class EpubParser { constructor(filesList) { this.files = filesList; this.parser = new DOMParser(); this.opfXml = this.getOPFXml(); } getTextByteLength() { let size = 0; for (let key of Object.keys(this.files)) { let file = this.files[key]; if ("html")) { console.log(" "+file._data.uncompressedSize) size += file._data.uncompressedSize; } } return size; } /** * @param {string} filename name of the file in filelist * @return {string} string representation of decompressed bytes */ decompress(filename) { return pako.inflate(this.files[filename]._data.compressedContent, {raw: true, to: "string"}); } getOPFXml() { let content = this.decompress("META-INF/container.xml"); let xml = this.parser.parseFromString(content, "text/xml"); let path = xml.getElementsByTagName("rootfile")[0].getAttribute("full-path"); this.opfDir = path.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"); return this.parser.parseFromString(this.decompress(path), "text/xml"); } getSpine() { return Array.from(this.opfXml.getElementsByTagName("spine")[0].children).map(node => node.getAttribute("idref")); } /** resolves an idref in content.opf to its file */ resolveIDref(idref) { return this.opfXml.getElementById(idref).getAttribute("href"); } /** * returns absolute path from path relative to content.opf * @param path */ absPath(path) { if (this.opfDir) { return [this.opfDir, path].join("/"); } else { return path; } } /** returns the sum of the bytesize of all html files that are located before it in the spine @param {string} currentFile idref of the current file, also part of the CFI, e.g. here: #epubcfi(/6/2[titlepage]!/4/1:0) it would be "titlepage" */ getPreviousFilesSize(currentFile) { let bytesize = 0; for (let file of this.getSpine()) { if (file !== currentFile) { let filepath = this.absPath(this.resolveIDref(file)); //ignore non text files if (filepath.endsWith("html")) { console.log(filepath+" "+bytesize) bytesize += this.files[filepath]._data.uncompressedSize; } } else { break } } return bytesize; } }