more feng shui

This commit is contained in:
NunoSempere 2024-06-19 09:46:08 -04:00
parent 4d146dbcfb
commit 2924f174a6
2 changed files with 142 additions and 144 deletions

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@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ func (ln Lognormal) Samples() []float64 {
func (beta Beta) Samples() []float64 {
sampler := func(r sample.Src) float64 { return sample.Sample_beta(beta.a, beta.b, r) }
// return sample.Sample_parallel(sampler, N_SAMPLES)
return sample.Sample_serially(sampler, N_SAMPLES)
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ func (fs FilledSamples) Samples() []float64 {
/* Constants */
const GENERAL_ERR_MSG = " Operation | Variable assignment | Special\n" +
const HELP_MSG = " Operation | Variable assignment | Special\n" +
" Operation: operator operand\n" +
" operator: (empty) | * | / | + | -\n" +
" operand: scalar | lognormal | beta | variable\n" +
@ -94,131 +93,55 @@ const NORMAL90CONFIDENCE = 1.6448536269514727
const INIT_DIST Scalar = Scalar(1)
const N_SAMPLES = 100_000
/* Pretty print for distributions */
// Needs types
/* Printers */
func prettyPrintDist(dist Dist) {
switch v := dist.(type) {
case Lognormal:
fmt.Printf("=> ")
pretty.PrettyPrint2Floats(v.low, v.high)
case FilledSamples:
tmp_xs := make([]float64, N_SAMPLES)
copy(tmp_xs, v.xs)
sort.Slice(tmp_xs, func(i, j int) bool {
return tmp_xs[i] < tmp_xs[j]
low_int := N_SAMPLES / 20
low := tmp_xs[low_int]
high_int := N_SAMPLES * 19 / 20
high := tmp_xs[high_int]
fmt.Printf("=> ")
fmt.Printf(" ")
fmt.Printf(" (")
fmt.Printf(" samples)\n")
case Beta:
fmt.Printf("=> beta ")
pretty.PrettyPrint2Floats(v.a, v.b)
case Scalar:
fmt.Printf("=> scalar ")
w := float64(v)
case FilledSamples:
sorted_xs := make([]float64, N_SAMPLES)
copy(sorted_xs, v.xs)
sort.Slice(sorted_xs, func(i, j int) bool {
return sorted_xs[i] < sorted_xs[j]
low := sorted_xs[N_SAMPLES/20]
high := sorted_xs[N_SAMPLES*19/20]
fmt.Printf("=> ")
pretty.PrettyPrint2Floats(low, high)
fmt.Printf(" (")
fmt.Printf(" samples)")
fmt.Printf("%v", v)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", v)
// Parse line into Distribution
func parseLineErr(err_msg string) (string, Dist, error) {
func printAndReturnErr(err_msg string) error {
var errorDist Dist
return "", errorDist, errors.New(err_msg)
func parseLineIntoOpAndDist(line string, vars map[string]Dist) (string, Dist, error) {
words := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(line), " ")
op := ""
var dist Dist
switch words[0] {
case "*", "/", "+", "-":
op = words[0]
words = words[1:]
op = "*" // later, change the below to
switch len(words) {
case 0:
return parseLineErr("Operator must have operand; can't operate on nothing")
case 1:
var_word, var_word_exists := vars[words[0]]
single_float, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[0], 64) // abstract this away to search for K/M/B/T/etc.
switch {
case var_word_exists:
dist = var_word
case err1 == nil:
dist = Scalar(single_float)
case err1 != nil && !var_word_exists:
return parseLineErr("Trying to operate on a scalar, but scalar is neither a float nor an assigned variable")
case 2:
new_low, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[0], 64)
new_high, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[1], 64)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
return parseLineErr("Trying to operate by a distribution, but distribution is not specified as two floats")
dist = Lognormal{low: new_low, high: new_high}
case 3:
if words[0] == "beta" || words[0] == "b" {
a, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[1], 64)
b, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[2], 64)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
return parseLineErr("Trying to specify a beta distribution? Try beta 1 2")
dist = Beta{a: a, b: b}
} else {
return parseLineErr("Input not understood or not implemented yet")
return parseLineErr("Input not understood or not implemented yet")
return op, dist, nil
func multiplyLogDists(l1 Lognormal, l2 Lognormal) Lognormal {
logmean1 := (math.Log(l1.high) + math.Log(l1.low)) / 2.0
logstd1 := (math.Log(l1.high) - math.Log(l1.low)) / (2.0 * NORMAL90CONFIDENCE)
logmean2 := (math.Log(l2.high) + math.Log(l2.low)) / 2.0
logstd2 := (math.Log(l2.high) - math.Log(l2.low)) / (2.0 * NORMAL90CONFIDENCE)
logmean_product := logmean1 + logmean2
logstd_product := math.Sqrt(logstd1*logstd1 + logstd2*logstd2)
h := logstd_product * NORMAL90CONFIDENCE
loglow := logmean_product - h
loghigh := logmean_product + h
return Lognormal{low: math.Exp(loglow), high: math.Exp(loghigh)}
func multiplyBetaDists(beta1 Beta, beta2 Beta) Beta {
return Beta{a: beta1.a + beta2.a, b: beta1.b + beta2.b}
return errors.New(err_msg)
/* Operations */
// Generic operations with samples
func operateDistsAsSamples(dist1 Dist, dist2 Dist, op string) (Dist, error) {
xs := dist1.Samples()
ys := dist2.Samples()
// fmt.Printf("xs: %v\n", xs)
// fmt.Printf("ys: %v\n", ys)
zs := make([]float64, N_SAMPLES)
for i := 0; i < N_SAMPLES; i++ {
@ -243,6 +166,28 @@ func operateDistsAsSamples(dist1 Dist, dist2 Dist, op string) (Dist, error) {
return FilledSamples{xs: zs}, nil
// Multiplication
func multiplyLogDists(l1 Lognormal, l2 Lognormal) Lognormal {
logmean1 := (math.Log(l1.high) + math.Log(l1.low)) / 2.0
logstd1 := (math.Log(l1.high) - math.Log(l1.low)) / (2.0 * NORMAL90CONFIDENCE)
logmean2 := (math.Log(l2.high) + math.Log(l2.low)) / 2.0
logstd2 := (math.Log(l2.high) - math.Log(l2.low)) / (2.0 * NORMAL90CONFIDENCE)
logmean_product := logmean1 + logmean2
logstd_product := math.Sqrt(logstd1*logstd1 + logstd2*logstd2)
h := logstd_product * NORMAL90CONFIDENCE
loglow := logmean_product - h
loghigh := logmean_product + h
return Lognormal{low: math.Exp(loglow), high: math.Exp(loghigh)}
func multiplyBetaDists(beta1 Beta, beta2 Beta) Beta {
return Beta{a: beta1.a + beta2.a, b: beta1.b + beta2.b}
func multiplyDists(old_dist Dist, new_dist Dist) (Dist, error) {
switch o := old_dist.(type) {
@ -291,9 +236,17 @@ func divideDists(old_dist Dist, new_dist Dist) (Dist, error) {
switch n := new_dist.(type) {
case Lognormal:
// to do: check division by zero
if n.high == 0 || n.low == 0 {
fmt.Println("Error: Can't divide by 0.0")
return nil, errors.New("Error: division by zero")
return multiplyLogDists(o, Lognormal{low: 1.0 / n.high, high: 1.0 / n.low}), nil
case Scalar:
// to do: check division by zero
if n == 0.0 {
fmt.Println("Error: Can't divide by 0.0")
return nil, errors.New("Error: division by zero scalar")
return multiplyLogDists(o, Lognormal{low: 1.0 / float64(n), high: 1.0 / float64(n)}), nil
return operateDistsAsSamples(old_dist, new_dist, "/")
@ -306,6 +259,10 @@ func divideDists(old_dist Dist, new_dist Dist) (Dist, error) {
return multiplyLogDists(Lognormal{low: float64(o), high: float64(o)}, Lognormal{low: 1.0 / n.high, high: 1.0 / n.low}), nil
case Scalar:
// to do: check division by zero
if n == 0.0 {
fmt.Println("Error: Can't divide by 0.0")
return nil, errors.New("Error: division by zero scalar")
return Scalar(float64(o) / float64(n)), nil
return operateDistsAsSamples(old_dist, new_dist, "/")
@ -316,94 +273,136 @@ func divideDists(old_dist Dist, new_dist Dist) (Dist, error) {
/* Combine old dist and new line */
// We want this as a function to be able to have parenthesis/recusion, possibly functions
func operateStackWithDist(stack Stack, new_dist Dist, op string) Stack {
var combined_dist Dist
var err error
// Generic distribution operations
func operateDists(old_dist Dist, new_dist Dist, op string) (Dist, error) {
switch op {
case "*":
if combined_dist, err = multiplyDists(stack.old_dist, new_dist); err == nil {
stack.old_dist = combined_dist
return multiplyDists(old_dist, new_dist)
case "/":
if combined_dist, err = divideDists(stack.old_dist, new_dist); err == nil {
stack.old_dist = combined_dist
return divideDists(old_dist, new_dist)
case "+":
if combined_dist, err = operateDistsAsSamples(stack.old_dist, new_dist, "+"); err == nil {
stack.old_dist = combined_dist
return operateDistsAsSamples(old_dist, new_dist, "+")
case "-":
if combined_dist, err = operateDistsAsSamples(stack.old_dist, new_dist, "-"); err == nil {
stack.old_dist = combined_dist
return operateDistsAsSamples(old_dist, new_dist, "-")
return nil, printAndReturnErr("Can't combine distributions in this way")
/* Parser and repl */
func parseLineIntoOpAndDist(line string, vars map[string]Dist) (string, Dist, error) {
words := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(line), " ")
op := ""
var dist Dist
switch words[0] {
case "*", "/", "+", "-":
op = words[0]
words = words[1:]
op = "*" // later, change the below to
parseLineErr := func(err_msg string) (string, Dist, error) {
return "", nil, printAndReturnErr(err_msg)
switch len(words) {
case 0:
return parseLineErr("Operator must have operand; can't operate on nothing")
case 1:
var_word, var_word_exists := vars[words[0]]
single_float, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[0], 64) // abstract this away to search for K/M/B/T/etc.
switch {
case var_word_exists:
dist = var_word
case err1 == nil:
dist = Scalar(single_float)
case err1 != nil && !var_word_exists:
return parseLineErr("Trying to operate on a scalar, but scalar is neither a float nor an assigned variable")
case 2:
new_low, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[0], 64)
new_high, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[1], 64)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
return parseLineErr("Trying to operate by a distribution, but distribution is not specified as two floats")
dist = Lognormal{low: new_low, high: new_high}
case 3:
if words[0] == "beta" || words[0] == "b" {
a, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[1], 64)
b, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(words[2], 64)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
return parseLineErr("Trying to specify a beta distribution? Try beta 1 2")
dist = Beta{a: a, b: b}
} else {
return parseLineErr("Input not understood or not implemented yet")
fmt.Println("Can't combine distributions in this way")
return parseLineErr("Input not understood or not implemented yet")
return stack
return op, dist, nil
func runRepl(stack Stack, reader *bufio.Reader) Stack {
/* Combine old dist and new line */
// We want this as a function (rather than just be in main)
// to be able to have parenthesis/recusion, possibly functions
func runRepl(stack Stack, reader *bufio.Reader) Stack {
for {
new_line, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
words := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(new_line), " ")
switch {
/* Empty line case */
case strings.TrimSpace(new_line) == "":
continue replForLoop
case strings.TrimSpace(new_line) == "": /* Empty line case */
/* Parenthesis */
case len(words) == 2 && (words[0] == "*" || words[0] == "+" || words[0] == "-" || words[0] == "/") && words[1] == "(":
new_stack := runRepl(Stack{old_dist: INIT_DIST, vars: stack.vars}, reader) // to do: think if I want to shadow variables or not (right now, variables persist, since I'm copying the map(.
stack = operateStackWithDist(stack, new_stack.old_dist, words[0])
new_stack := runRepl(Stack{old_dist: INIT_DIST, vars: stack.vars}, reader)
combined_dist, err := operateDists(stack.old_dist, new_stack.old_dist, words[0])
if err == nil {
stack.old_dist = combined_dist
case len(words) == 1 && words[0] == ")":
return stack
/* Special operations */
case words[0] == "exit" || words[0] == "e":
case words[0] == "help" || words[0] == "h":
continue replForLoop
case words[0] == "debug" || words[0] == "d":
fmt.Printf("Old dist: %v\n", stack.old_dist)
fmt.Printf("Vars: %v\n", stack.vars)
continue replForLoop
fmt.Printf("%v", stack)
case words[0] == "clear" || words[0] == "c" || words[0] == ".":
stack.old_dist = INIT_DIST
continue replForLoop
/* Variable assignment */
case words[0] == "=:" && len(words) == 2:
stack.vars[words[1]] = stack.old_dist
fmt.Printf("%s ", words[1])
continue replForLoop
case words[0] == "=." && len(words) == 2:
stack.vars[words[1]] = stack.old_dist
fmt.Printf("%s ", words[1])
stack.old_dist = INIT_DIST
continue replForLoop
// fmt.Println()
// continue replForLoop
op, new_dist, err := parseLineIntoOpAndDist(new_line, stack.vars)
if err != nil {
continue replForLoop
stack = operateStackWithDist(stack, new_dist, op)
combined_dist, err := operateDists(stack.old_dist, new_dist, op)
if err == nil {
stack.old_dist = combined_dist
/* Main event loop */
func main() {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
stack := Stack{old_dist: INIT_DIST, vars: make(map[string]Dist)}
runRepl(stack, reader)

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@ -48,5 +48,4 @@ func PrettyPrint2Floats(low float64, high float64) {
fmt.Printf(" ")