/* * This file is part of espanso. * * C title: (), class: (), exec: ()opyright (C) 2019-2021 Federico Terzi * * espanso is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * espanso is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with espanso. If not, see . */ use anyhow::Result; use log::warn; use regex::Regex; use std::{collections::HashMap, path::Path, sync::Arc}; use self::config::LegacyConfig; use crate::matches::{ group::loader::yaml::{ parse::{YAMLMatch, YAMLVariable}, try_convert_into_match, try_convert_into_variable, }, MatchEffect, }; use crate::{config::store::DefaultConfigStore, counter::StructId}; use crate::{ config::Config, config::{AppProperties, ConfigStore}, counter::next_id, matches::{ store::{MatchSet, MatchStore}, Match, Variable, }, }; use std::convert::TryInto; mod config; mod model; pub fn load( base_dir: &Path, package_dir: &Path, ) -> Result<(Box, Box)> { let config_set = config::LegacyConfigSet::load(base_dir, package_dir)?; let mut match_deduplicate_map = HashMap::new(); let mut var_deduplicate_map = HashMap::new(); let (default_config, mut default_match_group) = split_config(config_set.default); deduplicate_ids( &mut default_match_group, &mut match_deduplicate_map, &mut var_deduplicate_map, ); let mut match_groups = HashMap::new(); match_groups.insert("default".to_string(), default_match_group); let mut custom_configs: Vec> = Vec::new(); for custom in config_set.specific { let (custom_config, mut custom_match_group) = split_config(custom); deduplicate_ids( &mut custom_match_group, &mut match_deduplicate_map, &mut var_deduplicate_map, ); match_groups.insert(custom_config.name.clone(), custom_match_group); custom_configs.push(Arc::new(custom_config)); } let config_store = DefaultConfigStore::from_configs(Arc::new(default_config), custom_configs)?; let match_store = LegacyMatchStore::new(match_groups); Ok((Box::new(config_store), Box::new(match_store))) } fn split_config(config: LegacyConfig) -> (LegacyInteropConfig, LegacyMatchGroup) { let global_vars = config .global_vars .iter() .filter_map(|var| { let var: YAMLVariable = serde_yaml::from_value(var.clone()).ok()?; let (var, warnings) = try_convert_into_variable(var, true).ok()?; warnings.into_iter().for_each(|warning| { warn!("{}", warning); }); Some(var) }) .collect(); let matches = config .matches .iter() .filter_map(|var| { let m: YAMLMatch = serde_yaml::from_value(var.clone()).ok()?; let (m, warnings) = try_convert_into_match(m, true).ok()?; warnings.into_iter().for_each(|warning| { warn!("{}", warning); }); Some(m) }) .collect(); let match_group = LegacyMatchGroup { matches, global_vars, }; let config: LegacyInteropConfig = config.into(); (config, match_group) } /// Due to the way the legacy configs are loaded (matches are copied multiple times in the various configs) /// we need to deduplicate the ids of those matches (and global vars). fn deduplicate_ids( match_group: &mut LegacyMatchGroup, match_map: &mut HashMap, var_map: &mut HashMap, ) { deduplicate_vars(&mut match_group.global_vars, var_map); deduplicate_matches(&mut match_group.matches, match_map, var_map); } fn deduplicate_matches( matches: &mut [Match], match_map: &mut HashMap, var_map: &mut HashMap, ) { for m in matches.iter_mut() { // Deduplicate variables first if let MatchEffect::Text(effect) = &mut m.effect { deduplicate_vars(&mut effect.vars, var_map); } let mut m_without_id = m.clone(); m_without_id.id = 0; if let Some(id) = match_map.get(&m_without_id) { m.id = *id; } else { match_map.insert(m_without_id, m.id); } } } // TODO: test case of matches with inner variables fn deduplicate_vars(vars: &mut [Variable], var_map: &mut HashMap) { for v in vars.iter_mut() { let mut v_without_id = v.clone(); v_without_id.id = 0; if let Some(id) = var_map.get(&v_without_id) { v.id = *id; } else { var_map.insert(v_without_id, v.id); } } } struct LegacyInteropConfig { pub name: String, match_paths: Vec, id: i32, config: LegacyConfig, filter_title: Option, filter_class: Option, filter_exec: Option, } impl From for LegacyInteropConfig { fn from(config: config::LegacyConfig) -> Self { Self { id: next_id(), config: config.clone(), name: config.name.clone(), match_paths: vec![config.name], filter_title: if !config.filter_title.is_empty() { Regex::new(&config.filter_title).ok() } else { None }, filter_class: if !config.filter_class.is_empty() { Regex::new(&config.filter_class).ok() } else { None }, filter_exec: if !config.filter_exec.is_empty() { Regex::new(&config.filter_exec).ok() } else { None }, } } } impl Config for LegacyInteropConfig { fn id(&self) -> i32 { self.id } fn label(&self) -> &str { &self.config.name } fn backend(&self) -> crate::config::Backend { match self.config.backend { config::BackendType::Inject => crate::config::Backend::Inject, config::BackendType::Clipboard => crate::config::Backend::Clipboard, config::BackendType::Auto => crate::config::Backend::Auto, } } fn auto_restart(&self) -> bool { self.config.auto_restart } fn match_paths(&self) -> &[String] { &self.match_paths } fn is_match(&self, app: &AppProperties) -> bool { if self.filter_title.is_none() && self.filter_exec.is_none() && self.filter_class.is_none() { return false; } let is_title_match = if let Some(title_regex) = self.filter_title.as_ref() { if let Some(title) = app.title { title_regex.is_match(title) } else { false } } else { true }; let is_exec_match = if let Some(exec_regex) = self.filter_exec.as_ref() { if let Some(exec) = app.exec { exec_regex.is_match(exec) } else { false } } else { true }; let is_class_match = if let Some(class_regex) = self.filter_class.as_ref() { if let Some(class) = app.class { class_regex.is_match(class) } else { false } } else { true }; // All the filters that have been specified must be true to define a match is_exec_match && is_title_match && is_class_match } fn clipboard_threshold(&self) -> usize { crate::config::default::DEFAULT_CLIPBOARD_THRESHOLD } fn pre_paste_delay(&self) -> usize { crate::config::default::DEFAULT_PRE_PASTE_DELAY } fn toggle_key(&self) -> Option { match self.config.toggle_key { model::KeyModifier::CTRL => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::Ctrl), model::KeyModifier::SHIFT => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::Shift), model::KeyModifier::ALT => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::Alt), model::KeyModifier::META => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::Meta), model::KeyModifier::BACKSPACE => None, model::KeyModifier::OFF => None, model::KeyModifier::LEFT_CTRL => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::LeftCtrl), model::KeyModifier::RIGHT_CTRL => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::RightCtrl), model::KeyModifier::LEFT_ALT => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::LeftAlt), model::KeyModifier::RIGHT_ALT => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::RightAlt), model::KeyModifier::LEFT_META => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::LeftMeta), model::KeyModifier::RIGHT_META => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::RightMeta), model::KeyModifier::LEFT_SHIFT => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::LeftShift), model::KeyModifier::RIGHT_SHIFT => Some(crate::config::ToggleKey::RightShift), model::KeyModifier::CAPS_LOCK => None, } } fn preserve_clipboard(&self) -> bool { self.config.preserve_clipboard } fn restore_clipboard_delay(&self) -> usize { self.config.restore_clipboard_delay.try_into().unwrap() } fn paste_shortcut_event_delay(&self) -> usize { crate::config::default::DEFAULT_SHORTCUT_EVENT_DELAY } fn paste_shortcut(&self) -> Option { match self.config.paste_shortcut { model::PasteShortcut::Default => None, model::PasteShortcut::CtrlV => Some("CTRL+V".to_string()), model::PasteShortcut::CtrlShiftV => Some("CTRL+SHIFT+V".to_string()), model::PasteShortcut::ShiftInsert => Some("SHIFT+INSERT".to_string()), model::PasteShortcut::CtrlAltV => Some("CTRL+ALT+V".to_string()), model::PasteShortcut::MetaV => Some("META+V".to_string()), } } fn disable_x11_fast_inject(&self) -> bool { !self.config.fast_inject } fn inject_delay(&self) -> Option { if self.config.inject_delay == 0 { None } else { Some(self.config.inject_delay.try_into().unwrap()) } } fn key_delay(&self) -> Option { if self.config.backspace_delay == 0 { None } else { Some(self.config.backspace_delay.try_into().unwrap()) } } fn word_separators(&self) -> Vec { self .config .word_separators .iter() .map(|c| String::from(*c)) .collect() } fn backspace_limit(&self) -> usize { self.config.backspace_limit.try_into().unwrap() } fn apply_patch(&self) -> bool { true } fn keyboard_layout(&self) -> Option { None } fn search_trigger(&self) -> Option { self.config.search_trigger.clone() } fn search_shortcut(&self) -> Option { self.config.search_shortcut.clone() } fn undo_backspace(&self) -> bool { self.config.undo_backspace } fn show_icon(&self) -> bool { self.config.show_icon } fn show_notifications(&self) -> bool { self.config.show_notifications } fn secure_input_notification(&self) -> bool { self.config.secure_input_notification } fn enable(&self) -> bool { self.config.enable_active } fn post_form_delay(&self) -> usize { crate::config::default::DEFAULT_POST_FORM_DELAY } fn post_search_delay(&self) -> usize { crate::config::default::DEFAULT_POST_SEARCH_DELAY } fn win32_exclude_orphan_events(&self) -> bool { true } fn evdev_modifier_delay(&self) -> Option { Some(10) } fn win32_keyboard_layout_cache_interval(&self) -> i64 { 2000 } fn x11_use_xclip_backend(&self) -> bool { false } } struct LegacyMatchGroup { matches: Vec, global_vars: Vec, } struct LegacyMatchStore { groups: HashMap, } impl LegacyMatchStore { pub fn new(groups: HashMap) -> Self { Self { groups } } } impl MatchStore for LegacyMatchStore { fn query(&self, paths: &[String]) -> MatchSet { let group = if !paths.is_empty() { self.groups.get(&paths[0]) } else { None }; if let Some(group) = group { MatchSet { matches: group.matches.iter().collect(), global_vars: group.global_vars.iter().collect(), } } else { MatchSet { matches: Vec::new(), global_vars: Vec::new(), } } } fn loaded_paths(&self) -> Vec { self.groups.keys().cloned().collect() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::{fs::create_dir_all, path::Path}; use tempdir::TempDir; pub fn use_test_directory(callback: impl FnOnce(&Path, &Path, &Path)) { let dir = TempDir::new("tempconfig").unwrap(); let user_dir = dir.path().join("user"); create_dir_all(&user_dir).unwrap(); let package_dir = TempDir::new("tempconfig").unwrap(); callback( &dunce::canonicalize(&dir.path()).unwrap(), &dunce::canonicalize(&user_dir).unwrap(), &dunce::canonicalize(&package_dir.path()).unwrap(), ); } #[test] fn load_legacy_works_correctly() { use_test_directory(|base, user, packages| { std::fs::write( base.join("default.yml"), r#" backend: Clipboard global_vars: - name: var1 type: test matches: - trigger: "hello" replace: "world" "#, ) .unwrap(); std::fs::write( user.join("specific.yml"), r#" name: specific parent: default matches: - trigger: "foo" replace: "bar" "#, ) .unwrap(); std::fs::write( user.join("separate.yml"), r#" name: separate filter_title: "Google" matches: - trigger: "eren" replace: "mikasa" "#, ) .unwrap(); let (config_store, match_store) = load(base, packages).unwrap(); let default_config = config_store.default(); assert_eq!(default_config.match_paths().len(), 1); let active_config = config_store.active(&AppProperties { title: Some("Google"), class: None, exec: None, }); assert_eq!(active_config.match_paths().len(), 1); let default_fallback = config_store.active(&AppProperties { title: Some("Yahoo"), class: None, exec: None, }); assert_eq!(default_fallback.match_paths().len(), 1); assert_eq!( match_store .query(default_config.match_paths()) .matches .len(), 2 ); assert_eq!( match_store .query(default_config.match_paths()) .global_vars .len(), 1 ); assert_eq!( match_store.query(active_config.match_paths()).matches.len(), 3 ); assert_eq!( match_store .query(active_config.match_paths()) .global_vars .len(), 1 ); assert_eq!( match_store .query(default_fallback.match_paths()) .matches .len(), 2 ); assert_eq!( match_store .query(default_fallback.match_paths()) .global_vars .len(), 1 ); }); } #[test] fn load_legacy_deduplicates_ids_correctly() { use_test_directory(|base, user, packages| { std::fs::write( base.join("default.yml"), r#" backend: Clipboard global_vars: - name: var1 type: test matches: - trigger: "hello" replace: "world" - trigger: "withvars" replace: "{{output}}" vars: - name: "output" type: "echo" params: echo: "test" "#, ) .unwrap(); std::fs::write( user.join("specific.yml"), r#" name: specific filter_title: "Google" "#, ) .unwrap(); let (config_store, match_store) = load(base, packages).unwrap(); let default_config = config_store.default(); let active_config = config_store.active(&AppProperties { title: Some("Google"), class: None, exec: None, }); for (i, m) in match_store .query(default_config.match_paths()) .matches .into_iter() .enumerate() { assert_eq!( m.id, match_store .query(active_config.match_paths()) .matches .get(i) .unwrap() .id ); } assert_eq!( match_store .query(default_config.match_paths()) .global_vars .first() .unwrap() .id, match_store .query(active_config.match_paths()) .global_vars .first() .unwrap() .id, ); }); } #[test] fn load_legacy_with_packages() { use_test_directory(|base, _, packages| { std::fs::write( base.join("default.yml"), r#" backend: Clipboard matches: - trigger: "hello" replace: "world" "#, ) .unwrap(); create_dir_all(packages.join("test-package")).unwrap(); std::fs::write( packages.join("test-package").join("package.yml"), r#" name: test-package parent: default matches: - trigger: "foo" replace: "bar" "#, ) .unwrap(); let (config_store, match_store) = load(base, packages).unwrap(); let default_config = config_store.default(); assert_eq!(default_config.match_paths().len(), 1); assert_eq!( match_store .query(default_config.match_paths()) .matches .len(), 2 ); }); } }