# A minimalist calculator for fermi estimation This project contains a minimalist calculator for Fermi estimation. Right now, it just multiplies lognormals. ## Motivation Sometimes, [Squiggle](https://github.com/quantified-uncertainty/squiggle), [simple squiggle](https://git.nunosempere.com/quantified.uncertainty/simple-squiggle) or [squiggle.c](https://git.nunosempere.com/personal/squiggle.c) are still too complicated and un-unix-like. ## An example Perhaps this example might be clearer with comment ## To do: - [ ] Write README - [ ] Add show more info version - [ ] Add division? - [ ] Read from file? - [ ] Save to file? - [ ] Program into a small device, like a calculator? - [ ] Allow comments? - Use a sed filter? - [ ] Think of some way of calling bc go run main.go < model.f sed 's|//||' model.f | go run main.go