# A minimalist calculator for fermi estimation This project contains a minimalist command-line calculator for Fermi estimation. For now, it just multiplies lognormals. ## Motivation Sometimes, [Squiggle](https://github.com/quantified-uncertainty/squiggle), [simple squiggle](https://git.nunosempere.com/quantified.uncertainty/simple-squiggle) or [squiggle.c](https://git.nunosempere.com/personal/squiggle.c) are still too complicated and un-unix-like. ## Usage Here is an example ``` $ go run f.go 5000000 12000000 => 5000000.0 12000000.0 0.002 0.01 => 13859.5 86583.4 30 180 => 706832.8 9167656.0 / 48 52 => 14139.1 183614.7 / 5 6 => 2573.1 33632.0 / 6 8 => 368.4 4893.5 / 60 => 6.1 81.6 ``` Perhaps this example is more understandable with comments and better units: ``` $ sed -u "s|#.*||" | sed -u 's|M|000000|g' | go run f.go 5M 12M # number of people living in Chicago => 5000000.0 12000000.0 0.002 0.01 # fraction of people that have a piano => 13859.5 86583.4 30 180 # minutes it takes to tune a piano, including travel time => 706832.8 9167656.0 / 48 52 # weeks a year that piano tuners work for => 14139.1 183614.7 / 5 6 # days a week in which piano tuners work => 2573.1 33632.0 / 6 8 # hours a day in which piano tuners work => 368.4 4893.5 / 60 # minutes to an hour => 6.1 81.6 # ^ piano tuners in Chicago ``` You can see a recording in action here: [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/fygBtg0XDc1iVajArdQn9b9CA.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/fygBtg0XDc1iVajArdQn9b9CA) ## Installation ``` make build sudo make install f # rather than the previous go run f.go ``` Why use make instead of the built-in go commands? Because the point of make is to be able to share command-line recipes. ## Usage together with standard Linux utilities ```bash f sed -u "s|#.*||" | sed -u 's|M|000000|g' | f cat more/piano-tuners.f | f cat more/piano-tuners-commented.f | sed -u "s|#.*||" | sed -u 's|M|000000|g' | f tee -a input.log | go run f.go | tee -a output.log tee -a io.log | go run f.go | tee -a io.log function f(){ sed -u "s|#.*||" | sed -u "s|//.*||" | sed -u 's|K|000|g' | sed -u 's|M|000000|g' | sed -u 's|B|000000000|g' | /usr/bin/f } ``` ## Tips & tricks Conceptually clearer to have all the multiplications first and then all the divisions ## Roadmap - [x] Write README - [x] Add division? - [x] Read from file? - [x] Save to file? - [x] Allow comments? - [x] Use a sed filter? - [x] Add show more info version - [x] Scalar multiplication and division - [ ] Program into a small device, like a calculator? - [ ] Think of some way of calling bc - [ ] Think how to integrate with squiggle.c to draw samples - [ ] Think about how to draw a histogram from samples