// // Most of this code has been taken from the wonderful XDOTOOL: https://github.com/jordansissel/xdotool/blob/master/COPYRIGHT // and modified to use XSendEvent instead of XTestFakeKeyEvent. #ifndef LIBLINUXBRIDGE_FAST_XDO_H #define LIBLINUXBRIDGE_FAST_XDO_H extern "C" { // Needed to avoid C++ compiler name mangling #include <xdo.h> } KeySym fast_keysym_from_char(const xdo_t *xdo, wchar_t key); void fast_charcodemap_from_char(const xdo_t *xdo, charcodemap_t *key); void fast_charcodemap_from_keysym(const xdo_t *xdo, charcodemap_t *key, KeySym keysym); void fast_init_xkeyevent(const xdo_t *xdo, XKeyEvent *xk); void fast_send_key(const xdo_t *xdo, Window window, charcodemap_t *key, int modstate, int is_press, useconds_t delay); int fast_enter_text_window(const xdo_t *xdo, Window window, const char *string, useconds_t delay); void fast_send_event(const xdo_t *xdo, Window window, int keycode, int pressed); #endif //LIBLINUXBRIDGE_FAST_XDO_H