/* * bytestream.js * * Provides readers for byte streams. * * Licensed under the MIT License * * Copyright(c) 2011 Google Inc. * Copyright(c) 2011 antimatter15 */ var bitjs = bitjs || {}; bitjs.io = bitjs.io || {}; /** * This object allows you to peek and consume bytes as numbers and strings out * of a stream. More bytes can be pushed into the back of the stream via the * push() method. */ bitjs.io.ByteStream = class { /** * @param {ArrayBuffer} ab The ArrayBuffer object. * @param {number=} opt_offset The offset into the ArrayBuffer * @param {number=} opt_length The length of this BitStream */ constructor(ab, opt_offset, opt_length) { if (!(ab instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { throw 'Error! BitArray constructed with an invalid ArrayBuffer object'; } const offset = opt_offset || 0; const length = opt_length || ab.byteLength; /** * The current page of bytes in the stream. * @type {Uint8Array} * @private */ this.bytes = new Uint8Array(ab, offset, length); /** * The next pages of bytes in the stream. * @type {Array<Uint8Array>} * @private */ this.pages_ = []; /** * The byte in the current page that we will read next. * @type {Number} * @private */ this.ptr = 0; /** * An ever-increasing number. * @type {Number} * @private */ this.bytesRead_ = 0; } /** * Returns how many bytes have been read in the stream since the beginning of time. */ getNumBytesRead() { return this.bytesRead_; } /** * Returns how many bytes are currently in the stream left to be read. */ getNumBytesLeft() { const bytesInCurrentPage = (this.bytes.byteLength - this.ptr); return this.pages_.reduce((acc, arr) => acc + arr.length, bytesInCurrentPage); } /** * Move the pointer ahead n bytes. If the pointer is at the end of the current array * of bytes and we have another page of bytes, point at the new page. This is a private * method, no validation is done. * @param {number} n Number of bytes to increment. * @private */ movePointer_(n) { this.ptr += n; this.bytesRead_ += n; while (this.ptr >= this.bytes.length && this.pages_.length > 0) { this.ptr -= this.bytes.length; this.bytes = this.pages_.shift(); } } /** * Peeks at the next n bytes as an unsigned number but does not advance the * pointer. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to peek at. Must be a positive integer. * @return {number} The n bytes interpreted as an unsigned number. */ peekNumber(n) { const num = parseInt(n, 10); if (n !== num || num < 0) { throw 'Error! Called peekNumber() with a non-positive integer'; } else if (num === 0) { return 0; } if (n > 4) { throw 'Error! Called peekNumber(' + n + ') but this method can only reliably read numbers up to 4 bytes long'; } if (this.getNumBytesLeft() < num) { throw 'Error! Overflowed the byte stream while peekNumber()! n=' + num + ', ptr=' + this.ptr + ', bytes.length=' + this.getNumBytesLeft(); } let result = 0; let curPage = this.bytes; let pageIndex = 0; let ptr = this.ptr; for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i) { result |= (curPage[ptr++] << (i * 8)); if (ptr >= curPage.length) { curPage = this.pages_[pageIndex++]; ptr = 0; } } return result; } /** * Returns the next n bytes as an unsigned number (or -1 on error) * and advances the stream pointer n bytes. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to read. Must be a positive integer. * @return {number} The n bytes interpreted as an unsigned number. */ readNumber(n) { const num = this.peekNumber(n); this.movePointer_(n); return num; } /** * Returns the next n bytes as a signed number but does not advance the * pointer. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to read. Must be a positive integer. * @return {number} The bytes interpreted as a signed number. */ peekSignedNumber(n) { let num = this.peekNumber(n); const HALF = Math.pow(2, (n * 8) - 1); const FULL = HALF * 2; if (num >= HALF) num -= FULL; return num; } /** * Returns the next n bytes as a signed number and advances the stream pointer. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to read. Must be a positive integer. * @return {number} The bytes interpreted as a signed number. */ readSignedNumber(n) { const num = this.peekSignedNumber(n); this.movePointer_(n); return num; } /** * This returns n bytes as a sub-array, advancing the pointer if movePointers * is true. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to read. Must be a positive integer. * @param {boolean} movePointers Whether to move the pointers. * @return {Uint8Array} The subarray. */ peekBytes(n, movePointers) { const num = parseInt(n, 10); if (n !== num || num < 0) { throw 'Error! Called peekBytes() with a non-positive integer'; } else if (num === 0) { return new Uint8Array(); } const totalBytesLeft = this.getNumBytesLeft(); if (num > totalBytesLeft) { throw 'Error! Overflowed the byte stream during peekBytes! n=' + num + ', ptr=' + this.ptr + ', bytes.length=' + this.getNumBytesLeft(); } const result = new Uint8Array(num); let curPage = this.bytes; let ptr = this.ptr; let bytesLeftToCopy = num; let pageIndex = 0; while (bytesLeftToCopy > 0) { const bytesLeftInPage = curPage.length - ptr; const sourceLength = Math.min(bytesLeftToCopy, bytesLeftInPage); result.set(curPage.subarray(ptr, ptr + sourceLength), num - bytesLeftToCopy); ptr += sourceLength; if (ptr >= curPage.length) { curPage = this.pages_[pageIndex++]; ptr = 0; } bytesLeftToCopy -= sourceLength; } if (movePointers) { this.movePointer_(num); } return result; } /** * Reads the next n bytes as a sub-array. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to read. Must be a positive integer. * @return {Uint8Array} The subarray. */ readBytes(n) { return this.peekBytes(n, true); } /** * Peeks at the next n bytes as an ASCII string but does not advance the pointer. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to peek at. Must be a positive integer. * @return {string} The next n bytes as a string. */ peekString(n) { const num = parseInt(n, 10); if (n !== num || num < 0) { throw 'Error! Called peekString() with a non-positive integer'; } else if (num === 0) { return ''; } const totalBytesLeft = this.getNumBytesLeft(); if (num > totalBytesLeft) { throw 'Error! Overflowed the byte stream while peekString()! n=' + num + ', ptr=' + this.ptr + ', bytes.length=' + this.getNumBytesLeft(); } let result = new Array(num); let curPage = this.bytes; let pageIndex = 0; let ptr = this.ptr; for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i) { result[i] = String.fromCharCode(curPage[ptr++]); if (ptr >= curPage.length) { curPage = this.pages_[pageIndex++]; ptr = 0; } } return result.join(''); } /** * Returns the next n bytes as an ASCII string and advances the stream pointer * n bytes. * @param {number} n The number of bytes to read. Must be a positive integer. * @return {string} The next n bytes as a string. */ readString(n) { const strToReturn = this.peekString(n); this.movePointer_(n); return strToReturn; } /** * Feeds more bytes into the back of the stream. * @param {ArrayBuffer} ab */ push(ab) { if (!(ab instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { throw 'Error! ByteStream.push() called with an invalid ArrayBuffer object'; } this.pages_.push(new Uint8Array(ab)); // If the pointer is at the end of the current page of bytes, this will advance // to the next page. this.movePointer_(0); } /** * Creates a new ByteStream from this ByteStream that can be read / peeked. * @return {bitjs.io.ByteStream} A clone of this ByteStream. */ tee() { const clone = new bitjs.io.ByteStream(this.bytes.buffer); clone.bytes = this.bytes; clone.ptr = this.ptr; clone.pages_ = this.pages_.slice(); clone.bytesRead_ = this.bytesRead_; return clone; } }