
> A cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust

[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/freddy6896/espanso/_apis/build/status/federico-terzi.espanso?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/freddy6896/espanso/_build/latest?definitionId=1&branchName=master)


#### What is a Text Expander?

A *text expander* is a program that detects when you type
a specific **keyword** and replaces it with **something else**. 
This is useful in many ways:
* **Save a lot of typing**, expanding common sentences.
* Create **system-wide** code snippets.
* Execute **custom scripts**
* Use **emojis** like a pro.


## Key Features

* Works on **Windows**, **macOS** and **Linux**
* Works with almost **any program**
* Works with **Emojis** 😄
* **Date** expansion support
* **Custom scripts** support
* **Shell commands** support
* **App-specific** configurations
* File based configuration

## Table of contents

- [Installation](#installation)
    - [Windows](#install-windows)
    - [Linux](#install-linux)
    - [macOS](#install-macos)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Donations](#donations)
- [License](#license)

## Installation

### <a name="install-windows"></a>Windows

The installation on Windows is pretty straightforward, navigate to the
[Release](https://github.com/federico-terzi/espanso/releases) page and
download the latest installer ( usually named like 
`espanso-win-0.1.0.exe` ).

Because espanso is not digitally signed, you may experience a warning from
Windows Smartscreen. In this case, just click on "More info" (1) and then
on "Run anyway" (2), as shown in the picture:

![Windows Smartscreen](images/windows-smartscreen.png)

If you completed the installation procedure, you should have espanso running.
A good way to find out is by going on any text field and typing `:espanso`. 
You should see "Hi there!" appear.

### <a name="install-linux"></a>Linux


### <a name="install-macos"></a>MacOS

The easiest way to install espanso on macOS using the [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/)
package manager, but you can also do it manually.

#### Using Homebrew

The first thing to do is to add the official espanso *tap* to Homebrew with
the following command:

brew tap federico-terzi/espanso

Then you can install espanso with:

brew install espanso

To make sure that espanso was correctly installed, you can open a terminal and type:

espanso --version

At this point, you have to [Enable Accessibility](#enabling-accessibility) to use espanso.

#### Enabling Accessibility

Because espanso uses the macOS [Accessibility API](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Accessibility/Conceptual/AccessibilityMacOSX/)
to work, you need to authorize it using the following procedure:

Open a terminal and type the command:

espanso install

A dialog should show up, click on "Open System Preferences", as shown here:

![Accessibility Prompt](images/accessibility-prompt.png)

Then, in the "Privacy" panel click on the Lock icon (1) to enable edits and 
then check "espanso" (2), as shown in the picture:

![Accessibility Settings](images/accessibility-macos-enable.png)

Now open the terminal again and type:

espanso install

If everything goes well, you should see the espanso icon appear in the status bar:

![macOS status bar icon](images/espanso-icon-macos-statusbar.png)

If you now type `:espanso` in any text field, you should see "Hi there!" appear! 

## Usage


## FAQ

#### How does espanso work?


## Donations

espanso is a free, open source software developed in my (little) spare time.
If you liked the project and would like to support further development, 
please consider making a small donation, it really helps :)

[![Donate with PayPal](images/donate.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=FHNLR5DRS267E&source=url)

## License

espanso was created by [Federico Terzi](http://federicoterzi.com)
and is licensed under the [GPL-3.0 license](/LICENSE).