language: python # defaults: the py3.7 environment overrides these dist: trusty sudo: false cache: pip before_cache: - rm -f $HOME/.cache/pip/log/debug.log branches: except: - /^WIP-.*$/ install: - pip install -U pip tox virtualenv codecov before_script: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == 3.6 ]]; then pip install -U flake8 ; flake8 *.py src --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --statistics ; fi script: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == 3.7 ]]; then tox -e coverage ; else tox -e py ; fi after_success: - codecov matrix: include: - python: 2.7 - python: 3.4 - python: 3.5 - python: 3.6 - python: 3.7 # we don't actually need sudo, but that kicks us onto GCE, which lets # us get xenial sudo: true dist: xenial - python: nightly allow_failures: - python: nightly