/* This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) * Copyright (C) 2020 OzzieIsaacs * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* exported TableActions, RestrictionActions, EbookActions, responseHandler */ var selections = []; $(function() { $("#books-table").on("check.bs.table check-all.bs.table uncheck.bs.table uncheck-all.bs.table", function (e, rowsAfter, rowsBefore) { var rows = rowsAfter; if (e.type === "uncheck-all") { rows = rowsBefore; } var ids = $.map(!$.isArray(rows) ? [rows] : rows, function (row) { return row.id; }); var func = $.inArray(e.type, ["check", "check-all"]) > -1 ? "union" : "difference"; selections = window._[func](selections, ids); if (selections.length >= 2) { $("#merge_books").removeClass("disabled"); $("#merge_books").attr("aria-disabled", false); } else { $("#merge_books").addClass("disabled"); $("#merge_books").attr("aria-disabled", true); } if (selections.length < 1) { $("#delete_selection").addClass("disabled"); $("#delete_selection").attr("aria-disabled", true); } else{ $("#delete_selection").removeClass("disabled"); $("#delete_selection").attr("aria-disabled", false); } }); $("#delete_selection").click(function() { $("#books-table").bootstrapTable('uncheckAll'); }); $("#merge_confirm").click(function() { $.ajax({ method:"post", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/mergebooks", data: JSON.stringify({"Merge_books":selections}), success: function success() { $('#books-table').bootstrapTable('refresh'); $("#books-table").bootstrapTable('uncheckAll'); } }); }); $("#merge_books").click(function() { $.ajax({ method:"post", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/simulatemerge", data: JSON.stringify({"Merge_books":selections}), success: function success(book_titles) { $.each(book_titles.from, function(i, item) { $("<span>- " + item + "</span>").appendTo("#merge_from"); }); $('#merge_to').text("- " + book_titles.to); } }); }); var column = []; $("#books-table > thead > tr > th").each(function() { var element = {}; if ($(this).attr("data-edit")) { element = { editable: { mode: "inline", emptytext: "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span>", } }; } var validateText = $(this).attr("data-edit-validate"); if (validateText) { element.editable.validate = function (value) { if ($.trim(value) === "") return validateText; }; } column.push(element); }); $("#books-table").bootstrapTable({ sidePagination: "server", pagination: true, paginationLoop: false, paginationDetailHAlign: " hidden", paginationHAlign: "left", idField: "id", uniqueId: "id", search: true, showColumns: true, searchAlign: "left", showSearchButton : false, searchOnEnterKey: true, checkboxHeader: false, maintainMetaData: true, responseHandler: responseHandler, columns: column, formatNoMatches: function () { return ""; }, onEditableSave: function (field, row, oldvalue, $el) { if (field === 'title' || field === 'authors') { $.ajax({ method:"get", dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/sort_value/" + field + '/' + row.id, success: function success(data) { var key = Object.keys(data)[0] $("#books-table").bootstrapTable('updateCellByUniqueId', { id: row.id, field: key, value: data[key] }); console.log(data); } }); } }, onColumnSwitch: function (field, checked) { var visible = $("#books-table").bootstrapTable('getVisibleColumns'); var hidden = $("#books-table").bootstrapTable('getHiddenColumns'); var visibility =[] var st = "" visible.forEach(function(item) { st += "\""+ item.field + "\":\"" +"true"+ "\"," }); hidden.forEach(function(item) { st += "\""+ item.field + "\":\"" +"false"+ "\"," }); st = st.slice(0, -1); $.ajax({ method:"post", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/table_settings", data: "{" + st + "}", }); }, }); $("#domain_allow_submit").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $("#domain_add_allow").ajaxForm(); $(this).closest("form").submit(); $.ajax ({ method:"get", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/domainlist/1", async: true, timeout: 900, success:function(data) { $("#domain-allow-table").bootstrapTable("load", data); } }); }); $("#domain-allow-table").bootstrapTable({ formatNoMatches: function () { return ""; }, striped: false }); $("#domain_deny_submit").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $("#domain_add_deny").ajaxForm(); $(this).closest("form").submit(); $.ajax ({ method:"get", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/domainlist/0", async: true, timeout: 900, success:function(data) { $("#domain-deny-table").bootstrapTable("load", data); } }); }); $("#domain-deny-table").bootstrapTable({ formatNoMatches: function () { return ""; }, striped: false }); $("#btndeletedomain").click(function() { //get data-id attribute of the clicked element var domainId = $(this).data("domainId"); $.ajax({ method:"post", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/deletedomain", data: {"domainid":domainId} }); $("#DeleteDomain").modal("hide"); $.ajax({ method:"get", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/domainlist/1", async: true, timeout: 900, success:function(data) { $("#domain-allow-table").bootstrapTable("load", data); } }); $.ajax({ method:"get", url: window.location.pathname + "/../../ajax/domainlist/0", async: true, timeout: 900, success:function(data) { $("#domain-deny-table").bootstrapTable("load", data); } }); }); //triggered when modal is about to be shown $("#DeleteDomain").on("show.bs.modal", function(e) { //get data-id attribute of the clicked element and store in button var domainId = $(e.relatedTarget).data("domain-id"); $(e.currentTarget).find("#btndeletedomain").data("domainId", domainId); }); $("#restrictModal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { // Destroy table and remove hooks for buttons $("#restrict-elements-table").unbind(); $("#restrict-elements-table").bootstrapTable("destroy"); $("[id^=submit_]").unbind(); $("#h1").addClass("hidden"); $("#h2").addClass("hidden"); $("#h3").addClass("hidden"); $("#h4").addClass("hidden"); }); function startTable(type) { var pathname = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), src = pathname[pathname.length - 1].src; var path = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf("/")); $("#restrict-elements-table").bootstrapTable({ formatNoMatches: function () { return ""; }, url: path + "/../../ajax/listrestriction/" + type, rowStyle: function(row) { // console.log('Reihe :' + row + " Index :" + index); if (row.id.charAt(0) === "a") { return {classes: "bg-primary"}; } else { return {classes: "bg-dark-danger"}; } }, onClickCell: function (field, value, row) { if (field === 3) { $.ajax ({ type: "Post", data: "id=" + row.id + "&type=" + row.type + "&Element=" + encodeURIComponent(row.Element), url: path + "/../../ajax/deleterestriction/" + type, async: true, timeout: 900, success:function() { $.ajax({ method:"get", url: path + "/../../ajax/listrestriction/" + type, async: true, timeout: 900, success:function(data) { $("#restrict-elements-table").bootstrapTable("load", data); } }); } }); } }, striped: false }); $("#restrict-elements-table").removeClass("table-hover"); $("#restrict-elements-table").on("editable-save.bs.table", function (e, field, row) { $.ajax({ url: path + "/../../ajax/editrestriction/" + type, type: "Post", data: row }); }); $("[id^=submit_]").click(function() { $(this)[0].blur(); $.ajax({ url: path + "/../../ajax/addrestriction/" + type, type: "Post", data: $(this).closest("form").serialize() + "&" + $(this)[0].name + "=", success: function () { $.ajax ({ method:"get", url: path + "/../../ajax/listrestriction/" + type, async: true, timeout: 900, success:function(data) { $("#restrict-elements-table").bootstrapTable("load", data); } }); } }); return; }); } $("#get_column_values").on("click", function() { startTable(1); $("#h2").removeClass("hidden"); }); $("#get_tags").on("click", function() { startTable(0); $("#h1").removeClass("hidden"); }); $("#get_user_column_values").on("click", function() { startTable(3); $("#h4").removeClass("hidden"); }); $("#get_user_tags").on("click", function() { startTable(2); $(this)[0].blur(); $("#h3").removeClass("hidden"); }); }); /* Function for deleting domain restrictions */ function TableActions (value, row) { return [ "<a class=\"danger remove\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#DeleteDomain\" data-domain-id=\"" + row.id + "\" title=\"Remove\">", "<i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-trash\"></i>", "</a>" ].join(""); } /* Function for deleting domain restrictions */ function RestrictionActions (value, row) { return [ "<div class=\"danger remove\" data-restriction-id=\"" + row.id + "\" title=\"Remove\">", "<i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-trash\"></i>", "</div>" ].join(""); } /* Function for deleting books */ function EbookActions (value, row) { return [ "<div class=\"book-remove\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#deleteModal\" data-ajax=\"1\" data-delete-id=\"" + row.id + "\" title=\"Remove\">", "<i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-trash\"></i>", "</div>" ].join(""); } /* Function for keeping checked rows */ function responseHandler(res) { $.each(res.rows, function (i, row) { row.state = $.inArray(row.id, selections) !== -1; }); return res; }