# sybase/mxodbc.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2013 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file> # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """ .. dialect:: sybase+mxodbc :name: mxODBC :dbapi: mxodbc :connectstring: sybase+mxodbc://<username>:<password>@<dsnname> :url: http://www.egenix.com/ .. note:: This dialect is a stub only and is likely non functional at this time. """ from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseDialect from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseExecutionContext from sqlalchemy.connectors.mxodbc import MxODBCConnector class SybaseExecutionContext_mxodbc(SybaseExecutionContext): pass class SybaseDialect_mxodbc(MxODBCConnector, SybaseDialect): execution_ctx_cls = SybaseExecutionContext_mxodbc dialect = SybaseDialect_mxodbc