package main import ( "fmt" "" "math" rand "math/rand/v2" ) type src = *rand.Rand type pplKnownDistrib = map[int64]float64 func generatePeopleKnownDistribution(r src) map[int64]float64 { mapping := make(map[int64]float64) sum := 0.0 // Consider zero case separately /*p0 := r.Float64() mapping[0.0] = p0 sum += p0 */ // Consider successive exponents of 1.5 num := 16.0 base := 2.0 for i := 1; i < 8; i++ { num = num * base p := r.Float64() mapping[int64(num)] = p sum += p } for key, value := range mapping { mapping[key] = value / sum } return mapping } func chooseWrapper(n int64, k int64) int64 { if n < k { return 0 } else { return choose.Choose(n, k) } } func getProbabilityOfKBirthdayMatchesGivenNPeopleKnown(n int64, k int64) float64 { return float64(chooseWrapper(n, k)) * math.Pow(1.0/365.0, float64(k)) * math.Pow(1.0-(1.0/365.0), float64(n-k)) } func getMatchesDrawGivenNPeopleKnown(n int64, r src) int64 { p0 := getProbabilityOfKBirthdayMatchesGivenNPeopleKnown(n, 0) p1 := getProbabilityOfKBirthdayMatchesGivenNPeopleKnown(n, 1) p2 := getProbabilityOfKBirthdayMatchesGivenNPeopleKnown(n, 2) p := r.Float64() if p < p0 { return 0 } else if p < (p0 + p1) { return 1 } else if p < (p0 + p1 + p2) { return 2 } else { return 3 // stands for 'greater than 3' } } /* Draw 148 times How many people do you know that were born in the same day of the year as you? 0: 46.6% | 69 1: 31.1% | 46 2: 12.8% | 19 ≥3: 9.5% | 14 */ func drawFromDistributionWithReplacement(d pplKnownDistrib, r src) int64 { pp := r.Float64() sum := 0.0 for i, p := range d { sum += p if pp <= sum { return int64(i) } } fmt.Printf("%f, %f\n", sum, pp) fmt.Println(d) panic("Probabilities should sum up to 1") } func aboutEq(a int64, b int64) bool { h := int64(3) return ((-h) <= (a - b)) && ((a - b) <= h) } func draw148PplFromDistributionAndCheck(d pplKnownDistrib, r src, show bool) int64 { count := make(map[int64]int64) count[0] = 0 count[1] = 0 count[2] = 0 count[3] = 0 for i := 0; i < 148; i++ { person_i_ppl_known := drawFromDistributionWithReplacement(d, r) person_i_num_birthday_matches := getMatchesDrawGivenNPeopleKnown(person_i_ppl_known, r) count[person_i_num_birthday_matches]++ } // if (count[0] == 69) && (count[1] == 46) && (count[2] == 19) && (count[3] == 14) { if show { // fmt.Println(count) } if aboutEq(count[0], 69) && aboutEq(count[1], 46) && aboutEq(count[2], 19) && aboutEq(count[3], 14) { return 1 } else { return 0 } } func getUnnormalizedBayesianUpdateForDistribution(d pplKnownDistrib, r src) int64 { var sum int64 = 0 n := 100 for i := 0; i < n; i++ { /* if i%1000 == 0 { fmt.Println(i) } */ draw_result := draw148PplFromDistributionAndCheck(d, r, i == 0) // fmt.Println(draw_result) sum += draw_result } return sum // float64(sum) / float64(n) } func main() { var r = rand.New(rand.NewPCG(uint64(1), uint64(2))) sum := int64(0) for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { people_known_distribution := generatePeopleKnownDistribution(r) // fmt.Println(people_known_distribution) result := getUnnormalizedBayesianUpdateForDistribution(people_known_distribution, r) fmt.Println(i) if result > 0 { fmt.Println(people_known_distribution) fmt.Println(result) } sum += result // fmt.Println(result) } fmt.Println(sum) }