/* * This file is part of espanso. * * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Federico Terzi * * espanso is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * espanso is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with espanso. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ use log::{debug, info}; use std::{ fs::create_dir_all, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Paths { pub config: PathBuf, pub runtime: PathBuf, pub packages: PathBuf, pub is_portable_mode: bool, } pub fn resolve_paths( force_config_dir: Option<&Path>, force_package_dir: Option<&Path>, force_runtime_dir: Option<&Path>, ) -> Paths { let config_dir = if let Some(config_dir) = force_config_dir { config_dir.to_path_buf() } else if let Some(config_dir) = get_config_dir() { config_dir } else { // Create the config directory if not already present let config_dir = get_default_config_path(); info!("creating config directory in {:?}", config_dir); create_dir_all(&config_dir).expect("unable to create config directory"); config_dir }; let runtime_dir = if let Some(runtime_dir) = force_runtime_dir { runtime_dir.to_path_buf() } else if let Some(runtime_dir) = get_runtime_dir() { runtime_dir } else { // Create the runtime directory if not already present let runtime_dir = if !is_portable_mode() { get_default_runtime_path() } else { get_portable_runtime_path().expect("unable to obtain runtime directory path") }; info!("creating runtime directory in {:?}", runtime_dir); create_dir_all(&runtime_dir).expect("unable to create runtime directory"); runtime_dir }; let packages_dir = if let Some(package_dir) = force_package_dir { package_dir.to_path_buf() } else if let Some(package_dir) = get_packages_dir(&config_dir, &runtime_dir) { package_dir } else { // Create the packages directory if not already present let packages_dir = get_default_packages_path(&config_dir); info!("creating packages directory in {:?}", packages_dir); create_dir_all(&packages_dir).expect("unable to create packages directory"); packages_dir }; let is_portable_mode = is_portable_mode() && force_config_dir.is_none() && force_runtime_dir.is_none(); Paths { config: config_dir, runtime: runtime_dir, packages: packages_dir, is_portable_mode, } } fn get_config_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { if let Some(portable_dir) = get_portable_config_dir() { // Portable mode debug!("detected portable config directory in {:?}", portable_dir); Some(portable_dir) } else if let Some(config_dir) = get_home_espanso_dir() { // $HOME/.espanso debug!("detected config directory in $HOME/.espanso"); Some(config_dir) } else if let Some(config_dir) = get_home_config_espanso_dir() { // $HOME/.config/espanso debug!("detected config directory in $HOME/.config/espanso"); Some(config_dir) } else if let Some(legacy_mac_dir) = get_legacy_mac_dir() { // Legacy macOS location in ~/Library/Preferences/espanso debug!( "detected legacy config directory location at {:?}", legacy_mac_dir ); Some(legacy_mac_dir) } else if let Some(config_dir) = get_default_config_dir() { debug!("detected default config directory at {:?}", config_dir); Some(config_dir) } else { None } } fn get_portable_config_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { let espanso_exe_path = std::env::current_exe().expect("unable to obtain executable path"); let exe_dir = espanso_exe_path.parent(); if let Some(parent) = exe_dir { let config_dir = parent.join(".espanso"); if config_dir.is_dir() { return Some(config_dir); } } None } fn get_home_espanso_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { if let Some(home_dir) = dirs::home_dir() { let config_espanso_dir = home_dir.join(".espanso"); if config_espanso_dir.is_dir() { return Some(config_espanso_dir); } } None } fn get_home_config_espanso_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { if let Some(home_dir) = dirs::home_dir() { let home_espanso_dir = home_dir.join(".config").join("espanso"); if home_espanso_dir.is_dir() { return Some(home_espanso_dir); } } None } fn get_default_config_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { let config_path = get_default_config_path(); if config_path.is_dir() { return Some(config_path); } None } fn get_default_config_path() -> PathBuf { let config_dir = dirs::config_dir().expect("unable to obtain dirs::config_dir()"); config_dir.join("espanso") } // Due to the original behavior of the dirs crate, espanso placed the config // directory in the Preferences folder on macOS, but this is not an optimal // approach. // For more context, see: https://github.com/federico-terzi/espanso/issues/611 fn get_legacy_mac_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { if let Some(preferences_dir) = dirs::preference_dir() { let espanso_dir = preferences_dir.join("espanso"); if espanso_dir.is_dir() { return Some(espanso_dir); } } } None } fn get_runtime_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { if let Some(runtime_dir) = get_portable_runtime_dir() { debug!("detected portable runtime dir: {:?}", runtime_dir); Some(runtime_dir) } else if let Some(legacy_dir) = get_legacy_runtime_dir() { debug!("detected legacy runtime dir: {:?}", legacy_dir); Some(legacy_dir) } else if let Some(default_dir) = get_default_runtime_dir() { debug!("detected default runtime dir: {:?}", default_dir); Some(default_dir) } else { None } } fn get_portable_runtime_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { if let Some(runtime_dir) = get_portable_runtime_path() { if runtime_dir.is_dir() { return Some(runtime_dir); } } None } fn get_portable_runtime_path() -> Option<PathBuf> { let espanso_exe_path = std::env::current_exe().expect("unable to obtain executable path"); let exe_dir = espanso_exe_path.parent(); if let Some(parent) = exe_dir { let config_dir = parent.join(".espanso-runtime"); return Some(config_dir); } None } fn get_legacy_runtime_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { let data_dir = dirs::data_local_dir().expect("unable to obtain dirs::data_local_dir()"); let espanso_dir = data_dir.join("espanso"); if is_legacy_runtime_dir(&espanso_dir) { Some(espanso_dir) } else { None } } fn get_default_runtime_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> { let default_dir = get_default_runtime_path(); if default_dir.is_dir() { Some(default_dir) } else { None } } fn get_default_runtime_path() -> PathBuf { let runtime_dir = dirs::cache_dir().expect("unable to obtain dirs::cache_dir()"); runtime_dir.join("espanso") } fn get_packages_dir(config_dir: &Path, legacy_data_dir: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> { if let Some(packages_dir) = get_default_packages_dir(config_dir) { debug!("detected default packages dir: {:?}", packages_dir); Some(packages_dir) } else if let Some(packages_dir) = get_legacy_embedded_packages_dir(config_dir) { debug!("detected legacy packages dir: {:?}", packages_dir); Some(packages_dir) } else if let Some(packages_dir) = get_legacy_packages_dir(legacy_data_dir) { debug!("detected legacy packages dir: {:?}", packages_dir); Some(packages_dir) } else { None } } fn get_legacy_packages_dir(legacy_data_dir: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> { let legacy_dir = legacy_data_dir.join("packages"); if legacy_dir.is_dir() { Some(legacy_dir) } else { None } } fn get_legacy_embedded_packages_dir(config_dir: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> { let legacy_dir = config_dir.join("packages"); if legacy_dir.is_dir() { Some(legacy_dir) } else { None } } fn get_default_packages_dir(config_dir: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> { let packages_dir = get_default_packages_path(config_dir); if packages_dir.is_dir() { Some(packages_dir) } else { None } } fn get_default_packages_path(config_dir: &Path) -> PathBuf { config_dir.join("match").join("packages") } fn is_portable_mode() -> bool { let espanso_exe_path = std::env::current_exe().expect("unable to obtain executable path"); let exe_dir = espanso_exe_path.parent(); if let Some(parent) = exe_dir { let config_dir = parent.join(".espanso"); if config_dir.is_dir() { return true; } } false } const LEGACY_RUNTIME_DIR_CANDIDATES_FILE: &[&'static str] = &[ "espanso.log", "espanso.lock", "espanso-worker.lock", "espanso-daemon.lock", ]; // Run an heuristic to determine if the given directory // is a legacy runtime dir or not. // Unfortunately, due to the way the legacy path works // we really have to analyse the content to determine this // information fn is_legacy_runtime_dir(path: &Path) -> bool { if !path.is_dir() { return false; } for candidate in LEGACY_RUNTIME_DIR_CANDIDATES_FILE { let candidate_path = path.join(candidate); if candidate_path.is_file() { return true } } false }