allocate_and_claim(self): c1 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) c1.send(u"bind", appid=u"appid", side=u"side") c1.send(u"allocate") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"allocated") cid = msg["channelid"] c1.send(u"claim", channelid=cid) yield c1.sync() # there should no error self.assertEqual(c1.errors, []) @inlineCallbacks def test_allocate_and_claim_different(self): c1 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) c1.send(u"bind", appid=u"appid", side=u"side") c1.send(u"allocate") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"allocated") cid = msg["channelid"] c1.send(u"claim", channelid=cid+1) yield c1.sync() # that should signal an error self.assertEqual(len(c1.errors), 1, c1.errors) msg = c1.errors[0] self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "error") self.assertEqual(msg["error"], "Already bound to channelid %d" % cid) self.assertEqual(msg["orig"], {"type": "claim", "channelid": cid+1}) @inlineCallbacks def test_message(self): c1 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) c1.send(u"bind", appid=u"appid", side=u"side") c1.send(u"allocate") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], u"allocated") cid = msg["channelid"] app = self._rendezvous.get_app(u"appid") channel = app.get_channel(cid) self.assertEqual(channel.get_messages(), []) c1.send(u"watch") yield c1.sync() self.assertEqual(len(channel._listeners), 1) c1.strip_acks() self.assertEqual(, []) c1.send(u"add", phase="1", body="msg1A") yield c1.sync() c1.strip_acks() self.assertEqual(strip_messages(channel.get_messages()), [{"phase": "1", "body": "msg1A"}]) self.assertEqual(len(, 1) # echo should be sent right away msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "message") self.assertEqual(strip_message(msg["message"]), {"phase": "1", "body": "msg1A"}) self.assertIn("server_tx", msg) self.assertIsInstance(msg["server_tx"], float) c1.send(u"add", phase="1", body="msg1B") c1.send(u"add", phase="2", body="msg2A") msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "message") self.assertEqual(strip_message(msg["message"]), {"phase": "1", "body": "msg1B"}) msg = yield c1.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "message") self.assertEqual(strip_message(msg["message"]), {"phase": "2", "body": "msg2A"}) self.assertEqual(strip_messages(channel.get_messages()), [ {"phase": "1", "body": "msg1A"}, {"phase": "1", "body": "msg1B"}, {"phase": "2", "body": "msg2A"}, ]) # second client should see everything c2 = yield self.make_client() msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.check_welcome(msg) c2.send(u"bind", appid=u"appid", side=u"side") c2.send(u"claim", channelid=cid) # 'watch' triggers delivery of old messages, in temporal order c2.send(u"watch") msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "message") self.assertEqual(strip_message(msg["message"]), {"phase": "1", "body": "msg1A"}) msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "message") self.assertEqual(strip_message(msg["message"]), {"phase": "1", "body": "msg1B"}) msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "message") self.assertEqual(strip_message(msg["message"]), {"phase": "2", "body": "msg2A"}) # adding a duplicate is not an error, and clients will ignore it c1.send(u"add", phase="2", body="msg2A") # the duplicate message *does* get stored, and delivered msg = yield c2.next_non_ack() self.assertEqual(msg["type"], "message") self.assertEqual(strip_message(msg["message"]), {"phase": "2", "body": "msg2A"}) class Summary(unittest.TestCase): def test_summarize(self): c = rendezvous.Channel(None, None, None, None, False, None, None) A = rendezvous.ALLOCATE D = rendezvous.DEALLOCATE messages = [{"server_rx": 1, "side": "a", "phase": A}] self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(messages, 2), (1, "lonely", 1, None)) messages = [{"server_rx": 1, "side": "a", "phase": A}, {"server_rx": 2, "side": "a", "phase": D, "body": "lonely"}, ] self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(messages, 3), (1, "lonely", 2, None)) messages = [{"server_rx": 1, "side": "a", "phase": A}, {"server_rx": 2, "side": "b", "phase": A}, {"server_rx": 3, "side": "c", "phase": A}, ] self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(messages, 4), (1, "crowded", 3, None)) base = [{"server_rx": 1, "side": "a", "phase": A}, {"server_rx": 2, "side": "a", "phase": "pake", "body": "msg1"}, {"server_rx": 10, "side": "b", "phase": "pake", "body": "msg2"}, {"server_rx": 11, "side": "b", "phase": "data", "body": "msg3"}, {"server_rx": 20, "side": "a", "phase": "data", "body": "msg4"}, ] def make_moods(A_mood, B_mood): return base + [ {"server_rx": 21, "side": "a", "phase": D, "body": A_mood}, {"server_rx": 30, "side": "b", "phase": D, "body": B_mood}, ] self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("happy", "happy"), 41), (1, "happy", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("scary", "happy"), 41), (1, "scary", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("happy", "scary"), 41), (1, "scary", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("lonely", "happy"), 41), (1, "lonely", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("happy", "lonely"), 41), (1, "lonely", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("errory", "happy"), 41), (1, "errory", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("happy", "errory"), 41), (1, "errory", 40, 9)) # scary trumps other moods self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("scary", "lonely"), 41), (1, "scary", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods("scary", "errory"), 41), (1, "scary", 40, 9)) # older clients don't send a mood self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods(None, None), 41), (1, "quiet", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods(None, "happy"), 41), (1, "quiet", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods(None, "happy"), 41), (1, "quiet", 40, 9)) self.failUnlessEqual(c._summarize(make_moods(None, "scary"), 41), (1, "scary", 40, 9)) class Accumulator(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self): = b"" self.count = 0 self._wait = None def waitForBytes(self, more): assert self._wait is None self.count = more self._wait = defer.Deferred() self._check_done() return self._wait def dataReceived(self, data): = + data self._check_done() def _check_done(self): if self._wait and len( >= self.count: d = self._wait self._wait = None d.callback(self) def connectionLost(self, why): if self._wait: self._wait.errback(RuntimeError("closed")) class Transit(ServerBase, unittest.TestCase): def test_blur_size(self): blur = transit_server.blur_size self.failUnlessEqual(blur(0), 0) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1), 10e3) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(10e3), 10e3) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(10e3+1), 20e3) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(15e3), 20e3) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(20e3), 20e3) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1e6), 1e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1e6+1), 2e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1.5e6), 2e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(2e6), 2e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(900e6), 900e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1000e6), 1000e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1050e6), 1100e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1100e6), 1100e6) self.failUnlessEqual(blur(1150e6), 1200e6) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_basic(self): ep = clientFromString(reactor, self.transit) a1 = yield connectProtocol(ep, Accumulator()) a2 = yield connectProtocol(ep, Accumulator()) token1 = b"\x00"*32 a1.transport.write(b"please relay " + hexlify(token1) + b"\n") a2.transport.write(b"please relay " + hexlify(token1) + b"\n") # a correct handshake yields an ack, after which we can send exp = b"ok\n" yield a1.waitForBytes(len(exp)) self.assertEqual(, exp) s1 = b"data1" a1.transport.write(s1) exp = b"ok\n" yield a2.waitForBytes(len(exp)) self.assertEqual(, exp) # all data they sent after the handshake should be given to us exp = b"ok\n"+s1 yield a2.waitForBytes(len(exp)) self.assertEqual(, exp) a1.transport.loseConnection() a2.transport.loseConnection() @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_bad_handshake(self): ep = clientFromString(reactor, self.transit) a1 = yield connectProtocol(ep, Accumulator()) token1 = b"\x00"*32 # the server waits for the exact number of bytes in the expected # handshake message. to trigger "bad handshake", we must match. a1.transport.write(b"please DELAY " + hexlify(token1) + b"\n") exp = b"bad handshake\n" yield a1.waitForBytes(len(exp)) self.assertEqual(, exp) a1.transport.loseConnection() @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_impatience(self): ep = clientFromString(reactor, self.transit) a1 = yield connectProtocol(ep, Accumulator()) token1 = b"\x00"*32 # sending too many bytes is impatience. a1.transport.write(b"please RELAY NOWNOW " + hexlify(token1) + b"\n") exp = b"impatient\n" yield a1.waitForBytes(len(exp)) self.assertEqual(, exp) a1.transport.loseConnection()