package sample import ( "fmt" "math" "sync" rand "math/rand/v2" "" ) // type State = *rand.Rand type func64 = func(State) float64 var global_state = rand.New(rand.NewPCG(uint64(1), uint64(2))) func Sample_unit_uniform(r State) float64 { return r.Float64() } func Sample_unit_normal(r State) float64 { return r.NormFloat64() } func Sample_uniform(start float64, end float64, r State) float64 { return Sample_unit_uniform(r)*(end-start) + start } func Sample_normal(mean float64, sigma float64, r State) float64 { return mean + Sample_unit_normal(r)*sigma } func Sample_lognormal(logmean float64, logstd float64, r State) float64 { return (math.Exp(Sample_normal(logmean, logstd, r))) } func Sample_normal_from_90_ci(low float64, high float64, r State) float64 { var normal90 float64 = 1.6448536269514727 var mean float64 = (high + low) / 2.0 var std float64 = (high - low) / (2.0 * normal90) return Sample_normal(mean, std, r) } func Sample_to(low float64, high float64, r State) float64 { // Given a (positive) 90% confidence interval, // returns a sample from a lognorma with a matching 90% c.i. // Key idea: If we want a lognormal with 90% confidence interval [a, b] // we need but get a normal with 90% confidence interval [log(a), log(b)]. // Then see code for Sample_normal_from_90_ci var loglow float64 = math.Log(low) var loghigh float64 = math.Log(high) return math.Exp(Sample_normal_from_90_ci(loglow, loghigh, r)) } func Sample_gamma(alpha float64, r State) float64 { // a simple method for generating gamma variables, marsaglia and wan tsang, 2001 // // see also the references/ folder // note that the wikipedia page for the gamma distribution includes a scaling parameter // k or beta // // such that gamma_k(alpha, k) = k * gamma(alpha) // or gamma_beta(alpha, beta) = gamma(alpha) / beta // so far i have not needed to use this, and thus the second parameter is by default 1. if alpha >= 1 { var d, c, x, v, u float64 d = alpha - 1.0/3.0 c = 1.0 / math.Sqrt(9.0*d) for { InnerLoop: for { x = Sample_unit_normal(r) v = 1.0 + c*x if v > 0.0 { break InnerLoop } } v = v * v * v u = Sample_unit_uniform(r) if u < 1.0-0.0331*(x*x*x*x) { // Condition 1 // the 0.0331 doesn't inspire much confidence // however, this isn't the whole story // by knowing that Condition 1 implies condition 2 // we realize that this is just a way of making the algorithm faster // i.e., of not using the logarithms return d * v } if math.Log(u) < 0.5*(x*x)+d*(1.0-v+math.Log(v)) { // Condition 2 return d * v } } } else { return Sample_gamma(1.0+alpha, r) * math.Pow(Sample_unit_uniform(r), 1.0/alpha) } } func Sample_beta(a float64, b float64, r State) float64 { gamma_a := Sample_gamma(a, r) gamma_b := Sample_gamma(b, r) return gamma_a / (gamma_a + gamma_b) } func Sample_mixture_once(fs []func64, weights []float64, r State) float64 { // fmt.Println("weights initially: ", weights) var sum_weights float64 = 0 for _, weight := range weights { sum_weights += weight } var total float64 = 0 var cumsummed_normalized_weights = append([]float64(nil), weights...) for i, weight := range weights { total += weight / sum_weights cumsummed_normalized_weights[i] = total } var result float64 var flag int = 0 var p float64 = r.Float64() for i, cnw := range cumsummed_normalized_weights { if p < cnw { result = fs[i](r) flag = 1 break } } if flag == 0 { result = fs[len(fs)-1](r) } return result } func Sample_serially(f func64, n_samples int) []float64 { xs := make([]float64, n_samples) // var global_state = rand.New(rand.NewPCG(uint64(1), uint64(2))) for i := 0; i < n_samples; i++ { xs[i] = f(global_state) } return xs } func Sample_mixture_serially(fs [][]float64, weights []float64, n_samples int) ([]float64, error) { // Checks if len(weights) != len(fs) { return nil, errors.New("Mixture must have dists and weights alternated") } for _, f := range fs { if len(f) < n_samples { return nil, errors.New("Mixture components don't have enough samples") } } // fmt.Println("weights initially: ", weights) var sum_weights float64 = 0 for _, weight := range weights { sum_weights += weight } var total float64 = 0 var cumsummed_normalized_weights = append([]float64(nil), weights...) for i, weight := range weights { total += weight / sum_weights cumsummed_normalized_weights[i] = total } if total == 0.0 { return nil, errors.New("Cummulative sum of weights in mixture must be > 0.0") } fmt.Printf("Weights: %v\n", cumsummed_normalized_weights) xs := make([]float64, n_samples) // var global_state = rand.New(rand.NewPCG(uint64(1), uint64(2))) for i := 0; i < n_samples; i++ { var flag int = 0 var p float64 = global_state.Float64() for j, cnw := range cumsummed_normalized_weights { if p < cnw { xs[i] = fs[j][i] flag = 1 break } } if flag == 0 { xs[i] = fs[len(fs)-1][i] } } return xs, nil } func Sample_parallel(f func64, n_samples int) []float64 { var num_threads = 16 var xs = make([]float64, n_samples) var wg sync.WaitGroup var h = n_samples / num_threads wg.Add(num_threads) for i := range num_threads { var xs_i = xs[i*h : (i+1)*h] go func(f func64) { defer wg.Done() var r = rand.New(rand.NewPCG(uint64(i), uint64(i+1))) for i := range xs_i { xs_i[i] = f(r) } }(f) } wg.Wait() return xs } /* func main() { var p_a float64 = 0.8 var p_b float64 = 0.5 var p_c float64 = p_a * p_b ws := [4](float64){1 - p_c, p_c / 2, p_c / 4, p_c / 4} Sample_0 := func(r State) float64 { return 0 } Sample_1 := func(r State) float64 { return 1 } Sample_few := func(r State) float64 { return Sample_to(1, 3, r) } Sample_many := func(r State) float64 { return Sample_to(2, 10, r) } fs := [4](func64){Sample_0, Sample_1, Sample_few, Sample_many} model := func(r State) float64 { return Sample_mixture(fs[0:], ws[0:], r) } n_samples := 1_000_000 xs := Sample_parallel(model, n_samples) var avg float64 = 0 for _, x := range xs { avg += x } avg = avg / float64(n_samples) fmt.Printf("Average: %v\n", avg) /* // Without concurrency: n_samples := 1_000_000 var r = rand.New(rand.NewPCG(uint64(1), uint64(2))) var avg float64 = 0 for i := 0; i < n_samples; i++ { avg += Sample_mixture(fs[0:], ws[0:], r) } avg = avg / float64(n_samples) fmt.Printf("Average: %v\n", avg) } */